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Afficher 166 - 180 de 292 résultats
Ontario.Ministry of the Environment.Northeastern Region.

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… 19 6.1 Sewage Disposal Systems 19 6.2 Water Supplies 22 6.2.1 Bacteriological Quality 22 6 2 2 Physical/Chemical … the low frequency of sewage disposal related deficiencies. Based on the above-noted results and the probability of … the homes are thus on private sewer and water supplies. A plan of the area is shown Appendix A. The study boundaries …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT38026

Douglas, George W.,1938-, Ceska, Adolf,1939-, Ruyle, Gloria G.(Gloria Gayle),1950-, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… f the f lora o f B r i t i s h Columbia is essent ia l ly based on these papers and several of the general f loras. E. … M.L. 1950. Gray's manual o f Botany. 8 th ed. American Book Co., New York, N.Y. 1632 p. Ferr is, R.S. 1960. I l l u … 11. Systematic treatment. Univ. Cal i f . Publ. Bot. 22:199-1030. Babcock, E.B. and G.L. Stebbins Jr. 1938. The …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_266331_lmr015

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment, Acres Consulting Services

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… | a / + LOS UE Cu SA. aoe | | é DO - a; / : Ut a November 22, 1983 P6652.00 Ministry of the Environment 135 St. Clair … - dry event exceedances and exceedance factors are based on single values, not on geometric means of a series of … (1978), which gives estimates of the un-ionized fraction based on temperature and pH. The conversions were done using …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT31275

Alberta. Legislative Assembly, issuing body.

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… to the point of order or privilege ‘ 2 raised. © 2 5 . o 22 A member will be called to order by Mr. Speaker if that S … in the matter, Mr. Speaker shall name him to the House. 10 22(b)(iii) a point of order; (SEE STANDING ORDER 21) c 2 p oO … of this standing order; 2 FE (e) the motion must not be based on a question of privilege; (f) the discussion under …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87673

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Canada.Agriculture Canada

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… 1983- , includes: For commercial growers. … Description based on 1981. … Supplement issue in 1988 for 1987 Nursery … 22 Hydrangea (Hydrangea) … 22 Hex (Holly) … Both these formulations of minor elements are sulphate based and will not leach read- ily from the mix. Chelated …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_328265_1983

Ontario.Ministry of Transportation and Communications

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… vehicle design parameters on which the addendum report is based are given in Appendix "A". Reviews of the basic vehicle … motored Train Size Up to 5 vehicles * Masses quoted are based on an estimate by MCL made on 83-09-26, seseseeeeee … 14. 020 86. 25a 3969. : 1.3442 8.3665 13 314.18 12.9 381.22 - 74149 2° 77458 1.2911 ‘15.613 16.139 -108. 39 4889. 9- …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT294758

British Columbia.Ministry of Finance

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… 3.19-3.23 E 6. Approval of Excess Project Costs P. 22 The Auditor General commented on two projects undertaken … 97 (HART HIGHWAY) Treasury Board approved the project based on an estimate made in early 1980. It was a unit price, … programs administered by the Ministry of Education are based on a cost per student rate determined prior to the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_103371_response1983

British Columbia.Dept. of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce, British Columbia.Ministry of Economic Development, British Columbia.Ministry of Industry and Small Business Development, British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… demand for the products of British Columbia's resource-based industries brought tremendous economic growth following …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_123586_1983

Phelps, D. E.(David Eric),1944-, Jamieson, B.,1947-, Demarchi, R. A.(Raymond Alexander),1940-, British Columbia.Fish and Wildlife Branch

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… frequently contain preliminary data, so conclusions based on these may be subject to change. Bulletins may be … sex ratios, or age class structure were discernible. Based on a subjective knowledge of the situation, seasons … 4-01 Fla-thead 9 9 2 3 12 0 4-02 WI gwam 5 2 0 9 4 3 4-22 Bu 11 26 17 25 6 12 17 5 14 4-23 Elk , , 2 1 24 27 15 1 9 …

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia

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… for Abolition of the Action 19 IV. OPTIONS FOR REFORM 22 A. Introduction 22 B. Legislation in Other Jurisdictions … may occur even if the condition on which a promise is based has not been met or the intended date for the marriage … heretofore provided by law for the enforcement of actions based upon alleged ... breach of contract to marry, having …

British Columbia.Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia.Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia.Geological Survey Branch, British Columbia.Ministry of Employment and Investment, British Columbia.Mines Branch

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… t i o n i n B r i t i s h Columbia, a computerized format based only on assessment reports submit ted was in t roduced … 1 9 8 2 of $ 2 6 mill ion (Tables 1 and 2 ) . However, based on Free Miners cer t i f ica tes , the number of i nd … ion Surveys (m) (m) 59 959 60 56 849 57 880 1 1 247 5 590 22 578 1 379 19 268.4 7.6 26 570.9 1 1 582.9 5 155.9 921.6 17 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_105579_1983_expl_bc

Ontario.Liaison Committee of the Enforcement of Family Law Orders., Takach, John D.,chairman,1941-

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… directly to enforce custody orders. This reluctance is based on the view that civil process should be enforced by … confusion about the scope of s.l22 should be clarified. 22 As a general proposition, where the sheriff can … CHAPTER 9s OTHER MATTERS Legal Aid The Ontario Legal Aid Plan presents difficulties to applicants who are victims of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT11752

Spencer, J. G.(John Gordon),1926-, Oldham, W. K., Schulz, E.,1941-, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… FOR VARIOUS CROPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 7. AVERAGE SEASONAL IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS IN BRITISH … the assessment required in 3.4.1. 3.4.3 Land Requirements Based on Average Seasonal Irrigation Requirements The amount … systems should be furnished with a com- plete irrigation plan that shows all design data, opera- tion and maintenance …

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment.Air Resources Branch., Hicks, John F., Corr, Denis.

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… Sierra Manual Vs. Sierra Automatic Fine Concentrations 48 22 Sierra Manual Vs. Andersen Coarse Concentrations 49 23 … to collect only particles 15 um. and less. This was based upon respirable deposition measurements of … OF INHALED PARTICLES IN THE HUMAN RESPIRATORY TRACT, BASED ON ORAL BREATHING 1.0 III 0.4 0.2 0 2 4 6 a 10 PARTICLE …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT16443