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Afficher 226 - 240 de 393 résultats
Manitoba.Legislative Assembly.96329.

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… bracket. This is the third step in a five year plan to reduce income taxes by 10% for middle income earners … The 2009 reductions alone will save Manitobans almost $22 million. On January 1st a new Caregivers Tax Credit will … will be introduced to modernize apprenticeship training, based on the recommendations of the Apprenticeship Futures …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107410919K

British Columbia.Division of Tuberculosis Control.

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… department. Fith the increased work in each district* the plan of the Felfare Field Service is to make some districts … in our unit. This special survey is to be kept in a book by Miss Stocker in order to determine whether the … XXX XXX ♦ • 152 11 37 • • 7 6 213 Neg. XXX XXX XXX 5 363 22 43 • • 52 20 505 Tot a] XXX XXX XXX 5 515 33 80 0 • 59 26 …

Omule, Stephen A. Y., British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… period ............................................... 22 9 Stand arithmetic average diameter and periodic … hectare) . Experimental Design The or ig inal exper iment (based on the concept o f t h e CCT des ign dev ised by … errors) oy treatment. The percentage growth rates are based on compound i n t e r e s t r a t e s f o r t h e p e r …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_2_266318_rn100

British Columbia.Ministry of Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia.Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia.Geological Survey Branch, British Columbia.Ministry of Employment and Investment, British Columbia.Mines Branch

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… of Exploration in British Columbia, a computerized format based only on assessment reports submitted was introduced to … and intrusives. Large, low-grade deposits (18 to 22 million tonnes of 2.74 grams per tonne gold) transitional … Thistle property ( 1 7 0 ) southeast of Port Alberni both plan to drill late in the year, following major del.ays due …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_105579_1985_expl_bc

LeBrun-Salonen, Melanie.6365, Curran, Edward B.Project manager.6362, Canada.Employment and Immigration Canada.Canada Works Project.6363, Canada.Environment Canada.Inland Waters Directorate.Atlantic Region.5257, New Brunswick.Dept. of Environment.Water Resources Branch.6364

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… 1829-DE6 The material and information contained herein are based upon newspaper articles, government and non- government … on the Nashwaak River after Flood of February 4 - 5, 1970 22 2.3 Ice Shove on the Nashwaak River at Stanley February, … summoned to aid in the implementation of a flood disaster plan for the Village of Stanley. The sudden partial breakup …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL471

Carter, R. E.(Reid E.),1956-, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests

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… B horizon. Classification at the subgroup level is based on the kind and degree of expression of organic, … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … R.G. Harding. 1980. An ecosystematic approach to a subunit plan. Koprino River watershed study. Province of British …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_266315_rn095

Manitoba.Legislative Assembly.96329.

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… what matters most” explains not just our goals, but how we plan to reach them as a government. Manitobans tell us to … Community College both expanded their workplace-based early childhood education (ECE) programs, helping to … (PAYS) program, which covers the upfront cost of energy 22 efficiency retrofits using monthly utility savings. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107410919F

British Columbia.Land Programs Branch.

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… ecological reserve designation. 'I'he guidelines have been based on the Ministry of Lands, Parks and Housing's … timber values since it allows for a private rate of return based on product values rather than a real rate of return on … values are observed to peak and trough since they are based on log or lumber prices. Thus, using stumpage values …

British Columbia.Division of Tuberculosis Control.

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… 16 Table 17 Table 18 Table 19 Table 20 Table 21 Table 22 Table 23 Table 24 Table 25 Table 26 Table 27 Table 28 … Columbia Tuberculosis Association to 9rovide a nurse. - 22 - The Society agreed to pay the salary and travelling … 6 30 10 183 33 10.4 15.5 40.0 35.9 20.2 7,2 75.0 9.8 82.3 22.0 63.0 0 8 0 2 4 0 0 0 0 2 0 NEW WESTMINSTEI SEPT. 138 24 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2013_2_203106_1938

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia

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… Proposal and Drafting Notes on the Final Recommendations 22 TO THE HONOURABLE BRIAN R.D. SMITH, Q.C. ATTORNEY GENERAL … the contract required of him. That action would not be based on rights under the contract. By definition, B is … or for work and materi- als supplied. Such actions are based on the proposition that to deny relief to B would …

British Columbia.Division of Tuberculosis Control.

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… provincial organization to meet and formulate a detailed plan following the basis of the broader planned outline. It … visiting all patients on admission to make a tentative plan for discharge and to secure information regarding … XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX 3 1 6 Clinics Held * XXX XXX XXX 11 30 22 23 25 8 Educational Pamphlets Din .XXX XXX XXX • • 2708 • …

Manitoba.Legislative Assembly.96329.

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… ago to deal with nutrient loading in Manitoba’s waterways. Based on the work of the Lake Winnipeg Stewardship Board, the … Manitoba has a strong and environmentally sustainable plan for the livestock sector. In the coming months a new … for cataract surgery is down to 11 weeks, from a high of 22 weeks in the 1990s; and the median wait for all orthopedic …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107410919L

Weir, George Moir,1885-, Canada.Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations, British Columbia

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… which has been achieved since the Industrial Revolution is based upon painstaking studies in astronomy, physics, … students. There is not in print, for example, any text- book on public welfare in Canada. Nor can a satisfactory book of the kind be written until there has been a good deal …

LeBrun-Salonen, Melanie L.1261

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… 18 3.7 Southwestern Basins 20 3.8 Southeastern Basins 22 3.9 Northeastern Basins 24 | 4, Flood Damages 27 4.1 … floods. Note that all dollar values in this chapter are based on 1902 values. 4,2 Loss of Life Two flood-related … of this report, comparisons of flood stages are partially based on newspaper accounts. In the lower Saint John River, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL341

Ontario Task Force on Financial Institutions., Dupré, J. Stefanchairman.

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… placed on the regulators to be satisfied that the business plan of these new en¬ trants is a sound one. This is … programs, to evaluate the performance of management, to plan for the suc¬ cession of management and to ensure … percent of the voting shares of any one body corporate. 22. Consumer Lending As proposed in the Draft Act, personal …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT50257