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Displaying 46 - 60 of 85 results
Saskatchewan.Teachers' Superannuation Commission.

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… for the year ending June 30, 2017 and The Teachers’ Dental Plan Act for the period ending December 31, 2016. … of the Plan. The financial statements at June 30, 2017 are based on an extrapolation of the June 30, 2015 valuation … plan will be tabled under separate cover for 2016-17. 22 Teachers’ Disability Benefits Plan Disability benefits are …

View Catalogue Information - SRL991591253503479I

British Columbia, British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Council of Public Instruction.

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British Columbia

… Act," a by-law authorising the proposed expenditure, and, 22 SCHOOL ACT. if necessary, the raising of the moneys … due south, through the miclclle points of Sections 34, 27, 22, 15, 10, and 3, to tiie point of commencement. … clue west six miles to the south-west corner of Section 22, Township 17, Range 11 ; thence clue north three miles to …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_345135_1910

Alberta Government Telephones, issuing body.

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… EDMONTON: PRINTED BY W. D. McLEAN, KING'S PRINTER 1932 22.3 Th is c op y is fo r a rc hi va l p ur po se s on ly . P … of Alta. 6% Debentures due May 1st, 1951 par $272,000.00, Book Value March 31, 1931 308,516.36 Accrued Interest on …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA84590

Alberta. Treasury Dept, issuing body.

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… $2,9·11,390.92 813,898.67 853,739.19 5,652.85 81,4-84.22 $ $ $ $ 38,58'2.71 5,614.50 18,'261.48 7,178.38 16,697.60 … as follows: $ 686,602.15 1,274,232.85 540,081.28 54,921.28 22,903.82 $2,578,741.38 The above total does not include … Printer's Advance .......................... . School Book Branch ......................................... . …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA84620

Barnes, George H., British Columbia.Forest Service, British Columbia.Dept. of Lands

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British Columbia

… 40 I 50 3.8 3.1 368 2,000 1 29 40 50 3.2 3.1 392 2,000 I 22 40 I 60 3.2 3.6 1,900 1,700 108 50 50 2.0 3.7 2,400 1,500 … than with age and site, so that the stand tables were based on average diameter. From these tables the stem … height will also be the same, as the site classes are based on height, which means that the 4.2-inch trees of the …

Alberta. Committee of enquiry into motor fuel and lubricating oils in Alberta, issuing body.

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… applicability. The in¬ vestigations of the committee were based primarily on the above interpretation of the question … of quality on which legally enforcable standards could be based. Tractor Tests. The tractor tests showed that dilution …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA84629

Alberta. Dept. of Education, issuing body.

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… give in (a) by refer- ence to the enunciation of Prop. 4 Book I. Explain "Indirect Method of Proof" and illustrate it fully by reference to a proposition in Book I. 8 2. (a) Any two sides of a triangle are together … with the weight of materials reacting? ( b) State the law based on this, and give an example of its application. (a) …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA83752

British Columbia.Dept. of the Attorney-General

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British Columbia

… an entry thereof to be made in the Plaint and Procedure Book opposite to the name of such cause or matter. · 50. In … of party to proceed. Abatement to be entered In Plaint-book. Length of notice after delny of one year. Appointment … 22 See also JoiNilF.R. Judge, by or against …

Alberta. Treasury Dept., issuing body.

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… ... (4) Prosecutions (5) Contingencies 16,850.00 $ 22,350 00 9,975 00 1,100 00 12,000 00 600 00 $ 46,025 00 11 … 16,354 70 (21) Court House Grounds, Wetaskiwin . 4.018 17 (22) Tools and Implements 7,158 53 (23) Jail at Lethbridge … connection with Brands and Publication of Official Brand Book . (12) Collection and Compilation of Vital Statistics …

View Catalogue Information - ALTA83757

British Columbia, British Columbia.Dept. of the Attorney-General

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British Columbia

… Department of Agriculture, for the purpose of this Act, a book called the " register of brands," wherein 6 1931 BRANDS, … for thirty days in the Gazette. R. S. 1924, c. 27, ss. 21, 22 ( nlterecl). 18. ( 1.) Any IJerson may, within forty ua,ys …

Bonavia, William J., British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Farmers' Institutes Branch

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British Columbia

… and, regu- lations are as laid down by Order in Council based on the " Societies Act " and the " Agricultural Act," … and since the cessation of the Dominion Government's plan of loaning bulls renewed interest and progress is … Feed, flour, hay, Creston ------------------------ 9,305.22 9,229.39 etc. Feed and fruit. -Salmon Arm -------------- …

British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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British Columbia

… ........................................ 22,000,000 The total wool-cIiI) o( Canada for 102(1 ".::\, … to an interested ownel·. A large flock should have book records l;:ellt by means of eal"- marks. It mu·t be …

British Columbia.Provincial Game and Forest Warden., British Columbia.Provincial Game Warden., British Columbia.Game Conservation Board, British Columbia.Game Commission, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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British Columbia

… launch : Insurance $ 210 00 Alterations, repairs, etc 365 22 575 22 Office: Rent $ 245 00 Telephone 47 10 Telegrams 38 44 … the Orders in Council have to be passed some feasible plan to meet the difficulty may be devised. The raising of …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_2_346798_6th_report_1910

British Columbia.Provincial Game and Forest Warden., British Columbia.Provincial Game Warden., British Columbia.Game Conservation Board, British Columbia.Game Commission, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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British Columbia

… with absolutely no knowledge or interest in the matter who based their plea on the mistaken idea that it would be an … 123,950.50 135,843.50 139,814.00 140,014.75 142,028.22 147,660.00 137,233.31 derived from F u r Trade . $5,291.39 … 25th, 1931, and when they were re turning home the .22 calibre rifle which they had been using, and which was …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_2_346798_ar_1931