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Afficher 91 - 105 de 292 résultats
Ontario.Ministry of Transportation and Communications

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… 21 PAGE 8. COMPARISON OF 25 kV AC and 1500 V DC SYSTEMS 22 8.1 Revision of Data Assumptions 22 8.2 Development of … data, current on July 15, 1983. Final calculations were based on these most recent data. In addition to the … each train was estimated for vehicles having a performance based on an initial acceleration of .68 m/s”, as originally …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT294757

Lamb Marketing Seminar(1982 :Richmond, B.C.)., Don Ference & Associates, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Canada.Agriculture Canada, Agriculture and Rural Development Subsidiary Agreement (Canada)

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… assemble all the available information and come up with a plan of action, something we could use, something that shows … of what the sheep industry has done between 1976 and 1981, based on the Government of Canada census information. have … think my argument is strong enough. The killing costs of $22 - $30 per lamb is very much out of line on a per pound …

Sussman, Gail, Weaver, Martin E., British Columbia Heritage Trust

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… ..... ..... . .... . 5 4. Developing a Fire Prevention Plan for Heritage Buildings .... .... ...... .... . ...... 6 … Repair or replacement of architectural features should be based on accurate duplication of features based on … No.2 (Spring 80): pp. 9-11. Becker, Norman. The Completed Book of Home Inspection. New York: McGraw Hill, 1980. Berend, …

British Columbia.Ministry of Forests, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests.Annual report.

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22 Table 1: Forecast and Actual Expenditure in 1983-84, by … forest industries was widely anticipated for 1983-84, based on the previous year’s low point in the longest and … was reduced significantly, in line with the government’s plan to reduce the civil service by 25% and, ultimately, 30% …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_75775_annual_1983_84

Alberta. Dept. of Culture. Historical Resources Division. Archaeological Survey of Alberta.

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… transect and site locations . . . Study area, EgOt-4 . Plan of stone circle #1 . Photo of bone peg on the outside of … Fox Island project .. 21. South shore of Black Fox Island. 22. View of GfPa-32 23. Survey strategy for Black Fox Island … remains with subsurface features and activity areas. Based on statistically valid surface sampling procedures and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87688

Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario.Education Research Section., Magid, Simmie C., Goodstadt, Michael S.

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… statistics. Such an approach is limited. Statistics are based only on recorded information. Important variables may … 63.8 63.8 62.8 60.3 Shoplifting (under $200) 20.4 21.3 22.4 22.1 Other theft under $200 34.3 32.5 34.0 34.2 Have … widely in different parts of the province and a projection based on data from Toronto can provide only a rough estimate …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT13928

British Columbia Research Council, Corbett, Vaughan F., British Columbia.Transport Policy Analysis Branch, Halcrow Engineering Consultants Limited.

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… ....•.•. Forest Product Trucks . . .••. Other Island-Based Truck Traffic 5.0 COMMERCIAL TRUCK PROJECTIONS 6. 0 … with a view to developing a strategic transportation plan and transportation policies for the Island. As part of … of a small underground coal mine 10 km S.W. of Nanaimo. - 22 - While other new minera.l discoveries are al\vays …

British Columbia.Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, Nevin Sadlier-Brown Goodbrand (Firm), Canadian Resourcecon Ltd.

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… Space and Domestic Water Heating....................... 6-22 6.6.3 Retrofitting .•.•••••••.•.•••.• 6-23 6.7 Conclusions … Comparison of System Annual Owning and Operating Costs Based on the Price of Fuel in the … the com- munity, varying degrees of national or provincial plan- ning with regard to industrial development and energy t …

British Columbia.Provincial Agricultural Land Commission

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… . . . 4 6 10 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 22 29 30 33 36 38 42 45 47 52 I 4 THE INITIATION OF AN … the program. Each Regional District then prepared an ALR plan for their region using the suggested plan as a basis, … private property. Their weZZ-documented concZusion_, based on EngZish Common Law and its interpretation in …

Bentley, Sid, British Columbia.Ministry of Education

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… Christianity, faith must precede belief because belief is based on faith. In Hinduism, belief is based on the structure … Chenrayzee: Om Mani Paymi Hume (oam-mah-nee pay-mee-hoom). 22 The mystic vibration .OM, or more correctly AUM (ohm; long … world that is the basis of evil. Maya, as a part of God's plan, gives humans the opportunity for discrimination. This …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_267705_vol_2_hinduism

Ontario.Grand River Basin Water Management Study.Grand River Study Team., Minshall, L., Ontario.Grand River Implementation Committee.

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… of the data and findings in most cases, cannot be based solely on this report, but should be analysed in light … Dams from GRCA. The reservoir inflows were calculated based on the hydrologic continuity equation as follows: … 2 8520 Apr 1 6750 Apr 2 21400 Apr 2 25500 Apr 1 1870 Mar 22 3630 Mar 22 3970 1953 play 2 4730 Mar 16 4630 Mar 16 13600 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT12480

Nova Scotia.Dept. of Government Services.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… ble to farmers. The commission provides insurance programs based on the needs expressed by producers so that producers … send mail to: P.O. Box 1059 Middleton, Nova Scotia BOS lP0 22 }{is }{onour Ju~ge John R. Nichols provincial Magistrate's … resources of research and planning for other divisions, to plan future activities through information and educational …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000000149

British Columbia.Ministry of Industry and Small Business Development

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… the forest's ability to repro- duce sound wood. Forest based industries form the most important segment of the pro- … looped (doubled) and fur- ther expansion of capacity is plan- ned. Distribution extends to virtua lly all communities … Columbia has been a large scale supplier of resource-based pro- ducts from mines and forests. Export sales of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_518213_british_columbia_canada

Duffy, Dennis,1956-.

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… resources and efforts I have drawn on in completing this book. Emmanuel Ronse recorded several of the interviews for … Mr. Carrick may be referring to the Sun broadcast of March 22, 1922, which featured two acts from the Pantages Theatre. … we did a lot of record programs. Record programs were based on two sources, one being the 78s of the day-the …

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia, Anderson, Thomas G.

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… arising from marriage. Clearly, to the extent that it is based on this con- ception, the law has not kept in step with … or consortium through another's intentional act. Actions based on another's negligent or intentional act, are similar … under section 37 to be heard expedi- tiously. Section 22 of the Family Relations Act provides for the general …