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Displaying 271 - 285 of 3256 results
British Columbia, British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

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British Columbia

… Management. … Fort Nelson Land and Resource Management Plan : October 1997 [electronic resource]. -- … r r l A … the draft assessment of September 1996. 1 As before, it is based on the Geographical Information System (GIS) area and … High Potential Gas (Class 4-5) 2,749,633 20% 18% 29% 33% 22% 21% 27% 30% Medium Potential Gas (Class 2-3) 3,594,504 3% …

Ontario.Ministère de l'éducation et de la formation, Ontario.Secrétariat du Conseil de gestion

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… stimulant. Les mesures de la performance exposées dans le plan d'activités qui suit fixent des échéances à nos … Nous reconnaissons que les mesures présentées dans le plan sont agressives mais nous sommes résolus à faire ce … la liste des principales initiatives décrites dans les 22 plans d'activités. Cette brochure est disponible …

View Catalogue Information - ONT195952

Alberta. Dept. of Family and Social Services, issuing body.

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… and Social Services … Family and Social Services business plan / 1999/2002 … Family and Social Services - 1571999-2002 … of Aboriginal people and communities ◆ Community-based The Ministry’s systems are: ◆ Open and accountable ◆ … services Receiving Province 50.3% 49.2% services in Bands 22.4% 27.4% own home Percentage of children 37.6% 37.2% The …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA88728

Ontario.Simcoe York District Health Council.

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… municipality) Planning … 1999/2000 hospital operating plan review [electronic resource]. … 1999/2000 Hospital … participating in a number of service or population-based networks such as The Rehabilitation Network, the Child … Collingwood General 468 514 1% 13.8% North Simcoe 719 880 22% 17.8% Stevenson Memorial 228 181 (20%) 10.2% York County …

View Catalogue Information - ONT299211

Ontario.Ministère du développement du Nord et des mines, Ontario.Secrétariat du Conseil de gestion

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… la province. Les dépenses pour l'exploration ont grimpé de 22 pour 100 en un an. Pour appuyer la création d'emplois, … la population de l'Ontario. Nous avons discuté de notre plan avec les gens du Nord et l'industrie minière, et tout … de l'Ontario - Deuxième année Le gouvernement a un plan et ce plan donne des résultats. Nos objectifs consistent …

View Catalogue Information - ONT196107

Alberta. Dept. of Justice and Attorney General, issuing body.

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… Justice and Attorney General … Just … Justice ... business plan / 1999/2002(restated) … 1999-2002 Justice - restated - … of children’s services: early intervention, community based delivery, integration and culturally sensitive … promote safe communities in Alberta. 1995/96 21.0% 1996/97 22.0% 1997/98 24.0% 1998/99 Target 22.0% or less 1999/2000 …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA88738

Manitoba.Northern/Rural Regionalization Task Force., Manitoba.Manitoba Health.99137., Manitoba.Groupe de travail sur la regionalisation des soins en regions rurales du Nord.

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… Health, Quality Health for Manitobans - The Action Plan. Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 1992, P. 1. Introduction The … action in terms of impact on health • Initiates practice-based research and participates in provincial research F I G … services? Establish to meet needs Provide direction 22 … MAN107422568 … Manitoba …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107422568

British Columbia, British Columbia.Dept. of Finance, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations, British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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British Columbia

… includes USB stick. … Accompanied by: Budget and fiscal plan, 2002/03/2004/05- , 2002- … Title for 2004: Balanced … of text-books to pupils, the advance to the Text-book Branch Operating Account was increased by $346,503.13, … TO BE TAKEN TO REVENUE IN FISCAL YEAR 1951-52 Juue payment based on Calculation A ______________ ==V.. ($29,343,729) == …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_75771_budget_speech_1951

Alberta. Dept. of Science, Research and Information Technology, issuing body.

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… … Science, Research and Information Technology business plan / 1997/2000 … 1997/1998 - 1999/2000 Science, Research … and technologies into outputs of marketable technology-based products and services, thus creating socio-economic … - - (730) (1,313) - - - - NET REVENUE (EXPENSE) (23,783) (22,810) (23,434) (23,632) (25,022) (29,433) (31,724) (33,170) …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA88367

Fisheries Renewal BC

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British Columbia

… Conservation British Columbia Periodicals. … Business plan / Fisheries Renewal BC. -- 1999/2000 … Business Plan: … a grant of $5 million from BC Hydro to support community-based salmonid renewal projects to protect and improve fish … PM] Forest Renewal (3 payments starting in 1997/98) $22,700,000 Investment Income 1,269,000 BC Hydro Grant 1998/99 …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs_320936_business_plan99-2000

Alberta. Dept. of Children's Services, issuing body.

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… Children's Services … Ener … Children's Services business plan / 1999/2002 (restated) … 1999-2002 Children's Services - … the best practice in developmental programming in centre-based childcare for young children (0-6 years) at risk for … outcomes. Goal 2.6 Support the family through community-based programs delivered by Child and Family Services …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA88752

British Columbia.Land Use Coordination Office.

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British Columbia

… For Strategic Land Use Plans Working Draft July 1999 July 22, 1999 RE: PROVINCIAL MONITORING FRAMEWORK FOR STRATEGIC … measures for all of the objectives in a strategic land use plan, the time and cost to do this is likely to be prohibitive. It makes more sense to select indicators based on existing, available data that will provide a broad …

Direction générale de la condition féminine de l'Ontario

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… collectivités. Cette année, nous présenterons un nouveau plan stratégique pour améliorer et mieux coordonner les … Plans d'activités de l'Ontario Le gouvernement a un plan et ce plan donne des résultats. Nos objectifs consistent … la liste des principales initiatives décrites dans les 22 plans d'activités. Cette brochure est disponible …

View Catalogue Information - ONT209141

Alberta. Dept. of Economic Development and Tourism, issuing body.

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… … Econ … Economic Development and Tourism business plan / 1997/2000 … 1997/1998 - 1999/2000 Economic Development … into Alberta and facilitating the growth of Alberta-based companies. ◆ expanding Alberta's export markets. ◆ … Target 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Formations 21.0 21.6 22.2 23.0 23.7 24.5 % Change 2.7% 2.6% 3.0% 3.4% 3.3% 3.2% …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA88366

Manitoba.Manitoba Finance.96063.

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… 2 The 1997/98 Budget Plan22 F i n a n c i a l R e v i e w a n d S t a t i s t i c s / … more than budgeted in 1996/97. This strong growth rate is based on two factors. The actual 1996/97 revenue base is … of a strengthening economy. Manitoba revenue estimates are based on independent, conservative economic forecasts, …

View Catalogue Information - MAN107465976B