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Afficher 91 - 105 de 1869 résultats
Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources.

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… (Ont.) … Thackeray Provincial Nature Reserve : management plan. … Thackeray Provincial Park Management Plan | Ontario.ca … ://www.ontario.ca/page/thackeray-provincial-park-management-plan[2020-04-08 10:21:58 AM] COVID-19: Get the lates updates …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT101094

Wright, Annette,1943-, British Columbia.Ministry of Education

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… planning for educational use. But in order to plan ahead, this first stage must lead to an appreciation of … can be trans- ferred to, and augmented by, microcomputer-based instruction. Following this, specialized programs have … for Special Children". I do not regret that decision. The book is not a microcomputing book, but I think that it.has …

British Columbia.1980 Kindergarten Needs Assessment Contract Team., Mayfield, Margie., British Columbia.Learning Assessment Branch.

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… that decisions affecting education ar~ best made when based on accurate and current information. An ad~isory … all groups agreed that it is desirable for each school to plan and implement an educational program for parents of … than the quality of the school. In the Resource Book for Kindergartens (1973), it is stated that education …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_267798_summary_report

Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources.

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… Park (Ont.) … Windy Lake Provincial Park : management plan. … Windy Lake Provincial Park Management Plan. CT) Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources i C 1988 … srATEMENT We are pleased to release this management plan for Windy Lake Provincial Park. It is a statement of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT84004

Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Alleged Injuries Sustained by Michael Albert Jacobsen During His Detention in the Vancouver City Police Jail (B.C.), Matheson, Malcolm A., Saunders, Mary E., Edgar, J. David N.

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… the Vancouver City Police Jail Commissioners’ Report July 22, 1988 MALCOLM A. MATHESON MARY E. SAUNDERS J. DAVID N. … her conversation with Mr. Jacobsen in the nurses’ log book later that shift. Throughout this time no entry was made … located. 40 Chapter 4 CONCLUS IONS 4.1 Conclusions of Fact Based on the evidence presented at this Inquiry, we have come …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_324292_michaelalbertjocobsen

British Columbia.Royal Commission on Education (1987-1988), Sullivan, B. M.(Barry M.)

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… and, 5. recommend some responsible paths of action based upon comprehensive under standings of the system’s … public and professional alike, can find common ground to plan the kind of educational Future appropriate for the … recreation than Canadians do nationally. An annual library book circulation of 9.33 books per capita provincially is …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_137784_legacyforlearners1987_1988

Ontario Labour Relations Board.

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… 1943, and heard its last case in April, 1944). In his book, The Ontario Labour Court 1943 - 1944, (Queen's | | … table, since at the time no concrete intention or plan to contract out existed. The complaint was dismissed. … There were several grounds on which the application was based. The court held, on the first ground, that a finding …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT7339AH

Ontario Labour Relations Board.

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… 1943, and heard its last case in April, 1944). In his book, The Ontario Labour Court 1943 - 1944, (Queen's | | … table, since at the time no concrete intention or plan to contract out existed. The complaint was dismissed. … There were several grounds on which the application was based. The court held, on the first ground, that a finding …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT7339BQ

McCarthy, Martha., Manitoba.Historic Resources Branch.

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… . 17 Sketch showing Grand Rapids Indian Reserve . 21 Plan of the Grand Rapids Settlement , 1903. 33 Plan o f Grand … ite d i n opposition to their wi shes . This all iance was based pr imari ly on the 25 importance which Grand Rapids … 1792 . 21 E. E. Ri ch, Colin Robertson's Correspondence Book, September 1817 !Q September 1822 (Nedeln/Liechte nste i …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107400205

Ontario Law Reform Commission.

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… Public Allowances 177 (c) Moneys Payable Under a Pension Plan 178 (d) Life Insurance Benefits 181 (e) Support Payments … result, the writ could not extend to securities for money, book debts, future wages and other choses in action. Nor … recommendations, broadening the role of the sheriff, are based on the assumption that, after an unsuccessful public …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT15680A

Ontario Economic Council., Krashinsky, Michael,1947-

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… The decision to sponsor publication of this study was based on its competence and relevance to public policy and … a large number of the public employees cited in this book. Of course, I must also thank the many people working in … 1966, the federal government passed the Canada Assistance Plan (CAP), under which Ottawa reimburses the provinces for …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT1466

Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources.

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… … Pushkin Hills Provincial Nature Reserve : management plan. … Pushkin Hills Provincial Park Management Plan | Ontario.ca … ww.ontario.ca/page/pushkin-hills-provincial-park-management-plan[2020-04-08 9:26:31 AM] COVID-19: Get the lates updates …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT101093

British Columbia.Dept. of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce, British Columbia.Ministry of Economic Development, British Columbia.Ministry of Industry and Small Business Development, British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… . I'm sure you'll find the information contained in this book useful. After you've read it, I'm sure you'll agree with … ... ... ... ....... .... .............. .. ........ ... 22 Climate ....... ........ . . . .. ........ ... ... ...... … demand for the products of British Columbia's resource-based industries brought tremendous economic growth following …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_123586_1988

Ontario.Management Board Secretariat.Government Activity Review Branch, Stanley, Barbara M.

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… recommendations and conclusions in this review are based on: visits to libraries, both within and outside the … That as part of the ministry's annual activity review plan, the library be formally evaluated to review its role, … computers, microfiche readers and printers, storage and book trolleys, etc. This means that a library requires a fair …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT208877

British Columbia.Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources

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… … Discussion paper : towards a Ministry business plan … DISCUSSION PAPER TOWARDS A MINISTRY BUSINESS PLAN BUSINESS PLAN FRAMEWORK The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_524369_discussion_paper