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Afficher 151 - 165 de 1310 résultats
Tire Stewardship Manitoba.

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… Tire Stewardship Manitoba. … Also issued: Business plan, 1998-2001. … "On April 1, 2008, Tire Stewardship … 1,475,542 1,390,886 * Medium truck tire sales are based on a 2004 sales survey and are calculated as 12 percent … 30% NOTE 3 – CAPITAL ASSETS 2005 2004 Accumulated Net Book Net Book Cost Amortization Value Value Computer …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107425621E

Alberta. Dept. of Public Works, Supply and Services, issuing body.

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… and Services … Public Works, Supply and Services business plan / 1997/2000 … 1997/1998 - 1999/2000 Public Works, Supply … our customers in cost-reduction strategies and incentive-based programs ◆ continue shift in emphasis to policy and … ON DISPOSAL OF CAPITAL ASSETS (31,404) (14,994) (10,934) (22,745) 900 (6,000) (6,000) (6,000) NET REVENUE (EXPENSE) …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88365

British Columbia.Forest Practices Board

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… which were under review and revision in late 1997. Based on its experience in dealing with complaints, … that government clarify the interpretation of sections 22(1) and 30 of the Act and the conditions under which … Forest District Operational Planning Forest development plan and silviculture prescriptions generally in compliance …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_246424_bc_fpb_ar_1997

Tire Stewardship Manitoba.

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… Tire Stewardship Manitoba. … Also issued: Business plan, 1998-2001. … "On April 1, 2008, Tire Stewardship … Manitoba includes the following main elements: • Eco-fee based revenue system to make the program financially viable. … 31, 2011 NOTE 3 – CAPITAL ASSETS 2011 2010 Accumulated Net Book Net Book Cost Amortization Value Value Computer …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107425621B

Tire Stewardship Manitoba.

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… Tire Stewardship Manitoba. … Also issued: Business plan, 1998-2001. … "On April 1, 2008, Tire Stewardship … to $4.00. Although TSM achieved a diversion rate of 89% based on the volume of new tires sold versus the tonnes of … 31, 2012 NOTE 4 – CAPITAL ASSETS 2012 2011 ACCUMULATED NET BOOK NET BOOK COST AMORTIZATION VALUE VALUE Computer …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107425621A

Manitoba.Personal Injury Protection Plan Review Commission., Uskiw, Sam., Manitoba.Minister Responsible for Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation., Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation.98758.

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… Manitoba.Personal Injury Protection Plan Review Commission. … Uskiw, Sam. … Manitoba.Minister … subsection (1) is: payment consistent Indemnity be based on a) $XXX for the student's semester school year each … FURTHER CONSIDERATION I RECOMMENDATION appointments. No. 22. That the maximum expense payable for non- I EXISTS TODA y …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107423087A

Workers' Compensation Board of British Columbia

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… 31 December ...; 2003- , Annual report and ... service plan. … Some issues also have distinctive titles. … Description based on 68th (1984). … Catalogue record made available by … planning, accreditation, and performance management. 22. provide valuable information about areas requiring …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_125674_wcbc_ar_1997

Manitoba.Manitoba Finance.96063.

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107465976E

Alberta. Dept. of Education. School Facilities Task Force.

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… … Towards development of a new school facilities capital plan for Alberta's students : discussion paper … owards … (ECS–12), 1986-2000 3 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 15 15 21 22 Towards Development of a New School Facilities Capital … must be reconfigured to accommodate a move from textbook-based instruction to hands-on demonstration where students …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA88401

Hallin, Lillian Grace,1960-A guide to the BC economy and labour market., Canada.Human Resources Development Canada, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Skills and Training., Centre for Curriculum, Transfer and Technology, Centre for Education Information Standards and Services

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… choice ......................... 57 Unit Five: Action Plan······~~··········· … Outlooks (Work Futures) is a career planning reference book which profiles almost 200 occupations. Together these … six industry groups: construction; forestry; non-resource-based manufacturing; agriculture, fishing, food and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_310800_facilitators_guide

Ontario.Health Services Restructuring Commission

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… Commission on planning for a restructured institutionally-based rehabilitation sector in Ontario • Peter Coyte and … These challenges will demand redefinition of how we plan and organize the broad array of health care services as … for Ontario’s long term care system as described below. 22 A VISION OF LONG TERM CARE FOR ONTARIO In the HSRC’s …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT197647

British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Skills and Training.

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… of a variety of processes, tools, and techniques used to plan, research, and communicate design information and … simple processes and products. Student activities are based on classroom themes and their own experiences and … versions of some selected resources (braille and taped-book formats) are available. Learning resources for use in BC …

British Columbia Housing Management Commission

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… Columbia Housing Management Commission. Annual service plan report. … The British Columbia Housing Management … side with subsequent management by a non-profit agency based in the community. Its importance lies in that health, … _______________ Historical Accumulated Net Book Net Book Cost Depreciation Value Value Computer software …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_151845_bc_housing_ar_1997_98

British Columbia.Legislative Library

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… Colunbia Federation of Agriculture. On cover: Strategic plan. Latest issue(s): 1997 Strategic plan. ISSN: 12016330 1. … and other vulnerable witnesses : a background study based on a key informant consultation and literature review/ … PUBLICATIONS. INTERNET •. Continued Average earnings: a briefing paper [Internet corrputer file]. -- Richmond: …

Tire Stewardship Manitoba.

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… Tire Stewardship Manitoba. … Also issued: Business plan, 1998-2001. … "On April 1, 2008, Tire Stewardship … until such time as scrap tires develop a positive value based on market forces. In order to accomplish this, the tire … processors. Processors were offered credit payments based on cost and degree of Manitoba value-added products …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107425621F