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Afficher 256 - 270 de 393 résultats
Nova Scotia.Dept. of Highways.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… hospitality ia real and every summer pleaeure awaits you. Plan to get away from the heat in 1938. We are waiting to … brought a 251-pound blue-fin to the gaff in exactly 22 minutes, using standard angling tackle with 39-thread … taken on the usual three-six tackle and ran from 12 to 22 pounds in weight. Once again we point out the fact that …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000009667

British Columbia.Office of the Ombudsman, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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… t h a t the sale of M r . Hamilton's equipment w a s based on a mistake i n l a w , and I recommended that the … i n t h a t s u c h a sa l e c o u l d be e f f e c t e d based o n t h e w r t t s t o hand . R e l e v a n t H i s t … h e recc lp t of mnnice: f o r tbr! second s k i d d e r , based o n l y o n t h e acknowledged f n c t t h a t t h e …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_207347_special_report_no_14

British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Schools Operations and Services Division, British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Field Services Division

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_591659_no_29

Saskatchewan Geological Survey., Scott, Blaine P., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Energy and Mines.

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… are . 70-26W2, in Fuzesy, 1980). The Phanerozoic map is based UNconformably overlain by mature, passive margin … the Star Lake estimated reserves of 160,000 tons grading 0.22 oz/ton Au Pluton. Numerous mafic to felsic dykes are … 82— ——————— (1972b): / Anglo—Rouyn Copper Mine, Ore 4, p17-22. Bay, Lac La Ronge, Saskatchewan; Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991345283503479

Saskatchewan Geological Survey., Troyer, D. R., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Mineral Resources.

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… 1985 Printed May 1985 Il I Foreword This report is based largely on work funded under the Canada-Saskatchewan … of the Reconnaissance Studies....................... 22 Nipawin - Mistatim … et al., 1977) been suggested in order to develop an index based on The majority of the study area falls within the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991984053503479

British Columbia.Division of Tuberculosis Control.

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… Pupils NumbprJTpsted Positive Negative 2 Rapiti ve 6-10 22 5 17 22.5$ 11-15 27 __8 22 21.6$ Total 53 12 46 22.03$ Combined … the oesophagus. A NEW CONCEPTION OF TUBERCULOUS EMPYEMATA BASED ON THEIR PATHOLOGIC PHYSIOLOGY. Cs.ryllos. Jnl. of …

McNay, R. Scott(Robert Scott),1958-, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… factors in making predictions about snow interception based on stand crown completeness. Several approaches to … mean crown completeness ........................ 57 Figure 22. Effect of mean crown completeness on percentage … snow interception can be accomplished by a technique based on an instrument called the moosehorn (for a …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_265624_iwr019

British Columbia.Soils Branch

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… .................................................... 22 APPENDICES … and utilization, the Manure Management Guidelines are based on a manure management system which will keep nitro- … pig place is filled throughout the whole year). This is based on the assumption that 15 weeks are required for each …

Vales, David J., Bunnell, Fred L.,1942-, British Columbia.Ministry of Forests, British Columbia.Ministry of Environment

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… 4 RESULTS ............................................... 22 4 .1 Normality and Equality of Variance ................ 22 4 .2 Clearcuts ......................................... … MCC .............................................. 67 22 Univariate statistics on untransformed observations …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_265620_iwr020

Finlay, A. W., British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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… Before commencing, if it can be arranged, it is a good plan to put in a season at some up-to-date and well-managed … i advisable to move the extractor into the shade or to 4 22 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. cover the glass with a sack or … the operator in the same order as taken out. A small note-book or some method of mal'king will be found useful to …

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Select Standing Committee on Standing Orders and Private Bills

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… of the House for the same period. 17. Standing Order 22 is repealed and the following substituted: Suspended sittings. 22. (1) In the case of grave disorder arising in the House, … on Friday, and given priority over any other business. 11 22. Standing Order 28 is repealed and the followin …

British Columbia.Provincial Fisheries Department, British Columbia.Provincial Department of Fisheries

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… Salmon. (No. 24.) (Digest) ________________________ 22 Pilchard and Herring Investigations _____________________ … profit as it should and any permanent settlement must be based on a realization of the fundamental facts involved. The … Twenty-two are recorded from Laredo Sound. Evidence based on the condition of the tags or the reliability of the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_128144_1938

Hart, John Lawson,1904-, Tester, Albert L., British Columbia.Provincial Fisheries Department, Pacific Biological Station (1908-1955)

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… 700 Off Sooke, near Victoria. 2C Oct. 18, 22, 23, 1937______________________ 1,257 Sw anson Channel. 2D … or 11.8 tag s per thousand used. The recovery g raphs, based on sim ilar calculations, are directly comparable as … approxim ate. Accordingly, definite conclusions cannot be based on the graphs, but it is perhaps ap p ro p ria te to …

Tulloch, Elspeth, New Brunswick Advisory Council on the Status of Women., Nouveau-Brunswick.Conseil consultatif sur la condition de la femme.

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… pas le nombre d’unités familiales. • Vous soumettiez votre plan de reconstruction, de rénovation ou d’agrandissement au … OU que le volume des arbres enlevés soit conforme à un plan d’aménagement forestier préparé par un forestier … sans nom du fleuve Saint-Jean Madawaska Saint-Hilaire A-22 Bassin hydrographique du ruisseau à Félix-Martin …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL126

British Columbia.Coal and Petroleum Control Board.

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… -o rg a n iz e i t s e l f to make a p r o f i t ? Bevan - 22 - A F ran k ly , in my ex p e rien ce I would say no, d e … n t io n th a t th e re d u c tio n , hovjever, w i l l be based on the tan k wagon p r ic e in Vancouver and th e P rov … of acco u n tin g in th e o i l in d u s try so much i s based on the s a le s r e la t io n s Bevan -3 1 - th a t r e …