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Afficher 121 - 135 de 2327 résultats
Saskatchewan.Labour Relations Board., Saskatchewan Legal Education Society.

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… cautions regarding use of Affidavit material which is not based on facts known to the affiant. Costs – Employer … deposed that she took steps to ensure that the contingency plan, which the Employer had on file, were updated for each … new principles in the absence of full argument and legal briefing. At the very least, however, to qualify as “special …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL9956653503479OU

New Brunswick.Auditor General.3221, Nouveau-Brunswick.Vérificateur Générale.3223

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… Two observations are critical. One is that the strategic plan for ALC has not been approved by the Province. The other … in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Based on the results of our audits, we issue an opinion on … will include the amortization method used, the net book value of assets being amortized and the amount of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL396D

Elections NB., Élections NB.

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… organisationnel. … Planification stratégique. … Strategic Plan 2.0, 2018-2027 = Plan stratégique 2.0, 2018-2027 … … plan. We received legislative support to move to a merit-based process, led by us, for the future hiring of all … g. Improve the usability of the Elections NB website based on customer feedback and analytics h. Seek legislative …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL1397

British Columbia Housing Management Commission

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… Columbia Housing Management Commission. Annual service plan report. … The British Columbia Housing Management … Columbia’s Strategy for Affordable Housing, which is based on the principles of affordability, sustainability and … 1997 1996 ($000’s) ($000’s) Historical Accumulated Net Book Net Book Cost Depreciation Value Value Computer software …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_151845_bc_housing_ar_1996_97

Elections NB., Élections NB.

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… organisationnel. … Planification stratégique. … Strategic Plan 2.0, 2018-2027 = Plan stratégique 2.0, 2018-2027 … Élections Nouveau-Brunswick Plan stratégique 2.0 2018–2027 ISBN 978-1-4605-3424-3 – …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL1397A

BC Rail, Council of Trade Unions on BC Rail, Canadian Union of Transportation Employees.Local no. 1

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… 31 8 Employees’ Benefit Plan............................................ 34 9 … on duty at the time ordered for and will sign appearance book. He will be paid the hourly rate on the minute basis … unions, a dispute over whether a WI claim will be paid based on a contention respecting medical evidence will be …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_361880_caw110

New Brunswick.Auditor General.3221, Nouveau-Brunswick.Vérificateur Générale.3223

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… were used for business related activities 1.9 We found based on the information we were able to obtain, the funds … protect the Province from substantial financial losses 1.22 Ultimately there were two very different reactions to … targets have been set in ONB's first ever strategic plan. These corporate targets have been operationalized and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL396CL

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Select Standing Committee on Public Accounts.

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… Yes. The Chair: Okay, let me just finish this. What do you plan on doing -- or do you plan on doing anything this year? … comparison on the appropriation basis is still being done based on the original estimates and the original accounting … if it would be possible for you to send a very short briefing note to the members of the committee, telling us …

British Columbia.Legislative Library

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… in Word instead of preprinted, a new Library crest, based on the Legislative Assembly crest, was designed. It was … A total of 4,287 titles were sent to the Canadian Book Exchange Centre. The Cataloguing support staff pulled … hundred and ninety two titles were completed. On August 22 Horst Huelscher completed the first CIP for a CD-ROM …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_71058_llbc_ar_1996

Pierce, Fred A., Nova Scotia.Cooperatives Branch

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Nouvelle Écosse

… 1994, 1995, 1996 0 0 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission … establishment of company objectives. An organization is based on two pillars -- objectives and a philosophy of … of his: a. impartiality, b. persistence, c. ability to plan d. ability to coordinate, e. ability to bring out and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000002851

Saskatchewan.Labour Relations Board., Saskatchewan Legal Education Society.

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… INSULATORS AND ASBESTOS WORKERS, LOCAL 119, Applicant v BOOK INSULATIONS LTD., Respondent and HALLBOOK ENTERPRISES … Manager for the Local. He had heard through the Alberta-based Local that Book and Hallbook were “double-breasted”, … William Book has no involvement in Hallbook’s operations. [22] Book’s bidding process is by invitation only. Book does …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL9956653503479QAJ

Saskatchewan.Labour Relations Board., Saskatchewan Legal Education Society.

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… for the purpose of developing a workplace adjustment plan. (8.1) On receipt of a notice pursuant to subsection … arguments: [18] The Union filed a written Brief and Book of Authorities which we have reviewed and found helpful. … overturned the decision of the Court of Queen’s Bench based solely upon its review of the decision based upon the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL9956653503479LH

New Brunswick.Auditor General.3221, Nouveau-Brunswick.Vérificateur Générale.3223

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… the government faces and their potential impact. Net debt plan 1.13 A multi year net debt plan is, in my opinion, … that have not been preceded by net debt reductions. Based on information contained in the Economic and Fiscal … Province’s sinking fund. The following table reports the book value of the Province’s sinking fund for the past nine …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL396AL

Saskatchewan.Labour Relations Board., Saskatchewan Legal Education Society.

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… of counsel for SPFA, Sask. Poly filed a joint document book in respect of the matters in dispute. We will refer to … [7] Mr. Seright referenced Sask. Poly’s strategic plan in support of his statements that indigenous inclusion … to dive into that data so that decisions could be made based upon analysis of that data. [15] He testified in …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL9956653503479PT

Joint Committee for Enhanced Labour Market Information (Canada), Centre for Education Information Standards and Services, Canada.Human Resources Development Canada

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… Development Canada Issue no. 2 Table of Contents Community-based LMI Getting it Together: A Forum on Labour market … for the late fall, and will begin in March. The new plan is for a "train the trainers" session in March, followed … for Enhanced LMI include:  Working Group on the LMI Book for Career Practitioners   …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_2_290731_1996_winter_no2