Provincial highways : traffic volumes - King's highways, secondary highways, tertiary roads.

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DC Title
Provincial highways : traffic volumes - King's highways, secondary highways, tertiary roads.
DC Date
DC Creator
Ontario.Ministry of Transportation.Highway Program Planning Office.
Ontario.Dept. of Highways.Planning Branch.
Ontario.Dept. of Transportation and Communications.Systems Planning Branch.
Ontario.Ministry of Transportation and Communications.Planning Division.
Ontario.Ministry of Transportation and Communications.Systems Planning Branch.Systems Analysis Office.
Ontario.Ministry of Transportation and Communications.Provincial Roads Planning Office.
Ontario.Ministry of Transportation and Communications.Highway Program Planning Office.
Ontario.Ministry of Transportation and Communications.Traffic Characteristics Unit.
DC Publisher
Downsview, Ont. : The Unit,
DC Type
DC Description
Title varies.
Issued by: Dept. of Highways, Planning Branch for 1957-69; Dept. of Transportation and Communications, Systems Planning Branch for 1970; Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Planning Division for 1971-72; Systems Planning Branch, Systems Analysis Office for 1973-75; Municipal/Provincial Transportation, Provincial Roads Planning Office for 1976-79; Highway Program Planning Office for 1980, 1987-1992; Traffic Characteristics Unit, for 1981-1986.
DC Subject
Traffic flow Ontario Statistics.