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Afficher 136 - 150 de 472 résultats
Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality Review Board.Research Program for the Abatement of Municipal Pollution., Chisholm, K., Rupke, J. W. Gerald.

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… RBC - Bio-Surf 16 3.3.2 RBC - Bio-Drum 19 4. CONCLUSIONS 22 4.1 Suspended Solids Removal 22 4.2 Soluble Components … Table 1. The detention time of the lagoon was calculated based upon the recorded flow and the calculated lagoon … for high SS removals. 23 5. RECOMMENDED SYSTEM AND COSTS Based on the data collected during an eight-month study at …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT132072

Ontario.Commission of Inquiry into the Acquisition by the Ministry of Housing of Certain Lands in the Community of North Pickering., Donnelly, J.F.,chairman.

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… steps in the implementation of the Toronto-centred Region Plan. First, the Governments of Canada and Ontario are, at … Honourable the Minister of Housing of Ontario, dated June 22, 1976, was questioned by the Minister in a 18. letter to … by this Committee. The solution that has been agreed to is based on the following formula: 1) The cases disputed in the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT16239

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Grizzly Valley Natural Gas Pipeline, Smith, Walter Kirke, McCarthy, Grace M., British Columbia.Ministry of Provincial Secretary

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… 13, 1976, Statement of Material Facts and • '". .,, -22- the October 29, 1976 Amendment, is disconcerting and … an announcement on the pipeline was imminent. This was all based on public information and the usual industry contacts. …

British Columbia.Ministry of Industry and Small Business Development, British Columbia.Ministry of Economic Development

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… II British Columbia Manufacturing Employment Trends 8 17 22 26 34 37 47 53 58 63 9 61 PART III STATISTICAL SUPPLEMENT, … be export led with wood products being the star performer based on near record levels of housing starts in the … Island) and an appointed chairman. The alfalfa insurance plan offered for the first time in 1976 was expanded to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_173667_1977

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Standing Committee on Orders and Private Bills

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… 16 This b; a housekeeping section to bring a five-year plan question in line with the proposed new section setting … trade, profession, . or other occupation. The tax shall be based on the annual rental value of the real property … 11 was originally enac1ed as a timing sectio n. Section 22 of BILL (Section 306(s) of Charter) Present section: 306. …

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Mineral Resources., Koster, F., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Mineral Resources.Geological Sciences Branch.Precambrian Geology Division.

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… contents are respectively 8 and 16 per cent, and 22 and 26 per cent of the rock, for each thin section. Many … biotite form about 40 per cent of the rock and are crudely 22 a rr oriented and concentrated in narrow stringers, … In many places brecciated pl #88, \ Eo ae. on VAE e Le : ) 22 a2: and mylonitized. 3a, rusty biotite-sillimanite-garnet …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991487273503479

Saskatchewan Research Council.

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… June 12 10.8 7.0/1999 June 16 13.2 8.6/1995 July 7 44.4 22.9/1969 August 23 22.8 9.4/1971 August 28 28.0 27.6/1992 … of 13 degrees of wind strength, from calm to hurricane, based upon the effects of various wind strengths upon the … Comparison is provided with a provisional average based on 16 years of data (l975-1990). SPELLS - Temperature …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991041893503479

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment.Pesticides Control Section

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… 20 - 21 TOXICITY TO BIRDS 21 TOXICITY TO HONEY BEES 21 - 22 11)50 VALUES OF PESTICIDES - VALUES OF HERBICIDES 24 - 27 … washing. RELATIVE TOXICITY The LD values quoted are based on the active ingredient and not on the formulated … susceptible crops to de- crease vapour drift. Since water based chemicals evaporate faster than oil based chemicals, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT92475

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment.Water Resources Branch, Funk, Gunther

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… overburden samples ....................... 22 3. North-south cross-section through the eastern part of … 27 11. Hydraulic characteristics based on pumping tests for wells in the study area … long-term (1967-72) evapotranspiration at Orono as based on different methods ............................. 46 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT180854

Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources.Division of Forests., Kemperman, J.A.

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… The identification of aspen clones in the field is based primariJ-y on phenological and morphological … or mapped and then sub- sequently segregated into clones based on the chemical analysis. While difficult and time …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT8772

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment.Environmental Approvals Branch.

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… t b) A Report is prepared by the company or its consultant based on past performance of similar facilities, or on design … by application to the Environmental Appeal Board. I t ii 22 - E N V I R O N M E N T A L A P P R O V A L S B R A N C H …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT33859

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment.West Central Region

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… flows occurred every day during which flows were measured. Based on an hydraulic capacity of 150,000 gpd, the average … range of 210 to 275 lbs. BODS per day. This estimate is based on an average daily sewage flow of 150,000 gpd and … its intended purpose of retaining storm flows. Between May 22 and June 3 inclusive, a period of 13 days, approximately …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT2776

Saskatchewan.Dept. of Mineral Resources., Morris, A., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Mineral Resources.Geological Sciences Branch.Precambrian Geology Division.

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… and larger irregular pods of granitic material ....... 22 Plate 5B: Augen gneiss gradational io granodiorite 00. 2 … sections is quartz 24 to 35 per cent, potassium feldspar 22 to 35 per cent, plagioclase 33 to 41 per cent, biotite 2 … plunge of about. 25 degrees, the range being from 22 degrees to 29 degrees. A stereonet plot of attitudes from …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991487313503479

Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality Review Board.Research Program for the Abatement of Municipal Pollution, Shannon, Earl E., Rush, R. J., Prested, B. P.

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… Phosphorus Concentrations Versus Clarifier Overflow Rate 22 iv LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 An Example of Jar Test Data … lime addition. The chemical cost for phosphorus removal based on the average full scale chemical dosage, wastewater … An interim study report should be prepared and submitted based on the jar tests and include sufficient data to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT132082

Saskatchewan Research Council.

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… . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Monthly and annual precipitation days graphs . . . . . . . … Word for the Weatherwise Sun-suckers (Shropshire Word-Book, 1879) The sun’s rays, as they sometimes appear in … of 13 degrees of wind strength, from calm to hurricane, based upon the effects of various wind strengths upon the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991041893503479E