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DC Title
Memorandum of understanding between Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of Nova Scotia, as represented by the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (hereinafter referred to as "Nova Scotia") and Partnerships British Columbia Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "PBC") / Nova Scotia Dept. of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal.
Nouvelle Écosse
DC Date
DC Creator
Nova Scotia.Dept. of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal
Partnerships British Columbia Inc.
DC Publisher
[Halifax : Dept. of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal],
DC Type
DC Description
Scehdule A-1, Scope of services provided by Partnerships BC (March 25, 2008), 6 p.
DC Subject
Infrastructure (Economics) Nova Scotia
Privatization Nova Scotia
Contracting out Nova Scotia
Partnership Nova Scotia
Public-private sector cooperation Nova Scotia