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Afficher 121 - 135 de 158 résultats
B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … "The Mind of the Dog" by R . H . Smythe; '-'The Complete Book of Modern I land gunning" by J . Cooper; # * » Pretty … 1962 The Buzzer Popular freezer classes will help you save Plan to attend one of our special freezer classes if you're …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1962_buzzer_1962_05_25

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … ate from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Dec. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22. This i s a free service pro- vided by the merchants of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1962_buzzer_1962_12_07

Alberta. Dept. of Industry and Development. Industrial Development Branch, issuing body.

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… title … Electronically archived by Library on February 22, 2016 … Digitization partner: University of Alberta … of Athabasca (Revised May, 1962) 1. LOCATION Section 20-66-22-W4 in Census Division No. 13. This location is on the … lumber, furs, gas, clay, sand and gravel, salt, water. 22. GOVERNMENT OFFICES AND SERVICES Federal - Post Office, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86721

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … would like to take part in one of this year's programs, book now. Phone our Home Service Cen- tre, MU 3-6757, and set … time. We'll be glad to give you cost estimates or help you plan a trip. You ' l l be surprised how li t t le it costs. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1962_buzzer_1962_01_05

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … failing but in rising every time we fall." — Con- fusius. Book suggestions from the library The following books are … by T . H . Savory; "The Whispering L a n d " , another gay book by one of the most readable of natural- is ts , G.M. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1962_buzzer_1962_03_30

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1962_buzzer_1962_09_28

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … some exciting entertainment in a lovely setting. Why not plan on s e e i n g them during their next string of games at …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1962_buzzer_1962_08_03

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … for two, the cos twiU be $47.85 each. You s h o u l d book space early on t h i s P S L Jasper special to avoid … Give your old address, your new address and t h e date you plan to move. Your cooperation wUl be much appreciated. X T E …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1962_buzzer_1962_08_24

Alberta. Dept. of Industry and Development. Industrial Development Branch, issuing body.

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… Alberta Treasury Branch Agency. Hotels: Pioneer Hotel. 22 rooms, rates $2.50 and up. Tourist Camps: Medico Motel and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86712

Alberta. Office of the Fire Commissioner, issuing body.

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… of chief fire officers under the fire emergency plan and general command of fire fighters and equipment where … 428 Overheated stove 20 Edmonton Hospital 1,717 Unknown 22 Banff Canadian Legion 45,551 Cigarette 24 Nr. St. Paul … 15 Bulk Fuel Oil Stations 37 Hotels 10 Others . 110 Plan Checking Schools . 428 Arenas 2 Hospitals 60 Bulk …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86654

Alberta. Publicity Bureau, issuing body.

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… KINGMAN MOONSHINE LAKE 1922 ACRES c SPIRIT RIVER O'BRIEN 22 ACRES GRANDE PRAIRIE PARK LAKE 184 ACRES p X c LETHBRIDGE … STANDOFF 1 ACRE STANDOFF FT MACLOED STEVEVILLE DINOSAUR 22,072 ACRES p X PATRICIA BROOKS TILLEY TABER 82 ACRES TABER … during the summer of 1961. Increasing in popularity is the 22,000 acre reserve at the Dinosaur Park near Patricia where …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86703

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : … or you can walk along Pacif ic to Bur- rard and board No. 22 Knight Rd. or No. 23 (southbound) Macdonald buses. Kitsi … in a l l d i - rections from Capitol H i l l . You could plan trips to Cleve- land Dam or Lynn V a l l e y Park on the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1962_buzzer_1962_04_19

British Columbia.Dept. of Industrial Development, Trade and Commerce, British Columbia.Bureau of Economics and Statistics

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… the total labour force have been surveyed. This survey is based on findings from a detailed question naire as well as … that some of the more important sectors, such as forestry, plan a sizeable expansion in capital outlays in 1962. if the … Change Down UP 18% WAGE RATES UP No Change 34% percentages based on the number of flrms reporting. WHAT BUSINESS FIRMS …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_454316_1962

Alberta. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary. Cultural Activities Branch, issuing body.

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… continued. Bookmobile is Busy The Calgary Public Library Book¬ mobile is a welcome visitor to a num¬ ber of our … of mutual problems. For the coming winter of 1961-1962, we plan book review sessions ctnd hope to work on at least two … by his fellow-men of his material and financial success based on the amount pledged to this particular fund drive. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA86760

B.C. Hydro, Metro Transit Operating Company, B.C. Transit, Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority, British Columbia Electric Company, British Columbia Electric Railway Company

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… no title. At head of title: Wanted - a name. … Description based on Vol. 2, no. 1? (June 1, 1917). … "October 20, 2008 : …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_160949_1962_buzzer_1962_03_09