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Afficher 151 - 165 de 5671 résultats
BC Timber Sales

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… title. … Running title: BC Timber Sales annual service plan report. … Catalogue record made available by the British … gathered from auctioned timber drives the Market-based Pricing System for setting stumpage in coastal … 39.1 3.7 Total Expenditures (Cash) $136.9 $204.3 $182.2 $22.1 Capital Expenditures ($ ,000s ) Capital Expenditures …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_377104_bctimber_aspr_2004_05

British Columbia.Environmental Stewardship Division.Vancouver Island Region, British Columbia.Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection

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… Water, Land and Air Protection … Cover title: Management plan for Cape Scott Provincial Park. … "September 2003" … … ............................................................22 VISUAL, RECREATION AND TOURISM OPPORTUNITIES … plan also reflects the public’s expectations for the park. Based on this public input and policy, this plan directs …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_367718_bcwal_mp_2003

British Columbia.Provincial Capital Commission, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … planning document issued for 2003: See The BCPCC service plan framework : plan development : a service plan. … [Victoria, B.C. : …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_352343_srv_pln_ppc_2004

Alberta. 2005 Centennial Initiative.

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… for September 1, 2005 but communities are encouraged to plan Centennial activities throughout 2005. Our summer months … schools and educational associations; language or culture-based organizations; youth groups; parent groups; seniors … saying grace. Food, entertainment and other arrangements 22 Alberta Centennial Communications equipment (two-way …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA93439

Ontario.Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.Provincial Planning and Environmental Services Branch

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… of source water and the development of a Growth Management Plan for the Golden Horseshoe. Improving the land-use … began consultations on how best to deliver watershed-based source protection as a way of securing the long-term … di te ur o rig in al p ou r l a ve rs io n ac tu el le . 22 2. Are changes needed to the Planning Act to meet the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT244357

British Columbia.Ministry of Management Services.Information Policy and Privacy Branch

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_372265_foippamendbrief

Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion Project Ltd

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… … Title from cover. … Running title: Annual report service plan. … Available on the Internet. … Formed Feb. 13, 2003, as … Columbia Vancouver Planning Periodicals. … Annual service plan report / Vancouver Convention Centre Expansion Project … Board of Directors Guidebook” and a personal project briefing. VCCEP also provides ongoing education for Directors …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_377020_vccep_aspr_2004_2005

British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

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… to Blue River winter recreation SRMP, DRAFT. … Appended: Plan area summary ; Valemount to Blue River Draft SRMP, … A coalition of local recreation interests that are based in Valemount, Canadian Mountain Holidays and Mike … recreational activities on Mtn. Caribou. Mountain Goats: 22. Incorporate measures into the design of winter recreation …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_374237_valemountblueriver_2004

British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.Skeena Region

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… SRMP. … Accompanied by: News Release (Dec. 9, 2004): Plan provides access to resources, jobs. … Available on the … (B.C.) … Dease-Liard sustainable resource management plan [executive summary]. -- News Release: Plan Provides … path to resources,” said Abbott. “The planning process was based on a principle of open and fair discussion with First …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_373082_bcsrm_nr_dec_9_2004

Ontario.Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.

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… management Ontario … Ontario health pandemic infuenza plan [electronic resource]. … Ontario Health Pandemic … to preparing the health system for an influenza pandemic. Based on international and national guidelines, this plan … patient information confidential Develop fact sheets, briefing note and media communication templates Support …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT244106

British Columbia.Superannuation Branch, British Columbia.Superannuation Commission, British Columbia.Public Service Employee Relations Commission, BC Public Service Agency

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… report done in pursuance of the Public Service Benefit Plan Act; 1994- , Annual report pursuant to the Public … Enrolment: Enrolment numbers on March 31, 2005 totaled 22,777, this includes active employees and those on long term … Arrangement: The Medical Services Plan expense is based on a monthly premium arrangement. This benefit is 100% …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_79213_79213_bcpsbpa_ar_2004_05

Council of the Haida Nation, Haida Tribal Society., Meadfield Consulting Inc, British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

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… conditions … Haida Nation tourism business opportunities plan : study report / prepared for Council of the Haida … tourism activities revolving around outdoor and nature-based experiences and/or Haida cultural heritage experiences. … sites at Bonanza Beach Daisy’s RV Park & Campground Masset 22 sites 501 Campground RV Park Sandspit 5 full Service, 5 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_371991_haida_tourism_opportunities

Vancouver Coastal Regional Aboriginal Planning Committee, Appleton, John, Vancouver Coastal Interim Aboriginal Authority, dbappleton Consultants, British Columbia.Ministry of Children and Family Development

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… to dry as the Minister’s scapegoat; a carefully considered plan to transfer the blame onto the consultants as a foil for …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_371209_letter

British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.Skeena Region

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… SRMP. … Accompanied by: News Release (Dec. 9, 2004): Plan provides access to resources, jobs. … Available on the … (B.C.) … Dease-Liard sustainable resource management plan [executive summary]. -- Dease-Liard Sustainable Resource Management Plan [Executive Summary] … The Dease-Liard planning area lies …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_373082_dlsrmp_executive_summary

Ontario.Ministère des finances

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… aussi en anglais sous le titre: 2004 Ontario budget : the plan for change : budget papers. … Comprend des références … budgétaires et dépenses … Budget de l'Ontario 2004 : le plan du changement : documents budgétaires / l'honorable … les dépenses provinciales de programmes ont augmenté de 22 %, ce qui est bien supérieur à la croissance des revenus …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT243819