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Displaying 1996 - 2010 of 2046 results
Ontario.Ministère de l'éducation.Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie, Lynch, Jacqueline., Alsop, Steve.

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… des élèves6. Les accompagnants peuvent établir un plan pour le personnel enseignant, mais il incombe à celui-ci … et de la numératie, 2006, p. 23-24. 2. Russo, A. School-based coaching: A revolution in professional development – or …

View Catalogue Information - ONT275561

Ontario.Office of the Chief Election Officer

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… of presenting election information only. This is not a plan of survey. Not to be reproduced without express written …

View Catalogue Information - ONT276557A

Ontario.Ministère de l'éducation.Secrétariat de la littératie et de la numératie.

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View Catalogue Information - ONT281361

Ontario.Enquête publique sur Cornwall.

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… différences profondes existaient à travers le pays sur le plan des réponses des différents territoires et provinces aux … menace; toutefois, des différences semblent exister sur le plan des restrictions au partage légal d’informations avec …

View Catalogue Information - ONT286741

Ontario.Landlord and Tenant Board

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… or remedies than you request. The most the Board can order based on this application is $10,000. Once the Board issues … schedule the hearing. The Board also needs to know how you plan to give the application package to the landlord. Shade …

View Catalogue Information - ONT270915

Ontario.Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ontario Power Authority, Canada.Dept. of Natural Resources

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… Indoor Light Fixtures High Efficacy luminaires using pin based CFL. $25 each Check against US ENERGY STAR list for …

View Catalogue Information - ONT271147

Ontario.Office of the Chief Election Officer

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… of presenting election information only. This is not a plan of survey. Not to be reproduced without express written …

View Catalogue Information - ONT276525A

Ontario.Landlord and Tenant Board

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… in writing to the Board. An adjudicator makes a decision based on these documents without holding a meeting between … decrease in taxes for the complex by 20%. The formula is based on the assumption that landlords of residential … schedule the hearing. The Board also needs to know how you plan to give the application package to the other party(ies). …

View Catalogue Information - ONT270871

Ontario Legislature Internship Programme, Lagerquist, Jason, Canadian Political Science Association

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… Before proceeding with a more empirically-based study of the Ontario Legislature, it seems appropriate … University of Toronto Press, 1997: 71. 4 This number is based upon the 1999 census conducted by Statistics Canada. 5 … 15 years, well before Queen’s Park began to diversify.” Based on this analysis, it seems reasonable to expect some …

View Catalogue Information - ONT274734

Ontario.Assemblée des citoyens sur la réforme électorale.

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… occupent 129 sièges à l’Assemblée législative. En ajoutant 22 sièges au total1, le nouveau système réalise la … législative s’élèvera à 129. En ajoutant un total de 22 sièges, le nouveau système réalise la proportionnalité et … deux votes UNE NOUVELLE FAÇON DE VOTER EN ONTARIO 22 QUESTIONS ET RÉPONSES Qu’arrive-t-il si les partis …

View Catalogue Information - ONT273543

Ontario.Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

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… 2007 | site principal | commentaires | recherche | plan du site | english| Accueil | À l'avant-plan | Ressources pour les municipalités | Au sujet du … 0 Électricité 370 457 534 601 0 Les deux 402 494 582 659 0 22 TABLEAU DES FACTEURS DE LOYER DE 2008 - MAISONS EN RANGÉE …

View Catalogue Information - ONT279024A

Ontario.Landlord and Tenant Board

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… not paying rent. The compensation is a daily amount and is based on the rent the subtenant was paying. You cannot … The Board will calculate the daily compensation amount based on the information you provide on the form. If you want … to the other party? The Board also needs to know how you plan to give the application package to the other party(ies). …

View Catalogue Information - ONT270869

Ontario.Ministry of Labour.

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View Catalogue Information - ONT271882

Ontario.Landlord and Tenant Board

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… if the landlord files an application to evict the tenant based on an incomplete or incorrect notice, the application … The landlord cannot apply to the Board to evict a tenant based on a void notice. For those reasons for ending a … purchase failed Tenant lives in a proposed condominium based on an agreement of purchase and sale and the agreement …

View Catalogue Information - ONT276701

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment

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… nombreux producteurs ontariens sont maintenant dotés d’un plan de gestion des éléments nutritifs et de pratiques de …

View Catalogue Information - ONT276892A