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Displaying 886 - 900 of 1022 results
British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Schools Operations and Services Division, British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Field Services Division

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British Columbia

… Scan data, Fund for Excellence, and teachers' pension plan provisions are under active study by various Ministry …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_591659_no_32

Ontario.Electoral Boundaries Commission., Hughes, Samuel Harvey Shirecliffe,1913-,chairman.

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… as much of the county as possible be kept in one Renfrew-based district if two Renfrew­ based districts were not to remain, it would seem ano1nalous … 80,941, STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARRY 49,092. Under this plan, STORMONT, DUNDAS AND GLENGARRY would be under the …

View Catalogue Information - ONT52590

New BrunswickDepartment of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Nouveau BrunswickMinistère de de l'agriculture, de L'aquaculture et des Pêches

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New Brunswick

… PDF French version: ISBN 978-1-4605-3488-5 22-00343 | 2023.06 | Designed in New Brunswick List of … . . . . . 13 Figure 24: Farms with a written succession plan, Canada and the provinces . . . . . . . . . 13 Figure … to consumers FIGURE 24: FARMS WITH A WRITTEN SUCCESSION PLAN, CANADA AND THE PROVINCES % of farms Ne w B ru ns w ick …

View Catalogue Information - NBFL1417A

British Columbia.Geological Branch

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British Columbia

… n t r u s i v e s . Large , low-grade d e p o s i t s (18-22 mi l l i on tonnes of 2.74 grams per tonne Au) t r a n s i … t i o n s were encountered i n a l l t h r e e zones (e.9. 22.25 m g rad ing 28.1 grams of gold per tonne, i nc lud ing …

Québec (Province)

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… d’expropriation. Révocation de concession par dépôt du plan. Expropriation de cimetières. LOI SUR LE PARC FORILLON … 3; 1972, c. 54, a. 32; 1973, c. 27, a. 20. 4. Le dépôt du plan mentionné à l’article 40 de la Loi sur l’expro­ priation …

View Catalogue Information - qql5201_269

New BrunswickDepartment of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Nouveau BrunswickMinistère de de l'agriculture, de L'aquaculture et des Pêches

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New Brunswick

… Version PDF anglaise : ISBN 978-1-4605-3485-4 22-00343 | 2023.06 | conçu au Nouveau-Brunswick Avant-propos … des exploitations agricoles du Nouveau-Brunswick ayant un plan de relève a augmenté légèrement de 7 %, en 2016, à 8 % … moyenne nationale des exploitations agricoles dotées d’un plan de relève écrit était de 12 % en 2021. Selon Statistique …

View Catalogue Information - NBFL1417B

British Columbia.Ministry of Tourism

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British Columbia

… with a B.C. Road Map and our Accommo- dation Guide, to plan your next trip. The best of British Columbia is right …

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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British Columbia

… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … 7027-1Mth St.. presents ‘The Cwiaus Savage’, Feb 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, Mar 1, 6. 7, 8. Curtain: 8p.m. Reservations: … hvo one-act plays: Skhnbher and The Flaw Feb 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, Mar 1 at 8p.m., 9800258. 0 T u d a y noon-hour …

View Catalogue Information - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1986_02_14_1986

Québec (Province)

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View Catalogue Information - qql5201_234

British Columbia.Islands Trust, British Columbia.Ministry of Municipal Affairs

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British Columbia

… 1s used in this paper and the distinctions between type, based on the range of meals offered and the scale of … of bed and breakfast accommodation may be appropr1ate, based on scale and the level of regulation required. … as a residential use. Sewage di sposa 1 permits are based on the size of dwelling and the number of bedrooms. For …

British Columbia.Library Manual Revision Committee

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British Columbia

… for teacher-librarians in British Columbia … ----··- A and book for Teac er- · in ritish Columbia Ministry of Education …

Preto, V. A.,1938-, British Columbia.Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia.Mineral Resources Branch.Geological Division.

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British Columbia

Québec (Province)

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View Catalogue Information - qql5201_351

New BrunswickDepartment of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Nouveau BrunswickMinistère de de l'agriculture, de L'aquaculture et des Pêches

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New Brunswick

… Version PDF anglaise : ISBN 978-1-4605-3487-8 22-00343 | 2023.06 | conçu au Nouveau-Brunswick Liste des … . . . . . 13 Figure 24 : Exploitations agricoles ayant un plan de relève écrit, au Canada et dans les provinces . . . … (en %) FIGURE 24 : EXPLOITATIONS AGRICOLES AYANT UN PLAN DE RELÈVE ÉCRIT, AU CANADA ET DANS LES PROVINCES …

View Catalogue Information - NBFL1417C