Legacies of North American Olympic winter games. Legacies of North American Olympic winter games. Volume 1, Lake Placid 1980

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DC Title
Legacies of North American Olympic winter games. Legacies of North American Olympic winter games. Volume 1, Lake Placid 1980
DC Date
DC Creator
Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games
DC Publisher
[Vancouver : Vancouver Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games],
DC Type
DC Description
Available on the Internet.
Includes bibliographical references.
Stapled to LLBC copy: News releases from VANOC: New report details lasting legacies of Olympic winter games in North America (April 27, 2007) ; Legacies of Lake Placid games still delivering after 27 years. (April 30, 2007).
Printed from the Internet.
DC Subject
Winter Olympic Games 1980 : Lake Placid, N.Y.)
Winter Olympics Economic aspects.
Winter Olympics Social aspects.