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Displaying 241 - 255 of 5636 results
British Columbia.Forest Practices Board

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British Columbia

… Board … Cover title. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … of B.C. forests. ■ Government moving towards performance-based regulation and professional reliance. ■ Consumer … A redesigned Board role in the context of a results-based Code, greater reliance on professionals and industry …

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British Columbia.Forest Practices Board

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British Columbia

… and the audit findings. The Report from the Auditor is based on the audit procedures described in Part B of this … Audits on Nisga’a lands determine compliance with the Code based on criteria derived from the Forest Practices Code of … was limited to an assessment of Skeena’s fire-preparedness plan and fire-preparedness measures at active work sites. …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_359139_final_nisgaa_rpt

British Columbia, British Columbia.Provincial Emergency Program, British Columbia.Ministry of Health, British Columbia.Office of the Provincial Health Officer, British Columbia.Emergency Preparedness Program., British Columbia.Public Affairs Bureau

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British Columbia

… British Columbia pandemic influenza consequence management plan, 2003. -- … British Columbia Pandemic Influenza … Pandemic Management Stages 21 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 22 Finance 22 Expenditure Control 22 Inventory Control 23 … the strategy. Numerous other ministries provide support based on their assigned emergency response functions. …

Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia

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British Columbia

… trustees British Columbia Periodicals. … Service delivery plan / Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia. -- … The Honourable Geoff Plant Attorney General Pursuant to s.22 (3) of the Public Guardian and Trustee Act, I have the … increased income for seniors was attributed to employment-based pension plans. The proportion of low-income seniors has …

Elko Water Use Plan Consultative Committee (Canada), B.C. Hydro

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British Columbia

… Elko Water Use Plan Consultative Committee (Canada) … B.C. Hydro … Cover … these objectives would be through professional judgment based on the available information. Two research studies were … $14,500 for the Habitat Maintenance Flow Study; and $22,500 for the Headpond Drawdown Study. See Appendix C for …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_367005_elko_xsumm

British Columbia.Environmental Stewardship Division

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British Columbia

… Sun-Oka Beach Provincial Park purpose statement and zoning plan. … "February 2003" … Available on the Internet. … … … Sun-Oka Provincial Park purpose statement and zoning plan. -- … 1 2 SUN-OKA BEACH PROVINCIAL PARK Purpose Statement and Zoning Plan Sun-Oka Beach Park is located south of Summerland on …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_364165_sun_oka

British Columbia.Dispute Resolution Office.

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British Columbia

… 2.5 Comparison with Section 22 Mediations under the CFCSA … content – qualitative feedback about the FPMP process based on interviews with a sample of social workers, parents, … the Ministry may disagree with the adequacy of a family’s plan to ensure a safe environment for a child. 2.4 STEPS …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_366935_surrey_court_final

Alberta. Dept. of Health and Wellness. Comprehensive Health Workforce Planning Committee.

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… - Alberta. … Provincial comprehensive health workforce plan / Appendices … Comprehensive Health Workforce Plan: … input on these reports was solicited in September 2002. Based on discussions on health workforce issues and health … Comprehensive Health Workforce Planning Committee 22 July 2003 IV. Utilization 1. “Change is needed in the way …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA92099

British Columbia.Offshore Oil and Gas Team

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British Columbia

… listing title: British Columbia Oil and Gas Team project plan A & B. … Available on the Internet. … "May 2003." … … … British Columbia Offshore Oil and Gas Team : project plan. -- … British Columbia Offshore Oil and Gas Team Project … 6. Any offshore regulatory regime must be results based and deal with fiscal, environmental, operational and …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_362279_may03projectplan

Alberta. Dept. of Community Development. Parks and Protected Areas Division, issuing body.

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… Lougheed / Spray Valley provincial parks draft management plan … PETER LOUGHEED/SPRAY VALLEY PROVINCIAL PARKS DRAFT … 6.3 HERITAGE APPRECIATION ……………………………………………………………………………22 6.4 HERITAGE TOURISM………………..………………………………………………………………...22 … and objectives for these protected areas, an ecosystem-based approach will be used in their management. 2.2 SYSTEM …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA91656

British Columbia.Financial Institutions Commission, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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British Columbia

… … Continued by BC Financial Services Authority. Service plan. … Printed from the Internet. … [Victoria, B.C.] : … - 2005/2006 7 INTERNAL CHALLENGES Transition to Risk-Based Regulation Like many other financial services … (OSFI), FICOM has committed to implementing a risk-based regulatory model and moving away from a traditional …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_358732_service_pln_2003_06

Innovation and Science Council of British Columbia

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British Columbia

… a revision of the Science Council Act. Cf. Annual service plan report 2002/2003 … As of September 2004 the Innovation … technology, energy, ocean/marine sectors, and resource-based industries continue to be important sectors in the BC … of advice/ recommendations provided to government (briefing/ advisory notes/special reports) 7 57 4 4 4 4 Event …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_363207_iscbc_asp_2003_04

British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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British Columbia

… … Available on the Internet. … News release : forest plan to open up opportunities, boost economy -- Backgrounder … in timber harvesting -- Backgrounder : community-based forest management -- Backgrounder : opening up new … (1 of 2) [4/30/2003 2:51:22 PM] Ministry of Forests Memorandum Media contact: Mike …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_360486_contracts

Peace Water Use Plan Committee (Canada), B.C. Hydro

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British Columbia

… Peace Water Use Plan Committee (Canada) … B.C. Hydro … Cover title. … "A … and Alta.) … Committee report : Peace River water use plan / prepared on behalf of the Peace River Water Use Plan … alternatives were developed for the Williston Reservoir based on a variable operating rule to determine a minimum …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_404079_environment30826

Nanaimo Estuary Management Plan Steering Committee (Canada), British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management., Canada.Environment Canada

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British Columbia

… Nanaimo Estuary Management Plan Steering Committee (Canada) … British Columbia.Ministry … … Cover title. … Running title: Nanaimo Estuary Management Plan, draft July 16, 2003. … Steering Committee includes … Nanaimo River Estuary (B.C.) … Nanaimo Estuary Management Plan. -- Eelgrass … … pubdocs_bcdocs_365051_map06 … British …

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