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Displaying 1 - 15 of 32 results
British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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British Columbia

… in writing to the Gold Commissioner, in duplicate, with a plan of the gl'Ound on the back, and the application must … ores and other mineral substances mined-in the Province, based upon the net value of such ore at the mouth of the … .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .................. 22,461,325 1906 _ …

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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British Columbia

… detail the actual mineral production of the past year, as based on smelter or mill The statistical tables give the … to be carried over to the credit of such new year . This plan. however. will be found very approximate for ench year. … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.461, 325 1906 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_349494_ar_1914

British Columbia Women's Institute.Advisory Board, British Columbia Women's Institute

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British Columbia

… cents [> er member, the Department also supplying suitable book prizes for both adults and children. Many very excellent … may be effected. We must go forward each year and plan further extension of work, and not rest content with … That the average taken in the attendance competition be based on the membership list sent to the Department the last …

British Columbia.Provincial Board of Health

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British Columbia

… without the approval of this Department, any one can plan a town and actually establish one with impunity, in so … in which the work was done. In short, an inspection of the book as completed can only excite pleasure and admiration. … the Province for both years follow, the statistics being based on the returns of deaths. The section of the Act …

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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British Columbia

… in a half-hearted manner. In the largest high schools the plan of having a teacher give instruction to pupils of the … course of the Intermediate Grade to the use of the text-book in the Senior Grade ; more reading and studying with the … School Board prepared a s tatement of cost per pupil, based on average enrolment for the two half-years ending …

Grunsky, H. W., Fortier, Samuel,1855-1933, British Columbia

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British Columbia

… profit on its investment. It may be suggested that the plan for the organization of puDilc irrigation corporations, … lim its, is— («.) E ither registered owner in the book of indefeasible or absolute fees, or purchaser under a … removed, and of the grounds on which such application is based. (2.) In the case of the Court being composed of the …

British Columbia.Royal Commission on Agriculture., Hayward, W. H.(William Henry),1867-1932, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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British Columbia

… in a position to form conclusions as to their value. ~'he plan which we laid out for the conduct of onr inquiries was … but increase their revenue, and 11his confidence was based on the profits from the operations of the past. In many … 22 Telephone System. Rural …

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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British Columbia

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_349494_ar_1877

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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British Columbia

… attention of the Legislature and lead it to devise some plan by which at least some portion of the cost might be … have been paid to carrying it out. In this schedule all is based upon the attendance of the previous year, and no … Chemistry, Arithmetic, Alge- bra, Mensuration, Euclid, Book-keeping, Map-drawing and Vocal Music. The senior …

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, Conference on Imperial Education

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British Columbia

… and optional studies are enumerated. These subjects were Book-keeping; Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene; D raw ­ ing; … to Canadian, and the study of the Geography is based more on the consideration of the American Continent and … meaning behind the conventional marks. A fam iliarity with plan-drawing in connection w ith other studies also helps in …

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British Columbia

… 19 Nicola, Kamloops, Similkameen, and Osoyoos Districts 22 Kootenay District 25 Skeena District* 26 Report of Adviser … across the slopes to catch all the melted snows. This plan proved of great benefit, as in no case were there … is capable of. A settlement of the country on some such plan would, it is believed, be advantageous in many ways, …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_holmes_667817_1914

British Columbia.Lands Service

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British Columbia

… 19 Nicola, Kamloops, Similkameen, and Osoyoos Districts 22 Kootenay District 25 Skeena District* 26 Report of Adviser … across the slopes to catch all the melted snows. This plan proved of great benefit, as in no case were there … is capable of. A settlement of the country on some such plan would, it is believed, be advantageous in many ways, …

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Office of the Speaker, Fell, Thornton., Langley, William H., British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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British Columbia

… when the “ Horsefly Hydraulic Mining Company’s Bill ” (No. 22) shall have been withdrawn, Bill No. 74 will be in order, … page 87; Johnson's Appendix, page 21). This decision is based on English authority. This House is asked to deal w ith … (Todd) quoted by the Minister of Finance is not a text-book in this House, Rule 131 of our Rules and Orders …

British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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British Columbia

… 825 00 530 00 600 00 1,284 05 3,273 43 91 45 307 00 853 35 22 05 49 25 7 50 3 20 1 30 31 35 5 66 15 13 2 75 24 00 33 00 … Sup Co.'. W H Gunn & Co Steeves Dairy Supply Co. Gaskell Book & Stat Co.. F E Hodgson E M Hastings G H Hewit t & Co W … and prescriptions do i. 1-page advert isement, 1914 Year-book, sundry advert isements, etc Membership, registration, …

British Columbia.Dept. of Insurance.

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British Columbia

… Act." Where incorporated. Total Dominion Licensees. "is 8 22 27 2 77 Provincial Licensees. 1 "i" 4 25 "i' l i 34 Total. … loss on sale of bonds , 193 75 Gross loss by adjustment in book value of bonds 1 7 2 Total disbursements $ 985,542 96 … STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31ST, 1913. Assets. Book value (excluding interest and dividends) of stock, …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_100463_1914