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Displaying 1 - 15 of 56 results
British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

Flag -
British Columbia

… will be exhausted within the next tvo or three years, based on the 1932 rate of extraeti”“.” The ““““al reI)ort of … :/ / / :/:j ~:; /I /;;/:/, i/i:i:i:,::::i:l:i:,ii A21 - A 22 REPORT 06 THE M INISTER O F M INES, 1932. : : ., ., i .,, … creek. The drill-holes on which these operations are based are located beyond this second reef. During the season …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_349494_ar_1932

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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British Columbia

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_349494_ar_1892

Alberta. Dept. of Education, issuing body.

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… Jan. 5th .... 87 7-8 6 Geo. Childs 4577 ,Jan. 8th .... 55 22-23 4 L. C. Rocque 4578 Jan. 13th .... 73-74 '1-8 5 H. … 6th .... 45-46 16-17 4 C. Omoe 4582 Feb. 6th .... 60-61 22-23 4 w. Flood 4583 Feb. 19th ... 62 9-10 4 Jos. H . Good … of Schools Practice Teaching School Attendance Act School-book Branch School Buildings School Fairs Secondary Education …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA84645

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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British Columbia

… Office 9,336 00 Total $190,558 33 The cost of each pupil based on enrolment was $16.57, and on average daily … F DURING T H E Y E A R 1892-93. 1 2 1 11 5 2 8 10 19 8 55 22 98 Teacher a t $125 120 115 II 100 90 • 85 80 i 75 i 70 i … the difference between a register and a recitation record book, or who cannot make out correctly the monthly and yearly …

Nova Scotia.Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries

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Nova Scotia

… Nova Scotia. Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries … Business plan / Nova Scotia Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries. … …

View Catalogue Information - NS1000000803

British Columbia Entomological Society

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British Columbia

… B. C.-E. R. Buckell...................................... 22 Further Notes on Rhyncocephalus sackeni-G. J. Spencer 25 … I. .l\.1cTaggart-Cowan Book lice infesting British Columbia homes …

Alberta. Office of the Superintendent of Insurance, issuing body.

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… on deposit with the Government of the Province of Alberta. Book Value. Market Value. City of Calgary School Board … .-.. . .$ 53,270.00 . 43,420.00 299.92 .$ 3,225.66 . 22,202.82 -- 25,428.48 . 940.78 . .■ 13,040.54 .HHWL.. … nil. Total amount in force divided as to dividend plan: Annual, $159,633. Quinquennial, $668,466. Deferred, …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA84643

British Columbia.Lands Service

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British Columbia

… a t Fernie 150.00 5 lots a t Wal te rs Island 135.00 And 22 lots in various other townsites 790.00 Total $3,190.00 … ties to cadas t ra l surveys, file number, field-book and plan references. At the close of the year, 185 of …

British Columbia.Soil Survey Branch, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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British Columbia

… 1926 101 - 4 16.31 40$20 20.33 1927 95 -19 20.01 62.15 26.22 1928 96 - 6 11.52 35.00 15 .. 02 1929 99 -13 9.19 47.10 … -, c 0 0 Dec. ~ 2~.2 ~ 35 18 ; 2.55~4.79 ~ 0.58 JaD• ~ 22.2 ; 29 10 ~ 1.91~3.93 ~ 0.38 E.§}2..:;_ ____ 1.~..!..Q_.£ … 59: 2.87: 2.00 . 1.39 .. 6 .. 18 .. 2.38: 2.63 0 2.37 :26.22 . . . . . . 192 ... 1.48 . 0 .. 22 . 2.13 " Oo70 , .. 1. …

British Columbia, British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Council of Public Instruction.

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British Columbia

… elected at that election shall respectively hold office 22 Annual election of trustees. Polling-place. ~'erm of … the annual voters' list for the municipality Qualification based , , , on payment of tux for 1933, or for any subsequent …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_345135_1932

British Columbia.Royal Commissioners Appointed to Inquire into the Conduct of the Affairs of the Municipal Council of Victoria, Begbie, Matthew B.(Matthew Baillie),Sir,1819-1894, Drake, M. W. T.(Montague William Tyrwhitt)

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British Columbia

… . 1,300 00 13,137 33 17,543 50 19,366 40 19,744 22 19,428 91 22,396 35 25,044 10 29,514 00 69,997 95 38,663 43 41,785 18 … in the accounts of the year 1890, the large sum of $22,727 appears, exclusive of salaries and water works; 498 …

British Columbia Fruit Growers Association., British Columbia Fruit Growers Association.

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British Columbia

… Report of the special committee named to examine into the plan suggested by D. Godfrey-Isaacs. -- … REPORT 0 F D. G 0 D …

Ontario.Ontario Fish and Game Commission., MacCallum, G.A.,chairman.

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… any of the following fishes ? State spawning times. 22 2. Do you know of any other Ontario fish ? If so, name … Clerk. Louis J. Consolles, Patent Agent. W. P. Batterton, Book-keeper. P. A. McDougall, Physician. A. H. Johnston, … Fee, Farmer. Chas. Spillsbury, Gentleman. R. H. Hopkins, Book-keeper. J. W. Wallace, Manufacturer. J. Woods, …

View Catalogue Information - ONT15431

British Columbia.Soil Survey Branch, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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British Columbia

… 90 .. 00 • 18 .. 75 .. 0 .. 1920 .. 101 -11 17"34 52.25 " 22.57 .. " 1921 < 94 ' -12 ~ 9 .. 84 . 86 .. 75 18.52 0 • 0 • … 50 " 83.75 18 .. 87 • .. . 1923 " 94 ~ -13 13.87 0 82.00 22.0? • . 1924 103 . -16 0 10.60 . 65.25 . l?.12 . ~ . • 1925 … . 73.90 Q 21.08 "' . • . . 1928 0 101 . - 8 . 9 .. 36 0 22.50 • ll.61 0 . • 0 • 1929 Q 98 0 -18 . 12 .. 34 40 .. 00 0 …

British Columbia.Soil Survey Branch, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

Flag -
British Columbia

… . ., 21 0 491.4 p 3.6 0 145.0 . ·' ~ 0 640,0 .. 'I . . a ? 22 0 92 .. 3 39 .. 4 c " l80 .. 9 ~ 0 ~ 3Jt2 ~ 6 0 ; 0 p . 23 … 3 & /-..1203) Insoluble in acid Profile Pit 1'i3_7 7.1 0.22% 0.12 00.24 1.20 17.40 67080 B-1 906 Oo05% Ool3 0.14 2 .. …