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Afficher 166 - 180 de 445 résultats
[Saskatchewan Geological Survey], Hriskevich, M. E., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Natural Resources.

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… 1 cescseennssnneatneneusnensnennsanemansusiinnanstansenmea 22 Figure 8 —The “Butch” group latins nme 24 Figure 9 = … displacement can be ascertained. The above postulate is based on the apparent drag on bedding or foliation of the … working under the Saskatchewan prospectors’ assistance plan discovered pitchblende om what is now Nisto Mines …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991488313503479

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment.Water Modelling Section., Poulton, Donald J.

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… below 5 mg/l and conductivity above 350 umho/cm for about 22 hr. However, no correlation of this event or the one shown … r r m m r m 01A °,NL ER2 '9'2 o o e s x c J 128 E*p `O 19.22 r QUEEN ELIZABETH OOCKS 126 / ISLAND I -- -J /j IRGOPT … HR CLOCK) MiDUCT I V I TY O r 01 0 r` M 0 CJ m O 0 0 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 FIGURE 4 CONDUCTIVITY RND TURBIDITY RESULTS …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT125993

Niagara (Ont. : Regional municipality).Pollution Control Division., Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality Review Board.Research Program for the Abatement of Municipal Pollution.

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… loader 18 5.3.7 Sludge spraying 18 5.4 Sludge Application 22 5.4.1 Particulars 22 5.4.2 Tank truck 22 5.4.3 All-terrain … resulted. Any conclusions and recommendations made are based on weather and soil conditions typical to the Niagara … amount of rain or snow. Precipitation data are based on 24 hour period beginning 1 A.M. (2) Total …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT131384

Ontario.Ministry of the Environment.Laboratory Services Branch.Microbiology Section., Qureshi, Ansar A.

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… TORONTO 14 4.4.1 STORMWATER RUNOFF 14 4.1.2 SEDIMENT 22 (ii) v TABLF OF CONTENTS (continued) 4.2 WOODLAWN ROAD, … respects resembled sanitary wastewater. Using calculations based on a hypothetical city, they indicated that the runoff … byproducts and animal waste (10, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23). Relatively little reported data are available on the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT111192

Saskatchewan Geological Survey.Precambrian Geology Division., Sibbald, T. I. I., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Mineral Resources.

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… AeromagneticAnomalies……._....……........…........….........….22 … saussuritized plagioclase (Anz2.90), 15 - 20 Kisseynew is based both on lithologic and metamorphic percent epidote and … (average 5 Percent) of these conceived litholagicatly based stratigraphic correlation? rocks. Microcline was …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991487983503479

British Columbia.Public Utilities Commission

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… the licence-year under review was 24,244, as compared to 22,518 for the pr~vious licence-year, 1948-49. This … it has been obvious that the proposed application is based on a rate-cutting proposition, and it has been found … fovestigation has ~isclosed that the proposals were not based on a question of rates but, rather, on the desire of …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_402356_1949_50

British Columbia.Ministry of Education.Educational Policy Development

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… of children with emotional and learning disorders and plan programs for them that as far as possible retain … be obtained but they may be unreliable and interpretations based on them misleading. Some tests are carefully … that children are referred for medical examinations where 22 Page 22 appropriate. 6. That it is the responsibility of …

British Columbia.Police Services Division

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… 21 Populations: Provincial Jurisdictions 83 1981 to 1992. 22 Police Case Burden: Municipal Jurisdictions 87 Criminal … be recorded by the UCR proiect. The fact that UCR data are based on a count of those criminal events which are known to … above Overview of the Uniform Crime Reporting system is based on the “Introduction” contained in the Canadian Crime …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_196533_1977_1992

Alberta. Dept. of Lands and Mines. Mines Branch, issuing body.

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… This is a distinct improvement over the year 1947, when 22 accidents were reported. It is very hard to determine as … workings; one 54-B Bucyrus-Erie 2V2 yard shovel; one 1-22-B Bucyrus-Erie % yard shovel; two 14-yard Euclid trucks; … Bala’ 2 2. : Es : aN ae s he Sos 2433 HE| : abatogas 2asn Book ÉSO SOU Lesa ANNUAL REPORT, 1948 77 mont œnmanr + or od …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85420

Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality Review Board.Research Program for the Abatement of Municipal Pollution., James F. MacLaren Ltd., Proctor and Redfern Ltd.

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… time. A genera- lized quality model was developed, based on SWMM equations and using the simplification obtained … Treatment Model 151 21 Data Deck for STORAGE Block 152 22 Programs of the RECEIVING WATER Block 186 23 Data Deck for … during Quality cycle Distance water aurCac le [ram dstua plan. Junction head at end of time-step Graph horswntal a,rl …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT131362

British Columbia Women's Institute, British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture

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… … British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture … Description based on 1948. … Catalogue record made available by the … munity a Better Place; Why I like to live here; Favorite Book of Fiction, Non-fiction, Movie, Stage Play, etc. 21 … land, A noble type of good Heroic womanhood. -Longfellow. 22 CHAPTER 8. PROCEDURE FOR WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETINGS. (As …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_591572_1949

Law Reform Commission of British Columbia

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… 18 1. British Columbia 18 2. England 20 3. Ontario 22 D. The Desirability of Reform 24 E.   Recommendations for … defence of statutory authority in any action for dam- ages based on nuisance; (c) that the special immunity for public … imperative, and when it was imperative the immunity was based on historical circumstances not relevant to British …

British Columbia.Dept. of the Provincial Secretary, British Columbia.Hospital Programs, British Columbia.Ministry of Health, British Columbia Hospital Insurance Service

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… Population ________________________________________ 22 ~,i[oVEMENT OF POPULATION (Public Hospitals)- In-patients … about by the introduction of the Hospital Insurance plan. The method of recording hospital statistics was also … and Mount St. Joseph's Hospital, Vancouver. Length of stay based on average days' stay of patients discharged or died. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_2_186690_1949

British Columbia Government Travel Bureau, British Columbia.Dept. of Trade and Industry.

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… Province. To attain this bold objective, an advertising plan was developed in which every detail was weighed … out Canada and the United States are reproduced in this book. 1. Magazines—United States National magazines in the … to the magazine. Thus copy and illustration, while based on the main slogan "Visit Alluring British Col­ umbia, …

Kelley, C. C., Spilsbury, R. H., British Columbia.Dept. of Agriculture, Canada.Experimental Farms Service

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… the mapped area in the valley bottom amounts to about 22,100 acres. The elevation of the valley bottom is about … Salmon Arm begins around April 6, and extends to October 22, a period of about 199 clays. At Oliver, growth begins … clearly marked boundaries. Evidence of a B horizon is based on the change of colour and the accumulation of iron. A …