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Afficher 91 - 105 de 5636 résultats
British Columbia.Premier

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… British Columbia.Premier … Cover title. … Second, revised plan issued for 2011/12/2013/14. … Catalogue record made … • Ministers’ and Deputy Ministers’ performance- based pay will be linked to the successful implementation of … Agencies Secretariat ................................ 22 17 13 13 Public Affairs Bureau …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_351239_op_03

British Columbia.Provincial Agricultural Land Commission, British Columbia.Agricultural Land Commission

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… on the Internet. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Issuing body varies: … needs by implementing a new structure for the Commission based on six regional panels. It has focused the work of the … sub-vote of MSRM as specified in the Public Estimates Blue Book. Agricultural Land Commission 2003/04 – 2005/06 Service …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_359768_bcpalc_srvpln_2003

British Columbia.Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services

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… Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Range. Annual service plan report. ISSN 1911-0383. … Ceased June 16, 2005 when the … June 2003 FirstVoices.com, an innovative Internet-based computer program designed to preserve Aboriginal … the provincial government implemented a refundable book publishing tax credit program. This program will assist …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Attorney General

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… Court of British Columbia in Vancouver on December 21, 22, 28, and 29, 2000, and January 2, 2001. The two accused …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_366706_brief_summary

BC Parks.Strathcona District., British Columbia.Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

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… of Water, Land and Air Protection … Cover title: Master plan amendment for Strathcona Park. … "June 2001" … Signed … 14 5.1.2 Inholdings and Other Tenures (pp. 22-23) … park’s ecological integrity and provide more ecologically based boundaries. Within the park, non- conforming uses have …

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Abbott, George Malcolm,1952-, British Columbia.Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services

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… … Indigenous peoples British Columbia Languages … Briefing note for Minister, for information ... First Peoples … and Culture Program to support a wide variety of community-based language preservation projects throughout the province. … has also supported the development of a first ever, web-based language archiving and teaching tool called …

British Columbia.Coast and Marine Planning Branch, Canada.Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans

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… … Quatsino Sound Region (B.C.) … Quatsino Sound Coastal Plan : Draft, November 25, 2003. -- … QQuuaattssiinnoo … 114 Table 22. Summary of Areas Recommended for Land Act Notation of … or cultivation of shellfish for commercial purposes, based on measurement of biological, physical and …

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British Columbia.Northern Health Authority

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… British Columbia.Northern Health Authority … Description based on 2003/04/2005/06. … Title from cover. … Title on web index page: Health service redesign plan. … Title on web index page: Northern Health Authority … northern, and aboriginal students. The program will accept 22 new medical students annually and will enroll its first …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

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… are available through the option to download the "entire" plan. All appendices, including appendices 7 to 24, are … Kootenay Boundary Land Use Plan –Implementation Strategy 22.0 Subsurface Resources 22.1 Management of Coal-Bearing … direction; establishes the requirements for results-based regulation • Best management practices: provides …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Health Services

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… of Health Services … Continues: Performance plan / Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for … services provided to British Columbians. New outcome-based targets, and strategies to meet them, have been … The Province of British Columbia envisions an evidence-based, health promotion, prevention and recovery-oriented … 22 Consistency with Government Strategic Plan

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_352847_bchs_srvpln_2003

Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia

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… Foundation of British Columbia … Cover title. … Corporate plan for 2011-2014 has title: Growing for tomorrow. … … adaptation and development funding in British Columbia based on its proven track record of being publicly … under CARD I & II, $21.80 million Safety Net Funding and $22.82 million as part of the Federal/Provincial Agri-Food …

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Flaherty, David H., British Columbia.Ministry of Health Services

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… Services … Cover title. … Web page index: Medical Services Plan of BC : privacy review. … "January 12, 2003" … Available … a summary of them for interested parties. (which be based in part on what appears above). On the other hand, part … 3 of FOIPPA (“the protection of personal information”). 22 The many uses of the word “shall” in PIPEDA impose legal …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Health Services

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… of Health Services … Continues: Performance plan / Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for … commence allocating this funding using a population needs based funding formula, to ensure transparent and equitable … of Health Services 2003/04 – 2005/06 Interim Service Plan 22 Goal 3: A Sustainable, Affordable Public Health System — …

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Coquitlam-Buntzen Water Use Plan Consultative Committee (Canada), B.C. Hydro, Ecoplan International

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… Coquitlam-Buntzen Water Use Plan Consultative Committee (Canada) … B.C. Hydro … Ecoplan … and, • utilizing STP6 as the additional flow trial8 based on available data from the IFN field study results. 5 … Target (cms) 5.9 2.92 2.92 4.25 3.50 2.91 1.10 1.20 2.70 2.22 6.07 3.96 5.00 River Lower Flow Target (cms) 3.60 2.92 …

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British Columbia.Fraser Region Planning Committee, Abrahamson, Karen,1956-, British Columbia.Fraser Child and Family Development, British Columbia.Ministry of Children and Family Development

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… British Columbia Planning. … The Fraser Region conceptual plan : derived from the community conceptual plans prepared … in the Fraser. By providing input that is principle based and long term focussed you have helped complete a … a drop in center, a web site, a printed community resource book, etc.. Conceptual Organizational Design June 2003 23 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_371207_conceptual_plan