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Displaying 166 - 180 of 262 results
Ontario.Legislative Assembly., Ontario.Assemblée législative.

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… Assembly. … Ontario. Assemblée législative. … [Seating plan of the floor of the] Legislative Assembly of Ontario. … …

View Catalogue Information - ONT20423FF

Ontario.Legislative Assembly., Ontario.Assemblée législative.

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… Assembly. … Ontario. Assemblée législative. … [Seating plan of the floor of the] Legislative Assembly of Ontario. … …

View Catalogue Information - ONT20423FG

Ontario.Legislative Assembly., Ontario.Assemblée législative.

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… Assembly. … Ontario. Assemblée législative. … [Seating plan of the floor of the] Legislative Assembly of Ontario. … …

View Catalogue Information - ONT20423FH

Ontario.Legislative Assembly., Ontario.Assemblée législative.

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… Assembly. … Ontario. Assemblée législative. … [Seating plan of the floor of the] Legislative Assembly of Ontario. … …

View Catalogue Information - ONT20423FI

Middleton, M. S., British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Horticultural Branch

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British Columbia

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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British Columbia

… G4 Report of the Officer in Charge of the Free Text-book Branch 72 The Strathcona Trus t 74 PART I I . … who have taught the pupils." The foregoing clause is based on the sound principle tha t those who a r e in daily … is needed. During the year I have been called upon to plan the improvements to be effected on various …

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Learning.Official Minority Language Office., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Education, Training and Employment.Official Minority Language Office.

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… … French language Study and teaching … French literature Book lists Education Saskatchewan. … Core French : a resource … Centers in Saskatchewan: A Guide for Development; Resource-based Learning: Policy, Guidelines and Responsibilities for … unit, students work in groups to prepare a fundraising plan for a humanitarian organization of their choice. Their …

View Catalogue Information - SRL991110683503479H

Middleton, M. S., British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Horticultural Branch

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British Columbia

… 25 x 25 down to 1'1 lUllS or sour chcrries, veache8, etc.. 22 x 22 down to Gl'H1JeS ............................ 15 x 10 down … 30 by 30, after the fillers werl" ]llantec1 the orchard 2 plan would shmv t1'E'C (li-stancf's of 30 by 15. Tllis …

British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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British Columbia

… JOURNAL. 5 The feed-unit system, as most of you know, is based on many thousands of experiments conducted by Fjord and … in this matter has been the means of drawing up this plan. I wish to make it clear that the chart contains nothing … want religion mixed in our law, while all the time the book of nature reveals law ; the heavens above do like­ wise, …

Ontario.Timber Commission., Riddell, William Renwick,commissioner., Latchford, Francis Robert,commissioner.

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… de- i fects." ' \ B. That the culler shall " enter in a book of record for the purpose of ! return to the Department … amount so recovered and to be recovered by the Province based on the evidence before the Hon. Mr. Justice Logie as to … their return from work, "and enter them immediately. "The plan of 'banking' v/hich prevails at various stages of the …

View Catalogue Information - ONT15378

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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British Columbia

… 62 Report of the Officer in Charge of the Free Text-book Branch 66 The Strathcona Trus t 68 PART I I . … year, i t will be impossible to formulate any permanent plan for the schooling of the children affected. In passing … of Finance pursuan t to section 19 or 20 of this Act is based." I have, etc., J. L. WATSON, Secretary,, Local …

British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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British Columbia

… 213 Farm Book-keeping, Value of … ...................................... 315 Real Community Plan. A ............................................... 312 … even­ tually of all the toilers, giving each a fair return based on the effort made, and not according to chance, …

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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British Columbia

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_349494_ar_1921

British Columbia Fruit Growers Association.

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British Columbia

… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 2-District Horticulturist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … study of the f:X:isting conditions, the only feasible plan which offered the neceiSISary assurance of a supply of … and store sufficient sugar for preserving purposes. Th_is plan was _endorsed by the Federal Government and the Refiners …