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Afficher 241 - 255 de 292 résultats
Frankcombe, Brian, Werner, Walter, British Columbia.Schools Dept.Program Implementation Services, University of British Columbia.Centre for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction

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… situation specific. The case studies contained within this book display some important things about program … here because .of their reported saliency for school-based implementation; across all of the cases, the process of … of staff development and principal advocacy in school-based implementation. The teacher was assumed, rightly, to be …

Kermode, H. D., B.C. Hydro.Environmental and Socio Economic Services

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… ACCESS (a) Initial Field Assessment for Preliminary Access Plan (b) Resource Agency Involvement (c) Detailed Field … additional sensitive areas along the transmission lines, plan and layout access roads, monitor road construction … to review the contractor's preliminary access plan. Based on these discussions, required revisions were applied …

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food

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… citizens or permanent residents and be of legal age. A plan of opera~ion for the farm business is required, and the … limited to a combined maximum of 1,250 tons. Benefits are based or the difference between the market return and a model … preted for fertilizer and lime need. Interpretations are based on research done in B.C. 1. ROUTINE ANALYSIS --l'i;;_J …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330747_1983_may

British Columbia Place Ltd.

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… Place Ltd. … Report year ends Mar. 31. … Description based on: 1982. … In March 1987 the Miscellaneous Statutes … a management fee. Since the original B .C. Place concept plan was published one year ago, over 250 public meetings … and Fisher Friedman of San Francisco, prepared a new plan. Senior City staff were provided the opportunity to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_2_320183_320183_1983

B.C. Hydro, B.C. Hydro.Community Relations Dept.

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British Columbia.Recreation and Sport Branch

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… among :them Le.Mn fiJr.am :them Love :them SeJr.ve :them Plan wUh :them S:taJL:t w;_;th wha.:t :they k.now BuJ.£d on … ,lnte.Jr..e.J.i;te.d ,ln de.ve.lop,lng !Le.c.Jr..e.ation plan.6. The.J.ie. .6e.Jr..vic.e.J.i will t}oc.U.6 on … develop the. Te.Jr..m.6 at} Re.t}e.Jr..e.nc.e. t}o!L thw plan. Te.c.hn,lc.al M.6,{,,c,.:tanc.e. t}otc.. .6pe.ut),{_c. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330664_04_jan

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food.Okanagan-Kootenay Regional Extension Services.

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… for cattle available through the Agricultural Engineering Plan Service catalogue in each district office. A limited selection of plans are listed below: PLAN NUMBER TITLE USE 325.1-14 Bunker Silo Feed Fence Self …

Manitoba.Agricultural Crown Lands.

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… Crown Lands. … Frequency varies. … Description based on Vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall 1983). … CURRENT ED.: Vol. 19, … ultimately involves the development of a site management plan. In this fashion, in addition to addressing the … unit month (AUM) for the year 2002. Under the Market Based Rental system adopted by Manitoba Agriculture and Food …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107430439B

British Columbia.Curriculum Development Branch

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… home, and local com- munity. • Students' programs are based on Individual Education Programs that empha- size … learning problems. These goals and learning outcomes are based on the Core Curriculum and deviate only when necessary … and parents following the IEP meeting to indicate that the plan has been accepted by both the school and family. 137 …

Harper, David E., British Columbia Heritage Trust, British Columbia.Heritage Conservation Branch

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… have shown property value increases of 15 to 18 per cent, based solely upon the presence of trees. In the evaluation … than 30 cm (12 in.) in diameter), replacement value is based on purchase price and planting costs. Trees contribute … the size and species of trees accurately plotted on a site plan. Some municipalities already require trees and contours …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_226364_trees_and_towns

British Columbia.Recreation and Sport Branch

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… in !.ipoMo!U.ng thu e. wonfu.shop!.i. SAMPLE POLICY BOOK With the. MJ.JMta.nc.e. 06 the. Gold Riven Standing … ofi .tw pape.Jt, the. de.Mnition ofi manage.me.n.t M: "To plan, 01tganize., .omfifi, cU!te.c.t and c.ont!tol … .the. me.a.ou.1te.men.t ofi 1te..oul.:t6 agaiYl..6.t .the. plan nl REPLACING - .the. !te.pe.at ofi c.yc.le. .to …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330664_06_mar

Tourism British Columbia, British Columbia.Ministry of Tourism

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… the account¬ ing firm of Arthur Andersen and Co. The 1982-based projections include a current dollar forecast which … end in San Francisco. Sailing Ships Pacific Incorporated, based in Portland, is involved in develop¬ ing this program. … enable them to return to their jobs with new skills and a plan for using them on the job. The program effectively …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_207363_v6_no2

British Columbia.Recreation and Sport Branch

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… British Columbia.Recreation and Sport Branch … Description based on: March 1982. … Scanned by the Legislative Library. … … the Recreation Department start immediately on a Master Plan, and that women help put it together. • ,, ••••• 3 - 3 - …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330724_330724_11_mar

British Columbia.Recreation and Sport Branch

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… British Columbia.Recreation and Sport Branch … Description based on: Dec. 1982. … Scanned by the Legislative Library. … … National Physical Activity Week where you live and work. Plan now to participate, May 15-23. - Canadian Blind Sports … Please contact BCSA if you wish further details or wish to book a school (Stephen Tupper, Executive Director - 687-3333 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330728_02_apr_83

British Columbia.Recreation and Sport Branch

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… British Columbia.Recreation and Sport Branch … Description based on: March 1982. … Scanned by the Legislative Library. … … Aids for Umpires Coachi~g Youth Softball Official Rule Book Coaching Manual Level I Coaching Manual Level II Lev. 2 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330724_330724_10_feb83