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Afficher 346 - 360 de 452 résultats
Pendergast, B. A.(Bruce Alexander),1941-., Hunter, R. A.(Rodger Allan),1949-., Demarchi, D. A.(Dennis Alvin),1943-, British Columbia.Wildlife Unit., British Columbia.Terrestrial Studies Branch.

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… in every case and where applicable data items 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 34, and 39 should accompany each Wildlife … 54) should a 1 so be entered. Counts on which averages are based may be entered as a comment if so desired. 1. Method 1 … severely hedged unavailable dead Availability is based on the portion of the plant used in previous winters. …

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia

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… the rule in Clayton's Case The rule in Clayton 1 s Case is based upon elemen- tary accounting principles, and in the … in opposition to another concept. It may mean law which is based upon popular custom as opposed to law created by … the actual cur- rency deposited could not be returned,22 If, however, other money were mixed with A's money in the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2017_267781_working_paper_no36

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia

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… Contractual Exclusions SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS 19 19 19 20 20 22 26 FOOTNOTES 28 -ii- APPENDICES A. B, Law Reform (Husband … ActS was enacted in British Columbia which was largely based on the English legislation. That Act remains in … text of the English Act is set out in Appendix A. It is based upon recommendations made by the Law Reform Committee …

British Columbia.Ministry of Forests.Research Branch

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… m(in) cm(in) 1. 5(59) 1. 90(3/4) 0.318(0.125) l. 6( 63) 2.22(7/8) 0.318(0.125) 1. 6( 63) 2.54(1) 0.318(0.125) 1. 6( 63) …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_534203_no_52

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food

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… Livestock Numbers 1981-continued 14 15 lG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 … of agricultural holdings into economic classes (based upon the gross incOI'l'E received frbm sales of … 1971 fann typing ITEthod in that the previous method was based on realized value of agricultural sales from the …

Saskatchewan Geological Survey., Gilboy, C. F., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Mineral Resources.

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… (Unit 10) in the Rottenstone Domain.........00.0.. ee 21 22. Modal compositions of predominantly foliated biotite … (Unit 11) in the Rottenstone Domain .............. 22 23. Modal compositions of rocks forming rafts within … In addition, 3 schistosity. Estimated modes of 17 samples based percent diopsidic pyroxene and, as alteration on thin …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991322193503479

Madsen, H. F.(Harold F.),1921-, Procter, P. J., British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food

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… ........................................................ 22 Twospotted Spider Mite … specific. Most of the information in this publication is based on observations and experience under British Columbia … of Agriculture and Food. Control-Codling moth control is based upon the proper application of insecticides recommended …

B.C. Hydro.Energy Use Engineering Dept.

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… that the following may be expected of new large projects based on 1982 electricity rates escalated at 15% per annum: - … I 9.S 36.5 s.a I 21 I 12.6 11. 7 I 7,0 I 40.3 37.0 9.6 I 22 I 1615 1513 I 13.0 I !S.3 33.a 6.8 I 23 I 1112 1014 I 7.0 … 10.s I 10.0 l 7,3 26.8 2.1 I s. I 12.4 11.S I 9 .. 0 I 22.0 2616 o.o I 6 I 12.2 11.3 I 10.0 I 11.9 25,9 o.o I 7 I 19 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_2_498730_performance_evaluation

Alberta Research Council. Natural Resources Division. Groundwater Dept.

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… summers with a mean temperature of the warmest month below 22°C and at least four months Bedrock subcropping within the … test are Since determination of 20-year safe yield is based on ex- included. Quality of this data is variable and a … mine development near safe yield and qualitative judgments based on geological Dusty Lake) have become available in …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87654

Toews, D. A. A.(David Andrew Alan),1946-, Moore, Michael Keith,1946-, Canada.Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans.Pacific Region.Land Use Unit, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… pieces of debris (numbered 2, 3 , 6, 7, 10, 11, 1 5 , and 22) i n p l a c e i n 1 9 7 3 were still p r e s e n t i n 1 … t o t h e mid-summer survey on which t h i s s t u d y i s based . Tree tops , limbs and broken p ieces remained . Yard … context, the stability of debris becomes very important. - 22 - The very high level of utilization of natural debris as …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_266346_lmr011

British Columbia.Division of Tuberculosis Control.

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… Among Non-Indians and Indians, British Columbia, 1981 , 22 Table 21. - Active Tuberculosis, By Age Group, sex and … only), British Columbia, 1982. , ... , , 23 Table 22. - Active Tuberculosis, By Age-Group, Sex and Diagnosis, … than is considered wise by the responsible physician, based on a variety of practical, legitimate concerns. In an …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_203106_1982

Ontario.Advisory Committee on the Draft Construction Lien Act., Fram, Stephen V.,chairman.

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… bring forward and develop their own proposals for reform, based upon their individual experience and expertise. Since … OF ACT) TOPIC PAGE Interpretation 1-25 - Definitions 1-22 1(1)1 "action" 2 1(1)2 "construction trade newspaper" 3 … of the Discussion Draft, or case law upon which they are based, are practical. Put simply, the proposed trust …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT1165

Scovil, Paul B., Nova Scotia.Provincial Court

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Nouvelle Écosse

… on maps or aerial photographs and characterized by science-based description. The modern scientific approach views a … and mapping of Nova Scotia’s natural landscapes is based on the descriptive framework provided by the Natural … 8 Landscape 4 - St. Mary’s Bay Cliffs and Beaches A 22,848 hectare coastal landscape dominated by boreal coastal …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000006593

Commissioner Inquiry on British Columbia's Requirements, Supply and Surplus of Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids, Govier, George W.,1917-

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… be considered surplus to British Columbia's requirements based on the estimates of present and future require- ments … and ICG submitted forecasts for Van- couver Island. Based on the evidence presented at the Hearing, the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_2_377022_summary_report

B.C. Hydro.Energy Use Engineering Dept.

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… 47.2 (loo. o) $ 5,256 9.5 (3/8) 106.2 (225.0) $11,812 * Based on 75% operating time - 6,570 hours/year 746 W to …