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Displaying 121 - 135 of 5817 results
B.C. Hydro

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British Columbia

… title: BC Hydro resource expenditure and acquisition plan (REAP) … Plan revised August 18, 2005. … 2006 acquistion … approval processes, conducting workshops and creating web-based resources. BC Hydro will improve the process for IPPs … Forecast for F2005 and F2006 ($ millions) F2005 F2006 OMA $22.6 $22.4 Amortization of Power Smart before F2002 $13.3 8.4 …

British Columbia.Coast and Marine Planning Branch

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British Columbia

… Environmental conditions. … The Malaspina Okeover Coastal Plan, draft. -- … Malaspina Inlet Okeover Arm Coastal Plan i … or cultivation of shellfish for commercial purposes, based on measurement of biological, physical and … submerged basins throughout the Complex ranging from 22 to 135m in depth (Table 2). The basins serve as sediment …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_367376_malaspina_okeover

British Columbia.Forestry Innovation Investment

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British Columbia

… Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … relationship to the existing FII Board of Directors, is based on the laws governing Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise … is added, the forest sector accounted for approximately 22 per cent of total provincial employment. B.C. exports a …

British Columbia.Ministry of Children and Family Development

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British Columbia

… Government policy British Columbia … Annual service plan report / Ministry of Children and Family Development. -- … our service delivery system to be more community-based. The ministry made progress in 2004/05, bringing … see the provincial government blue pages of a telephone book, or view the information online: …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_362967_bccfd_asp_2004_05

British Columbia Lottery Corporation.

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British Columbia

… Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Has supplement: British Columbia … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Major Capital Information .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … (FTE) of approximately 560 staff. This includes employees based in our two offices, as well as lottery, casino, and …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_353363_bc_lottery_srv_pln_04

British Columbia.Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, British Columbia

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British Columbia

… Protection. … Available on the Internet. … Appended: The plan's 40 actions, and progress on each action. … Includes … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Government Leadership and Outreach . . . . . . . . . . . . … Action 11 Work is underway to adapt building standards based on LEEDTM (Leadership in Energy and Environmental …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_373154_bc_climatechange_plan

British Columbia.Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

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British Columbia

… Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks performance plan. … [Victoria] : British Columbia Ministry of Water, Land … Model (see Figure 1 on page 43), which focuses on outcome-based regulations and reduced inspections for good … Land and Air Protection 2004/05 – 2006/07 Service Plan 22 Objective 4: Reduce/remove toxins and wastes that …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_353295_bc_wla_srv_pln_04

British Columbia.Environmental Stewardship Division.Kootenay Region

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British Columbia

… Division.Kootenay Region … Cover title: Management plan for Goat Range Provincial Park. … "September, 2004" … … the management and stewardship of this park. The plan is based on direction from the West Kootenay-Boundary Land-Use … assisted) N N2 Backcountry Skiing Y Y Trapping N N2 22 Use Aboriginal traditional uses and activities Y Y …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_371887_finalmp

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries

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British Columbia

… title. … Running title: Template fish health management plan. … Available on the Internet. … "August 17, 2004." … … 22 2.12 Handling drugs and chemicals … Waste Control Regulation, B.C. Reg. 470/88. • Land-based Fin Fish Waste Control Regulation, B.C. Reg. 68/94. …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_372983_fhmp_template

British Columbia.Ministry of Management Services

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British Columbia

… Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations. Performance plan. … Absorbed British Columbia. Chief Information Office. … processes; • introducing more cost-effective, technology-based self-service models to ensure the best value for the … of Management Services 2004/05 – 2006/07 Service Plan 22 Objective 1: Reduce unit and overall shared services …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_352832_bc_ms_srv_pln_04

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries

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British Columbia

… Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. Annual service plan report. ISSN 1718-9756. … Ministry ceased June 16, 2005 … enhancing aquaculture in coastal communities. The Nanaimo-based forum is comprised of representatives from coastal … moratorium). Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries 22 2004/05 Annual Service Plan Report Performance Measure …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_362965_bcaff_asp_2004_05

British Columbia Housing Management Commission

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British Columbia

… Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … senior management, sets the direction for the organization based on the province’s planning and reporting principles and … through rent and other revenues for a net cost of $22.2 million. The federal government pays 68 per cent of the …

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Parcs Ontario.

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… aussi en anglais sous le titre: Missinaibi Park management plan. … Comprend des références bibliogr. … no cover … jr … … Gestion. … Parc provincial Missinaibi (Ont.) … Missinaibi, plan de gestion du parc. … Plan de gestion du parc Missinaibi … di te ur o rig in al p ou r l a ve rs io n ac tu el le . 22 Plan de gestion du parc Missinaibi – 2004 C op y fo r a rc …

View Catalogue Information - ONT244253

British Columbia.Office of the Ombudsman

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British Columbia

… by: British Columbia. Office of the Ombudsperson. Service plan. … [Victoria, B.C.] : Ombudsman, British Columbia, … … 22 Overview … files. Note 3. A baseline year of 2000 has been chosen based on available data. The cost per investigation in 2000 … of backlogged complaint files is estimated to be $394,000 based on the number of complaint files (205) that have been …

Management Dimensions.3393, Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de la santé et du mieux-être.1239

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New Brunswick

… under the title : Nursing service and resource management plan [2005 - 2010]. … "Juillet 2004" … [S. l.: s. n.], … … behaviours and punish others, and have a different effect based on class and gender. Tax rules can influence … after-tax): the average total income of women in 2005 was $22,408, or 35% less than men’s at $34,300. It has been …

View Catalogue Information - NBFL418