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Afficher 61 - 75 de 5636 résultats
British Columbia.Office of the Auditor General

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… the risks associated with the new public sector pension plan arrangements . . .33 Has the government established an … The findings and conclusions presented in this report are based on evidence gathered during the summer and fall of … stated a Ministry of Finance and Corporate Relations briefing document, would afford several advantages: n …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_359729_pspensionplans

British Columbia Housing Management Commission

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… Columbia. … Public housing British Columbia. … Service plan, 2003/2004-2005/2006 / BC Housing. -- … Service Plan … Programs are focused in two areas: subsidies to community-based non-profit and co-operative housing providers, and rent … Columbians who are 65 and older is projected to increase 22 per cent from 550,000 to 670,000 by 2010. Their housing …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_359619_bchmc_2003_2006

Elections British Columbia, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… Columbia Legislative Library. … Merged with Service plan / Elections BC to create Annual report and service plan … ............................................................22 … leadership contestants and advertising sponsors. A risk-based analysis is conducted to ensure that audit resources …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_358830_2003_06service

British Columbia.Public Library Services Branch., British Columbia.Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services, Zethof Consulting Group

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… … Stapled in LLBC copy: Consultation on a strategic plan for public libraries. (2 p.) … [Victoria, B.C. : Public … libraries for the Province of British Columbia. It is based on the results of an interview survey of over 50 … Canada, prepared for The Library Action Committee of the Book and Periodical Council. Toronto, ON: Book and Periodical …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_361926_situation_assessment

Ontario.Ministère de la santé et des soins de longue durée.Comité du Plan d'action contre l'ostéoporose., Société de l'ostéoporose du Canada.

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… de la santé et des soins de longue durée.Comité du Plan d'action contre l'ostéoporose. … Société de … : Une stratégie de lutte contre l’ostéoporose en Ontario 22 Essais randomisés de grande envergure apportant des … et coll. « Vertebral fracture definition from population- based data: preliminary results from the Canadian Multicenter …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT250505

Fraser River Estuary Management Plan (Canada), Fraser River Estuary Management Program (Canada)

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… Fraser River Estuary Management Plan (Canada) … Fraser River Estuary Management Program … a framework, vision, and action plan for Greater Vancouver based on the concept of sustainability that embraces economic … of the EMP every five years and make refinements based on the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of the Plan’s …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_378385_living_working_river

British Columbia Assessment Authority

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… from cover. … Title varies: 2002-2007, Annual service plan report for the year ... and a report on the creation of … Roll is completed annually on or before December 31, based on the market value of properties as of the previous … T 2. Capital assets: (in $000s) 2003 2002 Accumulated Net Book Net Book Cost Amortization Value Value Land 446 – 446 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_363201_bcaa_asp_2003

British Columbia.Ministry of Children and Family Development

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… and Family Development … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14, 2013/14-2015/16. … At head … accountable for achieving the following results in 2003/04 based on objective 2.1 related to Early Childhood … and Family Development 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan 22 Government Strategy: Management of Government (all …

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Alberta. Capital Planning Initiative, issuing body.

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… TARGET AND RESULTS 21 3.4 UTILIZATION PERFORMANCE MEASURE 22 3.4.1 BUILDING INFRASTRUCTURE - UTILIZATION 23 3.4.2 … SUMMARY BACKGROUND The Government’s 2002-05 Business Plan included the following goal: Goal 11 ‘Alberta will have … life. 3. Replacement value of government buildings is based on an average cost of $1650 /m2. 4. Replacement values …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA92006

College Pension Plan (B.C.), British Columbia Pension Corporation

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… College Pension Plan (B.C.) … British Columbia Pension Corporation … Running … 2002 5.3 2001 9.9 2000 14.8 1999 12.3 Rates of return are based on a fi ve-year average. PLAN ASSETS FINANCIAL … a defi ned benefi t pension plan, meaning your pension is based on how many pensionable years you were an active plan

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_355037_cpp_ar_2003_summary

British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Range. Annual service plan report. ISSN 1921-0383. … Name changed Oct. 1976 from … and antidumping duty rates using updated information. Based on Commerce’s findings, the rates are then revised … billions) $1.164 B $1.296 B $1.072 B (Service Plan & Blue Book Forecast) $0.982 B (January 2004 Ministry of Finance …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_362955_bcforests_asp_2003_04

British Columbia Housing Management Commission

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… Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … Programs are focused in two areas: subsidies to community-based non-profit and co-operative housing providers, and rent … Columbians who are 65 and older is projected to increase 22 per cent from 550,000 to 670,000 by 2010. Their housing …

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B.C. Hydro, Adams, P. T. B.(Paul T. B.), Jordan River Water Use Plan Consultative Committee (Canada), British Columbia.Comptroller of Water Rights

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… … Adams, P. T. B.(Paul T. B.) … Jordan River Water Use Plan Consultative Committee (Canada) … British … for non-power interests. These are expected outcomes based on the best available information. After BC Hydro has … turbines at the Jordan River power house is computed based on megawatt output and hydraulic head. “Hydraulic head” …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_404111_environment30825

British Columbia.Ministry of Attorney General, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… Assembly … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14. … Submitted to the … for Treaty Negotiations 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service Plan 22 Executive and Support Services 1 (for Ministry of Attorney … and two-way dialogue, and include: competency-based reviews; a learning and career plan; consideration of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_352339_srv_pln_ag_03

British Columbia, British Columbia.Minister of State for Early Childhood Development, British Columbia.Ministry of Children and Family Development, Children's & Women's Health Centre of British Columbia

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… Centre of British Columbia … Cover title. … "Strategic plan on FASD for British Columbia "--P. 5. … Created in … on life-long costs of FASD. One often quoted fi gure based on a study done by the Alaska government (1989) … standardized guidelines for diagnosis and assessment. B.C.-based researchers and advocates have played an advisory role …