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Displaying 1 - 15 of 341 results
British Columbia, Bennett, W. A. C.(William Andrew Cecil),1900-1979, Gunderson, Einar M., Bonner, Robert William,1920-, Goldenberg, Hyman Carl,1907-, British Columbia.Premier, British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Dept. of the Attorney-General, British Columbia.Dept. of Education, Canada

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British Columbia

… of more than 55 per " -"ÿ ÷ÿ .............. ÿ .... ÿ based upon thee1ÿ zÿ ÿuÿ±aÿ and an eÿmuÿo eÿ,,,ÿ ÿxpaÿ .... … (1)February 5, 1953. (2)Rowell-Sirois Commission Report, Book I, p. 199. -4I but many lie in the interior and can only … It is important strategically and holds first place in any plan of economic development. It has been reconstructed and …

Alberta. Dept. of Health. Hospitals Division, issuing body.

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… … Government of Alberta … Alberta. -- Nursing Home Plan. … Nursing homes -- Alberta. … Annual report of the … and efficient nursing home care on a 24-hour day basis. 22. (1) The basic diet requirements of nursing home patients … the district boards should be presented with the challenge based on their inherent interest in the local community. The …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA87214

Alberta. Dept. of Health. Hospitals Division, issuing body.

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… … Government of Alberta … Alberta. -- Nursing Home Plan. … Nursing homes -- Alberta. … Annual report of the … of Patients who are visited by Relatives and Friends based on Patients in Nursing Homes at December 31, 1966 _ 10 … indi¬ cated as at December 31, 1966 _ 16-17 Table 22—Rated Bed Capacity, Movement of Patients, Percentage …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA87154

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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British Columbia

… reserves, etc., scattered wer the Province. Interim maps based on air photographs and existing ground control are … an orebody. Similar showings are exposed in the No. 22 outcrop area. About twenty trenches have been cut at … mineralized. At about 150 feet from the portal a zone 22 feet wide containing abundant pyrite was passed through. A …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_349494_ar_1953

Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan., 3sHealth., Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group Life Insurance Plan.

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… Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan. … 3sHealth. … Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group … is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. | conducted my audit in accordance with … Obligations (Note 8) Disabled life waiver (Statement 3) 22,081,000 21,109,000 Retired Plan Member Life Insurance …

View Catalogue Information - SRL991675543503479J

Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan., 3sHealth., Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group Life Insurance Plan.

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… Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan. … 3sHealth. … Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group … is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. | conducted my audit in accordance with … for Basic Life and Basic AD&D Insurance is currently $0.22 per $1,000 of coverage. The monthly premium for Optional …

View Catalogue Information - SRL991675543503479A

Alberta. Provincial Planning Board, issuing body.

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… the Town of Redwater resolved to have prepared a General Plan pursuant to The Planning Act, 1963, as amended, and … Residential For 3,734 persons at 16 persons per acre (net) based on 4 houses per acre (net) and 4 persons per house = … Association standard of 10 acres for 1,000 population = 22.5 acres - 90.20 c © n nn oO > TG £ D nn Oo oO tS ~ nn © [= …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA87251

Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan., 3sHealth., Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group Life Insurance Plan.

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… Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan. … 3sHealth. … Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group … is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. | conducted my audit in accordance with … É ° | | 3 en 2 © Rx e jae ou 9 a |S = ë : « ae F $ a SE = 22) 3 |S S&S oe BY T gral à [à ë 88 : : a iQ 8 38 + = Le) ° : …

View Catalogue Information - SRL991675543503479C

Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan., 3sHealth., Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group Life Insurance Plan.

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… Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan. … 3sHealth. … Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group … member organizations of 3sHealth with certain restrictions based on hours of work as determined by established Plan … American equity pooled funds (MSCI EAFE Index); and � $22,562 (2014 - $38,324) for a change in Global equity pooled …

View Catalogue Information - SRL991675543503479I

Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan., 3sHealth., Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group Life Insurance Plan.

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… Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan. … 3sHealth. … Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group … is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. | conducted my audit in accordance with … is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. | conducted my audit in accordance with …

View Catalogue Information - SRL991675543503479B

Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan., 3sHealth., Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group Life Insurance Plan.

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… Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan. … 3sHealth. … Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group … is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. | conducted my audit in accordance with … BS By kg 8 i aegt A à à EH SA à ia à Lo 1 8 Z| = 2 ei : ae 22: eas) 248 < 2248 | s aus Fass Bee 295 Fogg ba Po A BE ai …

View Catalogue Information - SRL991675543503479H

Alberta. Dept. of Public Health. Hospitals Division, issuing body.

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… … Annual report of the Alberta Hospitalization Benefits Plan / 1966 … ALBERTA LEG SLATURE LIBRARY 3 3398 00398 8515 … ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ALBERTA HOSPITALIZATION BENEFITS PLAN 1966 Th is c op y is fo r a rc hi va l p ur po se s on … _ 15 15 _ _ _ 17 16 17, 18 18 17, 18, 19 _18, 19 20, 21, 22, 23 - _ 20-23 APPROVED GENERAL HOSPITALS AND APPROVED …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA87155

British Columbia.Social Welfare Branch

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British Columbia

… B. Diederick__________•_______________________________ 17 BOOK REVIEW— by H. E. Blanchard.. ...___ ___________ … a half century ago it was axiomatic that education must be based on Christian principles. Have we swung too far away? … they expressed themselves very much in favour of such a plan. They had no hesitation what­ soever in meeting one …

Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan., 3sHealth., Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group Life Insurance Plan.

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… Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan. … 3sHealth. … Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group … is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. | conducted my audit in accordance with … member organizations of 3sHealth with certain restrictions based on hours of work as determined by established Plan

View Catalogue Information - SRL991675543503479F

Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan., 3sHealth., Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group Life Insurance Plan.

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… Association of Health Organizations Group Life Insurance Plan. … 3sHealth. … Health Shared Services Saskatchewan Group … is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit. I conducted my audit in accordance with … member organizations of 3sHealth with certain restrictions based on hours of work as determined by established Plan

View Catalogue Information - SRL991675543503479G