An independent audit of the recruitment and retention of rural and remote nurses in northern B.C. --

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DC Title
An independent audit of the recruitment and retention of rural and remote nurses in northern B.C. --
DC Date
DC Creator
British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General
Bellringer, Carol
Plecas, Darryl.
British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Office of the Speaker
DC Publisher
Victoria, B.C. : Office of the Auditor General of British Columbia,
DC Type
DC Description
Cover title.
Running title: Auditor General of British Columbia, February 2018, An independent audit of the the recruitment and retention of rural and remote nurses in northern B.C.
Submitted to the Hon. Darryl Plecas, Speaker, Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, by Carol Bellringer, Auditor General, Feb. 2018. Cf. Covering letter.
"February 2018."
Catalogue record made available by the British Columbia Legislative Library.
Printed from the Internet.
Stapled in LLBC copy: News release : Northern Health unable to fill a substantial number of nursing positions in rural areas ([2] leaves. : Feb. 22, 2018)
DC Subject
British Columbia. Northern Health Authority
Nurses Supply and demand British Columbia, Northern
Nurses Recruiting British Columbia, Northern
Medical policy British Columbia, Northern.
Health planning British Columbia, Northern.