Watercourse alteration certified installers [electronic resource]: a new training program [fact sheet].

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DC Title
Regional water resources, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia / by James G. Vaughan & George H. Somers.
Nouvelle Écosse
DC Date
DC Creator
Vaughan, James G.
Somers, George H
Nova Scotia.Dept. of the Environment.Water Planning and Management Division
Canada.Dept. of Regional Economic Expansion.
Nova Scotia.Dept. of Development.
DC Publisher
Halifax, Nova Scotia : Nova Scotia Dept. of the Environment, Water Planning and Management Division,
DC Type
DC Description
A joint project with Canada Department of Regional Economic Expansion and Nova Scotia Department of Development.
One map on folded sheet in pocket.
Bibliography: p. 61-62.
DC Subject
Water resources development Nova Scotia Cumberland (County)
Water quality management Nova Scotia Cumberland (County)