Address of his Excellency the Governor-General of Canada, on the subject of the relations between the Dominion Government and British Columbia, in respect to the Canadian Pacific Railway : delivered at Government House, Victoria, Sept. 20th, 1876 to a dep

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DC Title
Address of his Excellency the Governor-General of Canada, on the subject of the relations between the Dominion Government and British Columbia, in respect to the Canadian Pacific Railway : delivered at Government House, Victoria, Sept. 20th, 1876 to a deputation of the reception committee. --
British Columbia
DC Date
DC Creator
Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Temple Blackwood,Marquis of,1826-1902
Canada.Governor General
British Columbia
DC Publisher
Victoria, B.C. : printed by Richard Wolfenden, government Printer,
DC Type
DC Description
Catalogue record made available by the British Columbia Legislative Library.
Marjorie Holmes bibliography document scanned by LLBC.
DC Subject
Canadian Pacific Railway Company
Railroads British Columbia.
Railroads Canada
Federal-provincial relations Canada