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Afficher 286 - 300 de 393 résultats
British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture, British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food

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… Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food … Description based on: Rev. 1974. … Title varies slightly. … Title on … There is room for you to make your notes tight in this book. You will find your records very helpful in diagnosing … with infected stock by using a 1:10 solution of phenol based Lysol in water. Rake up and burn all leaves at the end …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2012_2_527653_1985

British Columbia.Provincial Game and Forest Warden., British Columbia.Provincial Game Warden., British Columbia.Game Conservation Board, British Columbia.Game Commission, British Columbia.Legislative Assembly

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22 Game Wardens, " E " Division … quail, liberated in the Lillooet Detachment, have migrated 22 miles from the point of liberation. They were liberated in … Maxson alone destroyed 44 coyotes and Game Warden Jobin 22 of these animals. Ground-squirrels are reported to have …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_2_346798_ar_1938

British Columbia Police., British Columbia.Dept. of the Attorney-General, British Columbia.Motor Vehicle Branch.

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… to a fine of not less than $5 or more than $50. 22. Every person who has become the holder of a blue driver's … any person from the exercise of proper care at all times." 22 The following jingle is worth while remembering:- Here … motor-vehicle in violation to such restrictions. Ans.-No. 22. For how long must the holder of a blue driver's licence …

Alberta. Dept. of Labour. Planning and Research Branch. Statistics and Information, issuing body.

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… -- Statistics. … Collective bargaining scene labour fact book / First quarter 1985 … ALTA142076 … Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA142076

Alberta. Dept. of Labour. Planning and Research Branch. Statistics and Information, issuing body.

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… to the Collective bargaining scene / labour fact book / July 1985 … ALTA142082 … Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA142082

Alberta. Dept. of Labour. Planning and Research Branch. Statistics and Information, issuing body.

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… to the Collective bargaining scene / labour fact book / April/May 1985 … ALTA142081 … Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA142081

Alberta. Dept. of Labour. Planning and Research Branch. Statistics and Information, issuing body.

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… to the Collective bargaining scene / labour fact book / January 1985 … ALTA142080 … Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA142080

Alberta. Dept. of Labour. Planning and Research Branch. Statistics and Information, issuing body.

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… -- Statistics. … Collective bargaining scene labour fact book / Third quarter 1985 … ALTA142078 … Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA142078

Alberta. Dept. of Labour. Planning and Research Branch. Statistics and Information, issuing body.

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… -- Statistics. … Collective bargaining scene labour fact book / Second quarter 1985 … ALTA142077 … Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA142077

Alberta. Dept. of Labour. Planning and Research Branch. Statistics and Information, issuing body.

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… -- Statistics. … Collective bargaining scene labour fact book / Fourth quarter 1984 … ALTA142074 … Alberta …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA142074

British Columbia Government Travel Bureau

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… m ean tem p era tu re is about 56°; w in ter m ean, 20° to 22 ° . Lowest tem ­ p e ra tu res recorded, usually in b rief … s to n y on ridges. T im ber is mixed, chiefly spruce 22 and cotton-wood, w ith black pine and willow in sw am ps … ing meadows. Good vegetables a re raised. A road reaches 22 miles to meadows in L ots 8702 and 352, w ith branch 5 …

Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources.

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… Provincial Park until a comprehensive Park Management Plan is prepared. This statement will provide the basis for the subsequent preparation of the I Park Management plan. I I am pleased to approve this Interim Management … reserve. I No development is proposed until a management plan is prepared for the site. At some po'int in the future, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT45467

Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources.Northern Region.

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… of Sextant Rapids Provinpia1 Park until a Park Management Plan is completed. It will a~so set the general direction for … the more detailed management policies that the Management Plan will contain. ~ --,-( . A- . \ cQ, R.A. Riley Regional … 2.44 Pro,·incial f Pitt 2.4-1 Pro,;incial g Benfah 1.22 National h Wilki~ 1.22 National These Ya.rious geological …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT42017

Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources.Northern Region.

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… of Williams Island Provincial ark until a Park Management Plan is completed. It wi 11 a 1 so set the genera 1 direction … the more detailed management policies that the Management Plan will contain. 1?-~9 R.A. Riley • Regional Director j … the guidelines be implemented with the approval of the plan. Recommendation That the guidelines be implemented with …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT42024

Ontario.Ministry of Natural Resources.Northern Region.

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… of . Shallow River Provincial Park until a Park Management Plan is completed. It will also set the general direction for … the more detailed management policies that the Management Plan will contain. ~ ~o' …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT42016