Who goes? who pays? : part 2: an examination of financial barriers to postsecondary access [electronic resource] / StudentsNS.

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DC Title
Who goes? who pays? : part 2: an examination of financial barriers to postsecondary access [electronic resource] / StudentsNS.
Nova Scotia
DC Date
DC Creator
Students Nova Scotia
Burke, Charlie
Houck, Lydia
DC Publisher
Halifax, N.S.: StudentsNS,
DC Type
DC Description
"In the second instalment of this report, we discuss the various costs associated with PSE in Nova Scotia, how domestic fees are regulated and how they have evolved over time. We analyse the financial assistance programs available to students at both a provincial and federal level before, during, and after their enrolment. We examine student financial aid program uptake, as well as potential uptake deterrents and ways in which these deterrents can be combated. A focus is placed upon unmet need - in which students face levels of monetary need beyond financial assistance program maximums {u2013} and potential strategies to address this pressing issue, especially as affordability pressures grow in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic".
"We would like to thank our partners for their input and expertise in consulting on this project; in particular, Nova Scotia Student Assistance for graciously sharing data on program usage & uptake".
"In the second instalment of this report, we discuss the various costs associated with PSE in Nova Scotia, how domestic fees are regulated and how they have evolved over time. We analyse the financial assistance programs available to students at both a provincial and federal level before, during, and after their enrolment. We examine student financial aid program uptake, as well as potential uptake deterrents and ways in which these deterrents can be combated. A focus is placed upon unmet need - in which students face levels of monetary need beyond financial assistance program maximums {u2013} and potential strategies to address this pressing issue, especially as affordability pressures grow in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic".
DC Subject
Postsecondary education Nova Scotia