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Afficher 61 - 75 de 1869 résultats
British Columbia.Lands and Housing Regional Operations Division.Vancouver Island Region.

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… Columbia Ladysmith. … Ladysmith Harbour crown foreshore plan / prepared by Lands and Housing Regional Operations … The local economy of Ladysmith has been traditionally based upon primary resource activities such as mining, … -------~------- -- - ----------~---- --- -- Page 22 Oceanography (cont'd) harbour can range from 22°C in the …

Dove, R.(Raymond),1948-, Wallis, M.(Michael),1955-, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment.Assessment and Planning Division.

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… of boater education and boating equipment inspection. Based upon recommendations of the 1979 project, the 1980 … and Tsawwassen terminals of the B.C. Ferry Corporation. Based upon recommendations of a study by the Okanagan … Equipment in 1980 .................................. 22 7 Sizes of Eurasian water milfoil Specimens Found on …

British Columbia.1980 Kindergarten Needs Assessment Contract Team., Mayfield, Margie., British Columbia.Learning Assessment Branch.

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… 103 5. CURRICULUM GUIDE AND RESOURCE BOOK 5. 1 Introduction … so early in the school year, some questions were asked based on the previous year's experience; therefore, new … -- and ours is no exception. I feel there should be some plan to allow for application of Capital Funds specifically …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_267797_general_report

Calam, John., Fleming, Thomas Gerald,1944-, British Columbia.Royal Commission on Education (1987-1988)

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… The Economic Council of Canada advises that computer-based technology is expected to increase the total number of … offered in evidence a seemingly innocent-enough children’s book which upon closer inspection was found to represent … an increase in the number ofdistrict superintendents. His plan for “encouraging teachers.. .to accept positions in the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_137787_bcschoolsandsociety

British Columbia.Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division

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… Management. … Tweedsmuir Park (B.C.) … Tweedsmuir master plan. … 2-1-2-2-27 TWEEDSMUIR MASTER PLAN January, 1988 … 21 ii 2 .2 VISITOR SERVICES OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES 22 2.2.1 INTRODUCTION 22 2.2.2 VISITOR OPPORTUNITIES 22 2.2.3 … will focus on the residents of the region, the automobile-based tourists travelling through the Cariboo, and the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_135151_tweeds_mp

British Columbia.Committee to Examine the Effect of Rapid Rises in Homeowner Real Estate Values on School Taxation., Fleming, Jack., British Columbia.Ministry of Education

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… moving average" system and a phase-in formula system, both based on the valu'es of each individual property were … financing has been described as a foundation program plan in the sense that equal opportunity is provided for … Total Line Composite Budget 4. Teachers' Pensions Estimate Book 5. Colleges & Institutes Operating - Council Support …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_266979_school_taxation_report

British Columbia.Provincial Access Committee., British Columbia.Ministry of Advanced Education and Job Training

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… ........ ...... ...... ... .................. .... ....... 22 1. Program Offerings in the Lower Mainland .. ........ ... … 1The term "open learning" is used to imply a system-based approach to the provision of educational opportunities … conjunction with participating universities, a long-term plan and budget. For such a "university college" component as …

British Columbia.Ministry of Education

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… as being within l percent of the provincial growth rate. Based upon this information, along with selected estimates of … Institute of Technology, B.C.I.T. Educational Five Year Plan: Introduction to the Eighties, Vancouver, B.C., June, … such as staff and materials (3 percent) as well as new book acquisitions (1 percent). With the increased demand for …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_267715_task_force_report

British Columbia.Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations

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… of Finance and Corporate Relations … Description based on 1985-86. … Title varies slightly. … 1996/97- . also … of Gas and Rail Services Payment to the Province Pension plan payments (Note 11) Costs related to sale of businesses … British Columbia, prior to January 1, 2002 . The net book value of the fixed assets of the businesses sold was …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_71051_71051_pa_1989_v3

British Columbia.Curriculum Development Branch

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… (Nelson) - years 1-7 Spelling Prescribed (Teacher Resource Book) Thomas, V.: Teaching Spelling (Gage) - years 2-7 … These wi 11 be available from the Credit Allocation Plan lCAP) according to the following schedule which was … builds on that original guide, including refine'illents based on recent research on what writing is and how it can be …

Saskatchewan Geological Survey., Canada.Dept. of Regional Economic Expansion., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Mineral Resources., Saskmont Engineering.

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… (v) The unit costs of peat shown above have been based solely on opera- ting costs, without an allowance for … Reconnaissance Leveling Traverse 2-19 2-4 Bog Profiles 2-22 2-5 Peat Isopachs 2-27 2-(ii) 2.0 PEAT RESOURCE ASSESSMENT … information was available to develop a conceptual mine plan. It was apparent that although the bog was very flat, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL99505763503479

Green, Nathan., Green, Nathan, Nova Scotia.Commission to Review the Police Act & Regulations , Nova Scotia.Dept. of the Attorney General

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Nouvelle Écosse

… out his duties and responsibilities. Parker G. in his book, “Introduction to Criminal Law” describes the role of a … police a population in excess of 342,588. This figure is based on the 1976 census. The 1980 Police budget estimates … Police Commission has prepared a Municipal Police Training Plan for Nova Scotia which is, at present, under …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000000161

Ontario Economic Council., Saunders, Ronald S.

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… The decision to sponsor publication of this study was based on its competence and relevance to public policy. HC … First, it must negotiate with the council for a social plan, which normally includes compensation for workers who … the right to modify an employer's intended layoffs. 22 In West Germany, furthermore, workers are represented on …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT75699

Cutt, James,1937-, British Columbia.Royal Commission on Education (1987-1988)

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… return to all or part of this system. Under the foundation plan, the recognized cost of the “core” program, known as the … be regarded as rough estimates only because they are based on the assumption that the tax yield of each base … expenditure in 1986, at $3,019. SOURCE Draft 1987 CMEC book. Page 82 Support Systems for Learning: Finance …

British Columbia.Office of the Ombudsman, Bell, Larry., Owen, Stephen(Stephen Douglas),1948-

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… ii B.C. HYDRO'S ACTION PLAN .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. . … ................................................ 22 7.2.3. Spousal circumstances … or customer. C. recommend the Tariffs be revised, based on the principle that a creditor is entitled to know …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_207358_public_report_no_10