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Displaying 586 - 600 of 661 results
Québec (Province)

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… et bains publics. S. R. 1964, c. 149, a. 2; 1966-67, c. 22, a. 26; 1971, c. 48, a. 161. 1 . Les mots «propriétaires … au moyen d’un mécanisme approuvé. S. R. 1964, c. 149, a. 22. 2 3 . Un ou plusieurs ventilateurs incombustibles doivent … a. 42; 1968, c. 43, a. 17. Les articles 2, 14, 17, 21, 22 et 24 de la présente loi seront remplacés à compter du 1" …

View Catalogue Information - qql5201_336

British Columbia.Division of Venereal Disease Control

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British Columbia

… ................... . 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 8 10 ll ll 12 12 13 14 22 33 34 34 34 34 35 35 36 Table L - 2 STATISTICAL SECTION … in venereal disease control in the Province. An exchange plan was initiated whereby public health nurses in the field … experience for a three month period. The benefit of this plan is obvious. Unfortunately personnel shortages made it …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_319831_1941

Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture, issuing body.

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… of the Director of Extension Extension Relief Settlement Plan Report of the Director of Junior Work Report on the Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Plan Report of the District Agriculturist Service Report of … ac t t he p ub lis he r f or th e or ig in al v er si on . 22 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE observed over most of Alberta …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA85056

British Columbia Government Travel Bureau, British Columbia.Dept. of Trade and Industry.

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British Columbia

… a full description of the land and enclose a sketch-plan; the description and plan to be in duplicate. The applicant is also to make a …

British Columbia Energy Commission, British Columbia.Energy Resources Branch.Analysis and Forecasting Division., British Columbia.Energy Resources Branch.Forecasts and Special Projects Division., British Columbia.Energy Resources Division.Forecasts and Special Projects Branch.

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British Columbia

… in future years in order that there can be a coordinated plan between government and its agencies to ensure an …

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture

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British Columbia

… the farm manager, in making sound management decisions based on certain economic alternatives or conditions such as …

Québec (Province)

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… à à) F ixer le site de ces entrepôts; b) Établir un plan d’am énagem ent des entrepôts qu’il construit ou qu’il …

View Catalogue Information - qql5201_159

Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture. Poultry Branch, issuing body.

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View Catalogue Information - ALTA85077

British Columbia.Archaeological Sites Advisory Board, British Columbia.Heritage Conservation Branch, British Columbia.Heritage Conservation Branch.Archaeology Division, Provincial Archaeologist's Office of British Columbia

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British Columbia

… toric Sites and Monuments Advisory Board. Her outstanding book, British Columbia: A History, is a model provin- cial … central opening above the fire hearth via a stepped log. Plan view of a pithouse showing stages of construction. … Chinese-Canadian culture, until today new directions are based on an ethnic identity rather than exclusively cultural …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330247_vol_3_no_2

Québec (Province)

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… professions. S. R . 1964, c . 262 , a. 27; 1973, c. 60, a. 22. 2 3 . 1. L es poursu ites pour le recouvrem ent des am … ou «engineering», sou s les peines prévues à l’article 22. C ette d isp osition n e s’applique pas aux corporations … a. 14 15-21 15 - 21 Section V Abrogée 1973, c. 60, a. 21 22- 26 Abrogés 1973, c. 60, a. 21 Section VI Section V 27 22

View Catalogue Information - qql5201_193

Alberta. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary, issuing body.

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… of the Provincial Secretary, issuing body. … Description based on: 1959 … Library has digitized 1924-1967 … … REPORTS AND THEIR 6 ' V THE TWELVE MONTH PERIOD FROM .‘.Plan 1, 1940, .3 miL.w- o„,ru_-_ Columbia - : pire - _rst …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA85055

British Columbia.Provincial Library, Provincial Archives of British Columbia

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British Columbia

… 1901/02; 1907; 1909; 1915/16; 1919;1920; 1921; 1921/22; 1923/24; 1924/25; 1925/26; 1926/27; 1930; 1931; 1932; … is· as varied and diversified as the material in the book collection, but has the advantage of being more up to …

British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Information Services Branch., British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Central Information Services., British Columbia.Ministry of Education and Ministry Responsible for Multiculturalism and Human Rights.

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British Columbia

… Secretary-Treasurer .................. F. Donald Ross - 22 - SCHOOL DISTRICTS (contd.) KAMLOOPS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. … R. W. Ovenden \mRNON SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 22, Box 1030, Vernon, B.C. VlT 6N2 Telephone: 542-3331 …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_73684_1978

Québec (Province)

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… spécia­ lisé (chapitre E-10). S. R. 1964, c. 155, a. 22; 1973, c. 59, a. 23. BUREAU DES SOUMISSIONS 2 3 . Le …

View Catalogue Information - qql5201_212

Québec (Province)

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… de trente jours prévu à l’article 20. 1972, c. 19, a. 22; 1975, c. 14, a. 99. 2 3 . À l’expiration du délai prévu à … d’exercer le doit de préemption visé à l’article 22. L’aliénation doit cependant être notifiée par écrit au … pour chaque arrondissement historique ou naturel un plan de sauvegarde et de mise en valeur; g) déterminer les …

View Catalogue Information - qql5201_44