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Afficher 1 - 3 de 3 résultats
Nova Scotia.House of Assembly., Annand, William,1808-1887.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… Sannoni; they had probably never in their lives opened: a book on the natural history of fish; consequently it was by … x | V. | ‘We now proceed to describe Gehin and Remy’s plan as applied to trout. No great space will be required to … might feel it their duty to make to the House, should be based on sound views of the policy which ought to prevail in …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000005561

Nova Scotia.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… to be opened thereat shall be kept; but one general cash book shall be kept by him, in which there shall be entered, … part thereof, and make return of the proceedings, with a plan annexed, to the clerk of the peace for each of the … upon ally or oftener, and audited. towns and places. 22. Halifax accounts to be published in the royal 6. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000003727

Sons of Temperance. Grand Division of New Brunswick. Gurney Division, no. 53440

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… who, with himself, the W. A., and eredited in the Bank book of the Division. T., shali constitute a Visiting … absenting himself for three succes- access to the Black Book, and make themselves acquainted sive nights of meeting, … pre- 29. When the Presiding officer bas commenced taking 22. When à quesh—ll be, Ist, to agen to postpone, & vote, no …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL385