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Afficher 136 - 150 de 452 résultats
Harvey, Judith Antonik Bennett,1948-, British Columbia.Legislative Library

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… The Commission concluded that a planned forest policy based on the principle of sustained yield production was … Queen's Printer. (Minority report by A.J. McDonell p. 19-22 and by A. J. Turner p. 23-27). Tabled: February 22, 1952. … OF LOTS IN THE SUB-DIVISION OF LOT 1476, SAYWARD DISTRICT, PLAN 8255 Appointed under the Public Inquiries Act by …

Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission.

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22 Commission Staff … complaints of discrimination from transgender people based on gender identity, gender expression, and other Code … mother and child. As part of its strategic business plan, the Commission has prioritized interagency collabo- … Bench Justice will assess the merits of the complaint based on the evidence presented and issue a decision. The …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL99694403503479L

Ontario.Legislative Assembly.Standing Committee on General Government.

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… o n Committee 21. Glengarry P lann ing Board, Maxvi l l e 22 Township of Wilmot 23, Outdoor A d v e r t i s i n g …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT24510A

British Columbia.Parks and Outdoor Recreation Division

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… site location course for engineers, surveyors and plan- ners who are responsible for location of facilities in … III Instructors Level IV Instructors Refresher Course Briefing Course Clinics Pre Level I Course DESCRIPTION OF CX> … with an emphasis on skill development. The course is based on the national coaching certification program. B. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_244056_directory_1982

British Columbia

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… has a max- imum of 7 days to pay to the owner compensation based on an appraisal. The appraisal upon which the amount of … 21. Order for possession PART 5 CoMPENSATION PROCEDURES 22. Owner deemed to have accepted payment 25. Jurisidiction … the land described in the notice, or (b) deposit a plan of subdivision or otherwise allow any change in the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_275036_discussion_proposal

British Columbia.Ministry of Attorney General, British Columbia.Corrections Branch.Institutional Services Division.Provincial adult correctional facilities

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… this placement decision is the development of a sentence plan. Classification officers make their placement decisions based on carefully determined cri- teria. These criteria are … after in Victoria. Visits are on Sundays, require prior book- ing, and up to three visitors per visit are allowed. …

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia

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… of these ju- risdictions has, or had, an Arbitration Act based on the English Arbitration Act, 1889 and, consequently, … court has authority, where it makes an order under section 22 of the Arbitration Act, to impose such terms as to costs … as soon as possible at a convenient location in the strata plan or nearby. (2) The arbitrators shall conduct the hearing …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_210046_lrc55_arbitration

Manitoba.Clean Environment Commission93619.

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… many aspects of mosquito control in the following report, based upon the submissions it received during and after the … however, the required rates of application are very high: 22 to 55 litres per hectare. From this description, it can be … which should be part of a carefully designed continuing plan. There are too many unknowns in the virus cycle. There …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107459661

ADI Limited.5266, Canada-New Brunswick Flood Damage Reduction Program.5272

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… WYé1ÇOtPYE boni!f 8c és/00poB Lt.4Lr à — AE ee” i ' piovol book. t.! . j: 4 te Shits _ *YPivieigauw® levar toot 4.2 ”À … . le Rr CP s Pr + e ee BNL u . t fre LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 Plan of Study Area 1. 2 Schematic of Kennebecasis River … fore not recorded by the media. 6.2 Selected Study Areas Based on a review of records of historical jam locatio n s ( …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL831

British Columbia.Conservation and Renewable Energy Branch., West Coast Environmental Law Research Foundation

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… Program Source Separation Mechanical Separation 18 20 20 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 32 iv 6.0 La3AL ISSUES 6.1 LEGAL … approving officer has the pcwer to refuse a sul:xlivision plan if it is n:Jt energy efficient. In addition, … and other light vehicles oonswre about 75% of petroleum-based transportation fuels. They are the least …

Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission.

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… of systemic advocacy. This approach facilitates more broad-based changes to discriminatory systems affecting many … Nations included those for: Exemptions Summary There were 22 exemptions granted in 2009-2010 for a total of 180 active … final report to the Treaty Table in 2007 was the 246-page book “Treaty Implementation: Fulfilling the Covenant.” He …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL99694403503479I

Saskatchewan Geological Survey., Johnston, W. G. Q., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Energy and Mines.

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… ”— Wii - FOREWORD The fieid work upon which this report is based was carried out in 1970 and 1972. Unless otherwise … and Biotite Gneisses (Unit 4) . . … …. . . . . . oe ee ee 22 Biotite Gneiss Group (Units 5 to 9) . . . . . . : + + + + … pl01-109. Stanton, R.L. (1972): Ore Petrology; McGraw-Hill Book Co., Toronto, 713p. | Shklanka, R. (1961): The geology …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991345843503479

British Columbia.Office of the Ombudsman, Friedmann, Karl A.(Karl Anton), Reid, Vera.

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… I . CONCLUSION 22 INTRODUCTION The Legislative Assembly has entrusted to the … h a t t h i s p r e l i m i n a r y a p p r o v a l w a s based o n t h e mis taken assumption t h a t t h e r e was a … c right-of-way i n q u e s t i o n i s 66 f e e t wide was based upon a mis take of l a w . I t i s my b e l i e f t h a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_207338_special_report_no_05

British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General

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… on the part of my Office. Victoria, British Columbia 22 July 1982 ~ ,i~ /'y;A Erma Morrison, F.C.A. Auditor … at the Quebec City conference together with certain other briefing and related meetings. The evidence however also … Our examination included a review of these practices and based on the results of this review, the evidence of Mr. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_323602_special_report

Manitoba.Legislative Assembly.Office of the Clerk.

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… 16 Manitoba Text Book Bureau (Education and Training) … of the goals and objectives set out in its strategic plan for the 12-month period. The Minister must table the … granted or denied, provisions upon which refusals were based, the number of applications to correct personal …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107410920C