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Afficher 91 - 105 de 2065 résultats
Manitoba Emergency Management Organization98863.

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… … Emergency management Manitoba. … The Manitoba Emergency Plan. … Home Welcome Minister's Message Overview Contact … municipal boundary. The community emergency plan should be based on a hazard and risk analysis that will assist in the … and Coordination The response system in Manitoba is based on a tiered system with all tiers having a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107427465

Ontario.Commission de restructuration des services de santé

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… under title: Ontario Health Information Management Action Plan. … Internet document downloaded: Dec. 22, 2000. … null … Toronto : La Commission, … Santé publique … En outre, plusieurs organismes, comme le Computer-based Patient Record Institue et le Electronic Medical Record …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT216586

Ontario.Ministère de la formation et des collèges et universités

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… Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: 1999-2000 business plan / Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. … … de la formation et des collèges et universités … Plan d'activités 1999-2000 / Ministère de la formation et … de paiement des prêts a été ramené de 23,5 % en 1997 à 22,1 % en 1998. Il continuera de baisser pour se situer à …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT209981

Terry, E.(Eliot), British Columbia.Land Use Coordination Office., British Columbia.Ministry of Employment and Investment, Keystone Wildlife Research., Robinson Consulting and Associates, J. Paul & Associates., Dawson Creek LRMP Inter-Agency Planning Team.

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… conditions. … Dawson Creek land & resource management plan : socio-economic & environmental assessment ; final … of traditional activities in new P As First Nations nature-based values at risk due to resource development activities • … Lake (18,257 ha.) 1 2 tenures 3.5% Elephant Ridge (22,641 ha.) 1 2 tenures 0.2% Peace River/Boudreau (18,516 …

BC Parks.Cariboo District.

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… BC Parks.Cariboo District. … Cover title: Management plan for Marble Range and Edge Hills Provincial Parks. … Also … … Marble Range and Edge Hills Provincial Parks management plan / prepared by BC Parks, Cariboo District. -- …         Marble Range and Edge Hills Provincial Parks Management Plan Edge Hills Provincial Park Forested wilderness, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_330310_marble

Alberta. Dept. of Economic Development, issuing body.

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… Development … Econ … Economic Development business plan / 1999/2002-restated … 1999-2002 Economic Development - … as at November 17, 1999. The restated Business Plan for the Ministry of Economic Development for the three … businesses in international markets ◆ Utilize Alberta-based activities and events to promote Alberta’s …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88729

Alberta. Dept. of Environment.

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… Forest Strategy) (1998-2003) implementation action plan … NFS (1998-2003) IMPLEMENTATION ACTION PLAN Acronyms: … of management tools to identify range condition, based on changes in species composition. Such a tool is … (FMF), Sustainable Forest Management Network (SFMN) Page 22 Printed: 99-04-13 Strategic Direction - 2.0 FOREST …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88803

British Columbia.Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors

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… and Ministry Responsible for Seniors. Annual performance plan report. ISSN 1499-0350. … Name changed July 1988 from … Plan 20 Corporate Programs 21 Information Management Group 22 Communications and Issues Management 23 Office of the … has a progressive and integrated health care system based on regional delivery and self-regulating professional …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_275602_bc_health_seniors_1999_00

British Columbia.Land Use Coordination Office.

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… conditions. … Robson Valley land and resource management plan. -- … Robson Valley Land and Resource Management Plan … period, likely due to declines in forestry employment. Based on more recent estimates for Valemount and McBride, … There have been sightings of salmon as far upstream as 22 kilometres on the McKale River. Recreational fishing …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_329344_management_plan

Ontario.Commission de restructuration des services de santé

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… under title: Ontario Health Information Management Action Plan. … Internet document downloaded: Dec. 22, 2000. … null … Toronto : La Commission, … Santé publique Planification Ontario … Plan d'action concernant la gestion de l'information sur la …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT216586B

Ontario.Ministère de l'énergie, des sciences et de la technologie

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… Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: 1999-2000 business plan / Ministry of Energy, Science and Technology. … 006287 … … de l'énergie, des sciences et de la technologie … Plan d'activités 1999-2000 / Ministère de l'énergie, des … prévisions. À la fin de l’exercice 1998-1999, on comptait 22 projets en cours dans le cadre des PAT, qui visent à …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT207640

British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General

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… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 C The New Land-based Delivery System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … to implement the newly developed Forest Renewal Plan. The corporation was provided with a broad mandate to … for the corporation’s business plan. The board briefing notes presented summaries of the differences between …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_334621_frbc

Ontario.Commission de restructuration des services de santé

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… under title: Ontario Health Information Management Action Plan. … Internet document downloaded: Dec. 22, 2000. … null … Toronto : La Commission, … Santé publique Planification Ontario … Plan d'action concernant la gestion de l'information sur la …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT216586A

Ontario.Commission de restructuration des services de santé

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… under title: Ontario Health Information Management Action Plan. … Internet document downloaded: Dec. 22, 2000. … null … Toronto : La Commission, … Santé publique Planification Ontario … Plan d'action concernant la gestion de l'information sur la …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT216586D

Ontario.Ministère de la santé et des soins de longue durée

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… Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: 1999-2000 business plan / Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. … 006295 … null … Ministère de la santé et des soins de longue durée … Plan d'activités 1999-2000 / Ministère de la santé et des … de groupe dans le Nord a été offert aux généralistes de 22 communautés admissibles du Nord de l’Ontario. Le ministère …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT207648