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Nova Scotia.House of Assembly.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… during the 1899 session regarding text books … Appendix 22 in the Journals of the House of Assembly 1900 … [Halifax] …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000005210

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… writing to the Gold Commissioner, in duplicate, with the plan of the ground on the back, and the applica- tion must … to be carried over to the credit of such new year. This plan, however, will be found very approximate for each year, … 9,997,080 1,615,289 10,069,757 Total.I63O,615ISii8i2~ 22,570,95'3 ~8(;9 ~;5S $7-:m9:956,35~ $4,362,58'3 $3-8,~~ 18 …

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… detail the actuel mineral production of the past year, a~ based on smelter or mill r&urns ; also, a summary of the … to be carried over to the credit of guch new year. Thii plan, however, will be found very approximate for each year, … ........................................................ 22,401,325 1906.. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_349494_ar_1906

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… detail the actual mineral production of the past year, &B based on smelter or mill returns; also B summary of the … to Abe carried “VW to the credit of such “BW yew. This plan, however, will be found wry approximate for eaoh yar, … 6,529,420 6,751,lw 10,089,757 To+& 630,615 $,2,8,2,860 22.57ojiii &iii&i 296,081,558 ~,,619,958'35,412,606 &362,683 …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_349494_ar_1900

British Columbia.Dept. of the Attorney-General

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… may be granted 14 1902-4. CouRTS, SuPREME. CHAP. 15. (22.) (23.) (24.) (25.) if the Court or a Judge shall think … to reside and discharge their duties. Judicial Districts. 22. The following counties, as constituted and defined by the …

British Columbia.Bureau of Provincial Information

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… BUREAU OF PROVINCIAL INFORMATION [BULLETIN No. 23] HAND BooK of CANADA ITS POSITION, ADVANTAGES, RESOURCES, AND … honor to submit for your approval, Bulletin No. 23, a Hand Book of British Columbia, in which the Province .and its … ...... ................ ........ ....... ... ....... .. 20-22 Government Assay Office .. .. ... ... ... ...... .. ... .. …

Nova Scotia., Graham, Wallace.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… includes an agreement for . - a lease; : ue | | Map.” “Plan.” - (a) The expression “ map ” or “plan ” means a ground … the company, | | and an entry whereof shall be made in a book to be kept for 7 Ti that purpose; and no interest or … | \ property on which the qualification as ratepayer is based. : - Must be posted (8.) A copy of the list for every …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000003729A

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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… Daily Attendance. 137.25 381.18 75.82 145.63 246.53 49.22 222.48 143,78 169.48 105.43 48.97 139.12 305.56 57.38 … grade or class; but, after all, there seems to be no other plan yet outlined of a more satisfactory or practical … March 14th, 1907; 10 pupils present; enrolment, 10. Book-case and small juvenile library loaned by "King's …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2019_73597_1906_07_public_schools_ar

Nova Scotia., Graham, Wallace.

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Nouvelle Écosse

… toge ed that tion w = TRICHS are à ane Se | fo TS: LH sec 22 fun M FRIC TARR oo Bs — Lier Be Provice this Pre OS. ING. … orally, to pupils unable to ‘ , read, from a suitable text-book in the hands of the teacher, and to all other pupils … in charge thinks it Lia esta necessary to have a plan of the tract made, showing the and names of | ° ° …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000003729

British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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… judging a Dairy Cow, regardless of Breeds. {From the Year Book, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1900.) In the … any season of the year in this Province. A very good plan is to sow it in the fall and use for succulent feed in … THE CROW. Investigations of the food habits of the crow, based on an examination of the contents of 909 stomachs; show …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_174180_6th_1900

British Columbia.Provincial Library, Provincial Archives of British Columbia

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… 1901/02; 1907; 1909; 1915/16; 1919;1920; 1921; 1921/22; 1923/24; 1924/25; 1925/26; 1926/27; 1930; 1931; 1932; … a subject list, which is made by writing a card for each book, with the subject of which it treats as the heading. In … to add to the subject list as many cards for each book as the importance of the several subjects demands. …

British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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… do. However, I must refer to your distri- bution of Peers book on Soiling and the Silo among the members of the … REPORT. 1455 Size oj the Silo. A silo s~ould be a~ least 22 f~et de~p, as the deeper the silo the greater the pressure … lugs, of which there are many inexpensive patterns. A good plan, where the hoop is to be in one piece, is to place three …

North-West Territories. Laws, Statutes, Etc., issuing body.

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… forward to the commissioner a certified copy of the poll book showing the total number of votes cast for and against … and he shall deliver to the justice of the peace the poll book used by him at the poll and shall make affidavit before … ft X ? O ® eg - „ O > ■* 2 ft O M © © o +3 c,o i_J *ph #• 22-3 eg O-g © r-( -ft- w ft S3 0) d ft> 0) of 0> Ph o eg £> . …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA83712

British Columbia.Bureau of Provincial Information, British Columbia.Dept. of Finance

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… of British Columhia " (2 editions), and Bulletin No. 22, "New British Columbia," which contains all available … practicable distance of the Coast. A copy of Bulletin No. 22, with map, can be had on application to the Bureau of … ccnts, which is supplemcnted by the Gowrnmcnt by an amount based on memb:rshi~, the gran~ ?eir:g made conditional upon …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_437205_5th_1906