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Afficher 181 - 195 de 5636 résultats
British Columbia.Interior Region Planning Committee, British Columbia.Ministry of Children and Family Development, British Columbia.Interior Child and Family Development

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… … Interior Child, Youth and Family service delivery plan / report of the Interior Region Planning Committee to … Child, Youth and Family Service Plan. This report is based on consultations with over 3,000 individuals in the … Consulting. She is also the moth- er of Brandi-Dawn, 22 and Adam, 19, who represent some of her biggest challenges …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

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… Accompanied by: News release (June 25, 2003): Eight Peaks plan allows recreation expansion. … Available on the … ways to mitigate potential impact on other resource-based sectors and the environment. They reflect all three … SRMP Chapter——MSRMMSRM APPENDIX 1 Page APPENDIX 1 Page 22 of 17 of 17 1. FIRST NATIONS Aboriginal people use the …

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British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… compared with 1926 amounted to 9.2 per cent. for silver, 22.2 per cent. for lead, 16.4 per cent. for zinc, and 0.35 … of tables. It is believed that the statistics as given, based on mine production, are informative and useful to those … principal showings occur in n tongue of grnnitic rock (son plan) a very short distance east of the main easterly contact …

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Saskatchewan.Dept.of Environment.

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… La Ronge Region. … La Ronge integrated land use management plan : background document. … La Ronge Integrated Land Use Management Plan, January 2003 La Ronge Integrated Land Use Management … ............................................................22 4.9 Sand and Gravel …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991159973503479

Nova Scotia.Dept. of Environment and Labour, Russell, Ronald

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Nouvelle Écosse

… of Environment and Labour … Russell, Ronald … Bill briefing [by] Environment and Labour, Provincial government … -- Remarks [by Ronald Russell] -- Reducing rates a plan that works, June 2003. … [Halifax : The Dept., … Nova … other future entitlements from 2.5% to 3.5% (selected 3.5% based on a Consumer Price Index of 2% and rate of return of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000000961

Nanaimo Estuary Management Plan Steering Committee (Canada), British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management., Canada.Environment Canada

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… Nanaimo Estuary Management Plan Steering Committee (Canada) … British Columbia.Ministry … … Cover title. … Running title: Nanaimo Estuary Management Plan, draft July 16, 2003. … Steering Committee includes … Nanaimo River Estuary (B.C.) … Nanaimo Estuary Management Plan. -- City & RDN Official Community Plans … … …

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Ontario Parks

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… Provincial Park (Ont.) … Neys preliminary park management plan. … Preliminary Park Management Plan Neys ©2003, Queen’s … (NHE) programming. Staff-led interpretation programs based from the activity centre during Neys Provincial Park … Shore of Lake Superior. Ontario Department of Mines, Guide Book. Rowe, J.S. 1972. Forest Regions of Canada. Ottawa …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT232068

Alberta. Dept. of Finance, issuing body.

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… (Management) -- Alberta. … Government business plan / 2003/2006 … Alberta 20 03 Budget M a k i n g A l b e r … the sustainable development of our natural resource based economy. Along with individual Albertans and Alberta … and other services, measured in current dollars, at $22.7 billion by 2003-04, $24.7 billion by 2004-05 and $26.9 …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

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… Accompanied by: News release (June 25, 2003): Eight Peaks plan allows recreation expansion. … Available on the … Recreation Management units (see Map 2) have been defined based on stewardship requirements, the existing winter … SRMP Chapter——MSRMMSRM APPENDIX 2 Page APPENDIX 2 Page 22 of 7 of 7 DESIRED FUTURE CONDITION: The primary objective …

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Alberta. Dept. of Environment, issuing body.

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… body. … [Government of Alberta] … Environment business plan / 2003/2006 … 139ENVIRONMENT BUSINESS PLAN 2003-06 … Checkpoints • Management Checkpoints: Citizen satisfaction based upon the drivers of citizen satisfaction; i.e., … emissions of CO2 equivalent were 433 kilotonnes (or 22 per cent) below 1990 levels. These reductions exceed our …

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Nova Scotia.Dept. of Health

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Nouvelle Écosse

… Nova Scotia … Health planning Nova Scotia … Business plan / Nova Scotia Dept. of Health. … NS1000000405 … Nova …

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Nouveau-Brunswick.Ministère de la santé et du mieux-être.

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… Ressources médicales. … Une nouvelle orientation pour le plan de gestion des ressources médicales: rapport final / … The initiatives must therefore integrate a gender-based analysis to make apparent any differences in their … 2004 21% % of male workers who belong to a union, 2004 22% Occupations % of all workers in trades, transport, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL392

Ontario.Niagara Escarpment Commission

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… : Niagara Escarpment Commission, … Niagara Escarpment Plan … Land use Niagara Escarpment Planning … Niagara … Approv ed by Minister 22/06/01 Amendment #130 … f) An estimated tonnage limit shall be determined based on the requirement of the project or contract and will …

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Ontario.Ministry of Education

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… of Education … Issued also in French under title: Notre plan pour l'éducation : aider les élèves de l'Ontario à … kids learn and achieve success Our plan for education is based on four priorities: 1. challenge students with a … our kids learn. The student-focused funding formula is based on fairness. It equitably funds the education of all …

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Ontario Parks, Anthony Usher Planning Consultant, Ian Seddon Planning Services

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… leading to the preparation of a preliminary management plan for Komoka Provincial Park. ii KOMOKA BACKGROUND … plan will be distributed for public review and comment. Based on the input received, Ontario Parks will prepare, … Thames River Conservation Authority. London, July 1987. 22 pages plus appendix. Nickles, Ron & Ron Davis. Lobo …

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