Annual report - SaskPower Designated Employee Benefit Plan.

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DC Title
Annual report - SaskPower Designated Employee Benefit Plan.
DC Date
DC Creator
Saskatchewan Power Corporation Designated Employee Benefit Plan.
Saskatchewan.Dept. of Finance.
Saskatchewan.Ministry of Finance.
Saskatchewan.Public Employees Benefits Agency.
DC Publisher
[Regina] : Saskatchewan Finance,
DC Type
DC Description
Cover title.
"The Saskatchewan Power Corporation (SaskPower; the Corporation) established the SaskPower Designated Employee Benefit Plam (the Plan) in 1984, for the payment of supplementary retirement benefits to Participants. SaskPower was the administrator of the Plan form January 1, 1984, to November 16, 2004. On November 16, 2004, an Order in Council designated the Public Employees Benefits Agency (PEBA) as the administrator of the Plan. PEBA continues to be administrator of this Plan under Order in Council 581-2015."--Cf. Notes to the Financial Statements, 2016 Annual report.
DC Subject
Saskatchewan Power Corporation Designated Employee Benefit Plan.
Retirement inome Saskatchewan.
Postemployment benefits Saskatchewan.