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Afficher 331 - 345 de 393 résultats

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… I, 2, Bk. 1. Sec. 4, Galiano Island, Cow- Ichan District, Plan 1676, C. of T. 650631 Lots I, 2, 8. 4. IS. Bk. 2. Scc. 4. Gallano Island. Cowicban District, Plan 16'l6. C, of T. 350631 Lots I, 2. 8, 4, Bk. I, Ganano island. Cowichsn Di triet, Plan 1974, C. of T. 96906L Lots I, 2, Bk. 2. Gallano Island. …

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… Frs. N.W. and N.E. 'ec. 21-23.28, W, of 5th S.E. '& Sec. 22-28-18, W. of 5th M., except K.C. Rly. IL of W Pt. Sec. … 5 yCl bi YSD Colu bl V Sy Col mbi YsS y T ite of Edge lw. Plan 1186. lots I lo 10, Bk. I I t 11. 11. Bh. I I t I to … Lot 46 Sub-lot I of subdiv. of Bk. A of I t 107, K.D., Plan 849 Bk. C of Lot 108, Plan 1386 Parcel letter A of Lot …

Garland, H. B., British Columbia.Health Insurance Commission.

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… 2,664 1 r- • _, ~·. > ~-t-;.; 1:900 Coo 511 254 244 117 A plan is carried on at New Denver which provides both medical …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_369994_group_hospitalization

British Columbia.Dept. of Education

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… School. 4. High School Correspondence Instruction. 5. Text-book Branch. 6. Provincial Aid to School Libraries and Union … Adult Education: (a.) Dominion-Provincial Youth Training Plan. ( b.) Provincial Classes for the Unemployed. ( c.) Free … PUPIL ACHIEVEMENT. In larger schools accrediting will be based comparatively rigidly on quantita- tive standards. A …

British Columbia.Dept. of Finance

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… 80.92 57.43 103.63 15.96 7.68 19.78 9.08 13.75 24.05 1.22 Bogert, J. E. 212.47 65.68 32.42 89.91 28.81 34.27 41.20 … Fr. S.W. i/4 of N.W. i/4 Sec. 20 (9.9 ac.), shown on Plan B 1173 (I.F.B. 80-25175F) 2.93 13.75 13.75 33.32 268!43 … 4. S3 4.79 6.70 Map 336. Lot 4 (except Map 1867) Lot 8 Plan B 1198, being N. Fr. Lot 19 A 523) Lot 21 Lot 22 Lot 23 …

British Columbia Development Corporation

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Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_454615_making_your_ideas_work

Alberta. Dept. of Public Works, issuing body.

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… 20 Surveys Branch ____________________ _ 22 Mechanical Branch: The Factories Act __________ _ 23 The … :~ g;r~~~=================================~=== 49.22 20,548.06 102.01 13,771.90 Walsh to Crow's Nest- Sec. A. … the registration of transfers with an accompanying parcel plan. Below will bP found details of the various items …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84847

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… 2 lying N. of road to Cow. ichsn Station outlined red on Plan under L.R.O. IT49r (0.67 ac.) Subdfe. Pt. Ssc. 3, 4, Map … $287. Lots I to 6 (Inc.) Lots 7 to 17 (inc.) Lots 10 to 22 (ine.) Pt. Sec. 8 as tetr. under 1870r (0.306 ac.) Subdis. … (0.06 ac.) Lot 4 (6.60 ae.) R. 5, 6. pt. Sec. 4, shown on Plan under L.R.O. 1806» R. 8. pt. Sec. 4 (3.98 ac.l R. 6. …

British Columbia.Dept. of Finance

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… lot, Bk. 19 Parcel A of Lots 11, 12, Bk. 19 Lot 3, Bk. 22 240.97 92.48 54.21 54.22 38.01 38.02 13.75 13.75 13.75 … 10 lying within boundaries of said Lot 2381, as shown on Plan X 74 and R. of W. of C.P.R. Co. on Plan 1760 Undiv. y4 int. in Sub-lot 1, save and except pt. …

Project North, West Coast Offshore Exploration Environmental Assessment Panel (Canada)

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… discussion and debate about proposed industrial projects, based on independent studies of energy needs and social costs … their lives and communities. Mr. Thomas Berger in his new book Village Journey (an account of the Alaskan Native Claims … environment. There is no coherent coastal management plan by which to judge risks, critical habitats, and marine …

British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture and Food.District Office (Kamloops, B.C.)., British Columbia.Ministry of Agriculture.District Office (Kamloops, B.C.).

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… Office (Kamloops, B.C.). … Description based on Nov. 1980. … Issuing body varies: Ministry of … ha.ving long term leases renewed was to have a management plan approved by the Ministry of Forests. In discussion with … 113 Day Gain ( 215 251 36 lbs 113 Day A.D.G. (lbs) 1.90 2.22 o.32 lbs/day In 1982 they tria.1 but. switched the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_329916_1985_03_1985_july

Downes, W., British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, British Columbia.Horticultural Branch

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… sown to fall wheat or some other suitable crop in the plan of rotation. Treatment of Infested Fields.-The plants … (4.) Do not expect the weevil-bait to work miracles. A plan- tation once injured by the weevil cannot be restored. …

Alberta. Legislative Assembly. Standing Committee on Legislative Offices, issuing body.

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… on to review the Enumeration Element which he stated was based on an estimated voter population of about 1.4 million … 1 I -------------------- I I 1 Public S•rvtc• Penelon Plan -,-, l J 1 Public Ser-vice Mana1•-n\ 1 Oeneion Plan I ·' D•ntal Plan 95,796. ------------------- 9 ll of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA143248

Alberta. Dept. of Agriculture, issuing body.

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… of the Schools of Agriculture:- Olds Vermilion Page 7 9 16 22 27 34 37 41 47 51 55 57 59 63 68 70 74 77 84 87 91 96 99 … Act; promoting the Provincial Co-operative Pur- chasing Plan for Pure-bred Stallions. HORSES. There has been little … and then require special care. CO-OPERATIVE PURCHASING PLAN FOR PURE-BRED STALLIONS In connection with the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84846

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… sc.) Parcel A of Sec. 21, R. 2 W. (80.88 ae.) Pt. See. 22, except B.C. Elec. Rly R. of W. (97 ac.), R. 2 W. Pt. Sec. … 2018 (6 a .) N.E. pt. S«. 11. R. I W. (b ins slouxh h on Plan 2818 (0.6 ae.) Wlfki, E. C. I John W~, IL to P.) P tt, … M p 1189 (8.45 c.) Bk. I MaD 1710 (6.76 ae.) I t A (exmpt Plan 405Z&, hl p 1457 ($ .10Lot I (exc pt R to p. of R o( W. …