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Afficher 241 - 255 de 5889 résultats
British Columbia Assessment Authority

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… Assessment Authority … Cover title: BC Assessment service plan. … Catalogue record made available by the British … Legislative Library. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Printed from the Internet. … … Real property tax British Columbia Periodicals. … Service plan / BC Assessment. -- 2004-2006 … … …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_351230_srv_pln_bcaa_04

British Columbia.Provincial Agricultural Land Commission, British Columbia.Agricultural Land Commission

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… on the Internet. … Update to 2005/06-2007/08 service plan issued Sept. 2005. … Issuing body varies: … 22 Highlights of Strategic Shifts and Changes from Previous … the past five years; • The operation of the Commission based on a six panel structure will continue to improve …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_359768_bcpalc_srvpln_2004

Parcs Ontario

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… en anglais sous le titre: Mashkinonje Park management plan. … MNR 51732. … ISBN sur document: 077944101X. … … Gestion … Parc provincial Mashkinonje (Ont.) … Mashkinonje plan de gestion du parc. … Mashkinonje Plan de gestion du … 21 Introduction d’espèces de poissons non indigènes 22 Poissons d’appât __________________________________ 22

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT230442

British Columbia.Coast and Marine Planning Branch, British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

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… (B.C.) Environmental conditions. … Johnstone-Bute Coastal Plan, Draft Sept. 2004 [electronic resource]. -- … The … Table 22. Summary of Recommended Uses by Planning Unit … and interest group engagement, rather than consensus-based negotiation using stakeholder planning tables. Table 1. …

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British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management., British Columbia.Forests, Lands and Marine Branch, Daryl Brown Associates.

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… the desired resource management direction for a plan area. British Columbia’s Forest and Range Practices Act … compatible with and supports British Columbia’s “results- based” system for regulating forest planning and practices. … and Environment. 1996. Strategic Land Use Planning Source Book. Province of British Columbia. Victoria, B.C. Integrated …

Alberta. Management Employees Pension Board, issuing body.

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… Employees Pension Board. … Management Employees Pension Plan annual report / 2003 … A N N U A L R E P O R T 03 « M E … members contribute to the Plan and will receive a formula-based pension determined by their average pensionable salary … income and 2 payables are estimated to approximate their book values. 3 5 (c) Income Recognition & Ê Dividends are …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA91840

British Columbia.Environmental Stewardship Division.Kootenay Region, British Columbia.Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection, Wildland Consulting.

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… Consulting. … Cover title. … Running title: Management plan background document Valhalla Provincial Park. … … ............................................................22 CONSERVATION RISK ASSESSMENT … to establish the original 49,600 ha Class "A" Park was based upon the land's value to the park 1 Area cited in the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_375136_valhalla_provpark_2004

British Columbia.Forest Practices Board

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… Board to investigate the approval of a forest development plan (FDP) for a woodlot located near Edgewood in the Arrow … said that MOF was committed to adjusting the site plans based on further fieldwork and future on-site discussions … The Code defines five classes of wetlands (W1 to W5) based on size, biogeoclimatic unit, and whether the wetland …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_371627_irc98

British Columbia.Ministry of Energy and Mines, British Columbia.Ministry of Energy and Mines

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… of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. Annual service plan report. … Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum … Highlights include: • Infrastructure — $30 million in road based royalty credits for 2005/06. • Communities and … to its core businesses. Ministry of Energy and Mines 22 2004/05 Annual Service Plan Report New Era Promises …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_362956_bcem_asp_2004_05

Campbell, Chris M., Innovation and Science Council of British Columbia, British Columbia.Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management.

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… … Cover title. … Web index title: Development action plan for the Pacific Ocean Technology Cluster. … Running … persons. Forty-seven percent of the companies are based in Atlantic Canada and BC and the majority of the rest … of the Canadian Centre for Marine Communications (CCMC, based in St John’s) as a facilitation and business …

Alberta. Dept. of Community Development. Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Education Fund.

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… Education for Change: A Guide to Planning and Management PLAN:NET LIMITED © 2004 This Guide was produced by Plan:Net … Guide for Your Group? Terminology Getting Clear on Outcome-based Planning and Evaluation What Do We Know about Good … Your Project in the Wider Field of Diversity Education 22 Diversity Education for Change: A Guide to Planning and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA93430

Nova Scotia.Dept. of Environment and Labour.Environmental and Natural Areas Management Division.Protected Areas Branch

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Nouvelle Écosse

… Nova Scotia … Tobeatic Wilderness Area : draft management plan : public comment summary. … Autumn canoeing on the … Tobeatic Advisory Group, currently engaged in a consensus-based project to define strategies and priorities for action. … Tobeatic Wilderness Area. This discussion draft will be based on the consensus-based advise of the Tobeatic Advisory …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NS1000001595

British Columbia.Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services

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… Columbia. Ministry of Forests and Range. Annual service plan report. ISSN 1911-0383. … Ceased June 16, 2005 when the … about provincial government programs and services. The web-based directory, available on the ministry’s website at … Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women’s Services 22 2004/05 Annual Service Plan Report The branch helped …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_362969_bccaws_asp_2004_05

British Columbia.Vancouver Coastal Health Authority

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… Library. … Continued by: Aboriginal Health and Wellness Plan. … Printed from the Internet. … [Vancouver, B.C.] : … people with 30,000 urban Aboriginal community members based off reserve in Vancouver and Richmond. Eighty percent … between Aboriginal community priority and evidence-based need in diabetes, HIV, addictions services and mental …

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Public Service Pension Plan (B.C.), British Columbia Pension Corporation

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… Public Service Pension Plan (B.C.) … British Columbia Pension Corporation … Title … our organization into one which is truly service-based. We have adopted a mission, values, principles and … member purchases of service and terminations Enhanced web-based information and services We aim to achieve much more….. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_371220_publicp_stp_04_07