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Afficher 106 - 120 de 292 résultats
Prescribed Fire - Forest Soils Symposium(1982 :Smithers, B.C.)., Trowbridge, R. L., Macadam, A.(Anne), British Columbia.Prince Rupert Forest Region.Research Section., British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… resource management has h i s t o r i c a l l y been based upon maintenance o f t h e status quo by minimizing … 1973. Fores t f i re : con t ro l and use. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York. pp. 8-13. Davis, Kathleen M., B.D. … and T. Klabunde. 1975. Teton Wilderness f i r e management plan. USDA For. Serv., Bridger-Teton National Forest, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_266344_lmr016

Alberta. Dept. of Environment. Lake Wabamun Watershed Advisory Committee.

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… British Colurbia Experience 2! References 22 5 Conclusions and Recommendat ions 22 YN $ 5.1.3 … be established on a user pay basis. 2. A lake management plan covering both water and land . use should be prepared … of such studiés, and the developing of recommendations based 5 ‘ . on these studies. + oo 8 ‘ + - ; ‘ È | ° 1.2.5 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87694

Carroll-Hatch (International) Ltd, Alberta, British Columbia, Carroll-Hatch (International) Ltd, British Columbia.Ministry of Industry and Small Business Development

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… - Lumber Panel Products Energy PAGE 2 5 7 7 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 29 31 32 35 45 CARROLL-HATCH … regions of the country. Since the early 1900's, industry based on this resource has been a major contributor to … of manufacturing in Canada was derived from the forest-based sector. The broad distribution of Canada's forest …

Automobile Accident Compensation Committee, British Columbia., McCarthy, Michael B.(Michael Bernard),1936-, Insurance Corporation of British Columbia

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… Association Mr. Brian F. Pearson Vice-President, Auto plan Claims Insurance Corporation of B.C. Mr. Stanley H. … non-economic losses (such as pain and suffering) based on a fixed scale, while others allow tort action-but … the award had been received on the date the loss occurred. 22 The Present System Most sums an insurer provides a victim …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_279233_report

Alberta. Legislative Assembly. Standing Committee on Legislative Offices, issuing body.

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… MOVED by Dr. Carter that the minutes of the April 22, 1983 meeting of the Standing Committee on Legislative … Minister salaries are adjusted annually and was again based on the salary of the most senior Deputy Minister. It … Ministers. The January l, 1981 increase was, however, based on the August 1, 1980 increases granted to the Deputy …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA143198

Ontario.Rideau River Stormwater Management Study.

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… Background 2-1 2.2 Terms of Reference 2-5 2.3 Study Plan 2-8 3. WATER QUALITY OF THE RIDEAU RIVER 3.1 Physical, … Fecal Coliform Densities after a Major Rain Storm on June 22, 1981 3-9 9. Composite Instream Dry Weather Fecal Coliform … of infection by using water for recreational purposes is based on a number of factors which include: sanitary surveys, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT50838

B.C. Hydro.Energy Use Engineering Dept.

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… savings) quoted by manufac- turers were generally based on the U. S. Department of Energy Testing and Ca lcul … test homes. It should be considered preliminary as it is based on limited data for a limited number of furnaces. A. B. … to be taken into account in their installation. JR74 .1 - 22 - 8.2.1 Controls A number of instances were encountered in …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_325565_project_8109

British Columbia.Special Log Export Policy Committee, Trebett, J. T., British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… Forests should permit an application for exemption that is based on industrial scale to be submitted to Victoria for … circulated. (c) Because of time constraints and inadequate briefing, LEAC cannot effectively provide informed … the value of the log export program, as exporters could plan their harvesting and shipping and produce logs to export …

Gerber, H. S., Tonks, Norman V., Ross, D. A., Gerber, H. S.The recognition and life history of the major insect and mite pests of ornamental shrubs and shade trees of British Columbia., British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food

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… well as a host index. The information in this bulletin is based on previously published information and on personal and … Insects, Their Habits and Control. 4th ed. McGraw-Hi!! Book Company, Inc. New York. 1962. NEILSON, C.L., and J.C. … White birch I3 Wildrose 57 Willow 50,58 13,46 8 37 I3, 22, 24, 40, 46, 59 13, 25, 26, 27, 44 28 I9 13 I9,28,29 5 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_258267_insect_and_mite_pests

Ontario.Rideau River Stormwater Management Study., Pitt, R.

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… subarea urban runoff pollutant contributions......... 22 2.5 Test catchment fecal coliform bacteria quality and … impact on bacteria runoff yields. These conclusions are based on specific site measurements and calculations and … pollution. The first phase of the recommended control plan to reduce fecal coliform population densities in the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT47186

Alberta Research Council. Natural Resources Division. Soils Dept.

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… of Goose Mountain ........................................22.. 7 S Plate 2. Morainal veneer overlying Saskatchewan … 63 6 Table 8. Grouping of soils based on estimated productivity for lodgepole pine........ 64 … TE . : li 7 RAY ÿ 5 MINT ER TT 2 Lx) Eure © ly GES, A | PLAN ee g wid | leah 2 5 “T_T Te Sey” TT © eo 6 D oran ESS …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87689

Alberta. Dept. of Culture. Historical Resources Division. Archaeological Survey of Alberta.

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… DATA. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 22 P ART III: SITE EgPr-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … of the Block Excavation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 53 22. Projectile points from the upper levels of the Block … heights, estimated ages, and minimum number of individuals based on teeth recovered from the Block Excavation Cat. No. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA87699

British Columbia.Recreation and Sport Branch

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… very well. ******************** FAMILY FITNIC DAY - MAY 22, 1983 May 15 - 23, 1983 has been designated National … the traditional family picnic providing the setting. May 22, 1983 has been designated Family Fitnic Day and the … of 45 student. A limited supply of application forms to book a Mobile program are available from this off ice for any …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_330725_330725_1983_feb

Ontario.Legislative Assembly.Standing Committee on Resources Development., Ontario.Workers' compensation act

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… 5 0 0 - J i m H i c k e y THE ASSOCIATION OF INJURED Sept. 22 , 1982 WORKERS' GROUPS - B. C o o k R e p o r t e n t i t … LEGAL SERVICES - Submission entitled "Canada Pension Plan Benefits and Other Incomesn - Appendix "An May 31, 1983 … dated June 15, 1981 June 13, 1983 June 15, 1983 June 22, 1983 - 12 (A) - Exhibit # 119 LEGISLATIVE RESEARCH …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT11877

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment, Gartner Lee Limited

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… n u 2.2 FIELD PROCEDURES 8 2.3 LABORATORY TECHNIQUES 22 2.4 DATA PROCESSING 23 2.5 LOADING CALCULATIONS 24 3.0 … conditions and assign priorities to individual outfalls based on discharge quality and contaminant loading relative … desig- nated A to Q. The boundaries of reaches were based on major streets or river confluences and are also …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT31273