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Displaying 46 - 50 of 50 results
British Columbia.Dept. of Lands

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British Columbia

… broken, rocky, covered densely with jack-pine, and 22 small areas of cultivable land interspersed are so …

Convention of Federated and Provincial Women's Institutes(1925 :Victoria, B.C.), British Columbia Women's Institute

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British Columbia

… ..... ..... ........ 5,355 81 copies of the 'V.I. hand-book throughout Canada, the staging of the national exhibit … there was to create a justifiable pride in our country, based on a knowledge of its important relations to the … Edmonton, who was President in 1923. This memorandum was based on a comprehensive statement made by Mrs . Alfred \Vatt …

Tice, Cecil, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Horticultural Branch

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British Columbia

… the tubers from these for seed purposes. By following this plan an increase in acre yield can be obtained; in some cases …

British Columbia.Dept. of Lands

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British Columbia

… 1924, a conference of Farmers’ Institutes was held to plan incorporation for establishment of a creamery, which, if … 1,500 feet above them, reaching at one point to within 22 miles of Gardner Canal, from which low passes separate … Lake has passes leading to Ivemano Bay, Gardner Inlet, 22 miles distant. Tahtsa Lake, 19 miles long, 1% miles at …

British Columbia.Bureau of Provincial Information

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British Columbia

… Beach, milled 682,511 tons of ore in 1923, producing 7 22,158,893 lb. of copper, 108,964 oz. of silver, and 4,876 … Tenquille Creek. From the Bridge River Wagon-road a trail 22 miles long on easy gradients reaches to Green Lake, … Moun­ tains, about 6,000 feet high, and a tributary from 22 Crown Lake, in the Railway Belt, drains north­westerly …