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British Columbia.Legislative Library

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British Columbia

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Alberta. Dept. of Social Services and Community Health. Office For the Prevention of Family Violence, issuing body.

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… for they shall be called the sons of God." GALATIANS 5:22,23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, … first sees you, maybe all she's willing to do is to make a plan for the future. Take time with her to make a plan: extra … of the abuse and suggest treatment approaches. In his book. Men Who Rape, Nicholas Groth discusses the myths and …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA87790

Manitoba.Public Utilities Board.97238.

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… Act, and The Highways Protection Act. … Description based on: No. 1/86 (Jan. 6, 1986) … CURRENT EDITION: No. … … Manitoba … Board orders. … M A N I T O B A ) Order No. 22/03 ) ) THE PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD ACT ) February 19, 2003 … Sales Rate of $9.95/Gj. The current sales rate is based on an average delivered price of $6.60/Gj, and a …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107423626AE

Manitoba.Law Enforcement Review Agency.98831.

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… on the following two complaints: Review#1(d) and (e) 22 #1(b) The son complained that a tactical officer who had … favour of the officers who had made a motion of dismissal based on their contention that there was no evidence that any … reasonable or probable grounds Subsection 29(a)(i) 20 22 24 20 17 Using unnecessary or excessive force Subsection …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107411287G

Manitoba.Law Enforcement Review Agency.98831.

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… 10 1996 Statistical Report - Data Tables 14 Data Analysis 22 Conclusions and Recommendations 26 Acknowledgments 28 … Sex Male 98(78%) 77(73%) 53(65%) 55(68%) 73(77%) Female 28(22%) 28(27%) 29(35%) 26(32%) 22(23%) Age Over 50 11 (9%) 9 (9%) 8(10%) 5 (6%) 7 (7%) 40 - …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107411287W

British Columbia.Geological Survey Branch, British Columbia.Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia.Coal Task Force

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British Columbia

… 8%) 2%) Dry FC, 78% or more and less than 86% (dry VM, 22% or less and more than Dry FC, 69% or more and less than … Classification System, the first subdivision is based on caking property, which in broad terms reflects the … Classification System, the second subdivision is based on cokingproperty, Test and the Gray-King Assay can be …

Manitoba.Law Enforcement Review Agency.98831.

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… Year 39(30%) 58(48%) Table 3 Complainant Demographics (Based on complaints requiring full investigation) 1993 (n=81) … 1992 (n=95) Sex Male 55 (68%) 73 (77%) Female 26 (32%) 22 (23%) Age Over 50 5 ( 6%) 7 ( 7%) 40 - 50 18 (22%) 17 … vast majority of arrests have proven to be legal, and were based on reasonable and probable grounds. I n most complaints …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107411287Z

Manitoba.Public Utilities Board.97238.

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… Act, and The Highways Protection Act. … Description based on: No. 1/86 (Jan. 6, 1986) … CURRENT EDITION: No. … GAS-YEAR QUARTER 1.0 Background In interim ex-parte Order 22/03, dated February 19, 2003, the Public Utilities Board … Rate of $11.75/Gigajoule (“Gj”). The current sales rate is based on an average delivered price of $8.00/Gj, and a …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107423626AB

Manitoba.Manitoba Agriculture.Economics Branch., Manitoba.Manitoba Agriculture.Program & Policy Analysis Branch., Manitoba.Manitoba Agriculture and Food.Program & Policy Analysis.

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… (1 of 2) [2002-10-22 9:29:22 AM] Agricultural Trade● IMPACT OF AGRICULTURE ON THE … corn annually. Establishment of the plant at Gimli was based on the availability of high quality and abundant …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107408320

British Columbia.Geological Division, British Columbia.Geological Branch, British Columbia.Geological Survey Branch, British Columbia.Geosciences, Research and Development Branch, British Columbia.Mining and Minerals Division, British Columbia.Dept. of Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia.Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia.Ministry of Employment and Investment, British Columbia.Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests, Mines and Lands, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, British Columbia.Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation, British Columbia.Mines, Competitiveness, and Authorizations Division, Geoscience BC

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British Columbia

Manitoba.Public Utilities Board.97238.

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… Act, and The Highways Protection Act. … Description based on: No. 1/86 (Jan. 6, 1986) … CURRENT EDITION: No. … The calculations for the revised forecast cost of gas based on a purchase of 77,440 Gjs is appended as Schedule B … to purchases, and the payment for transportation is based on 2% less volume than is purchased, and therefore …

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Manitoba.Public Utilities Board.97238.

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… Act, and The Highways Protection Act. … Description based on: No. 1/86 (Jan. 6, 1986) … CURRENT EDITION: No. … and delivery charges, is $5.535 per GJ, and was based on the market strip as at October 3, 2003. The $10.33 … comments to be forwarded to the Board’s office was January 22, 2004. The Board did not receive any comments in respect …

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Manitoba.Public Utilities Board.97238.

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… Act, and The Highways Protection Act. … Description based on: No. 1/86 (Jan. 6, 1986) … CURRENT EDITION: No. … The Board recognizes that the current commodity rate is based on an existing commodity cost of gas which is … and represented the least average unit cost to customers based on current market forecasts. The SaskEnergy - 4 - …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107423626AI

Manitoba.Law Enforcement Review Agency.98831.

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… Male 53(65%) 55(68%) 73(77%) Female 29(35%) 26(32%) 22(23%) Age Over 50 8(10%) 5 (6%) 7 (7%) 40 - 49 17(21%) … increases in public complaints should not be inferred based on this data alone. This finding will be tracked over … the low number of complaints that allege police misconduct based on discrimination. This suggests that Manitoba's …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107411287Y

Manitoba.Law Enforcement Review Agency.98831.

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… problems that may arise from time time. The process is based on legislation that protects the civil and legal rights … 53(65%) 55(68%) 73(77%) Female 28(27%) 29(35%) 26(32%) 22(23%) Age Over 50 9 (9%) 8(10%) 5 (6%) 7 (7%) 40 - 49 … the officer on the scene some discretion to make decisions based on his or her experience is an essential element of …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107411287X