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Afficher 91 - 105 de 445 résultats
British Columbia.Forest Service

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… with the Computer Uses Committee to develop a five-year plan which will take advantage of new technology and new … po!len is still usable after two years. Dr. N. Keser’s book, Interpretation of Landforms from Aerial Pllotographs, … J 4662531 ) 573 481 868 , I 1 Area and volume figures based on earlier surveys. I I I Ta bl e Zh l-U se s of C ro …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_71068_annual_1977

Tourism British Columbia, British Columbia.Ministry of Tourism

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… person in our way of life, and our economy is heavily based on tourism. Therefore we should be appreciative of this … en- ables an official steering committee to get to work to plan the celebrations. She announced the appointment of Ed … of seaborne and over- land explorers throughout B.C. The book includes photographs of the type of tall ships that will …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2016_207363_v1_no3

Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality Review Board.Research Program for the Abatement of Municipal Pollution, Qazi, M. A., Tay, A., Heinke, Gary W.,1932-

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… 21 6 FUNCTIONAL AND PERFORMANCE DATA OF TREATMENT PLANTS 22 6.1 Sarnia Treatment Plant 22 6.2 Windsor Treatment Plant … 109 BIBLIOGRAPHY 110 v LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page 1 Plan and Longitudinal Section of Settling Tank at Sarnia 24 2 … and recommendations derived from this study are based on the results obtained in the laboratory and at the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT132074

Manitoba.Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund Board.92040.

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… long-term sustainability of the defined benefit pension plan. 90 Years and Counting… The Teachers’ Retirement … was a commitment in principle to introduce an incentive-based compensation program for management and senior … was one of the primary items discussed at the 2015 Annual Briefing Session. COST OF LIVING ADJUSTMENTS (COLA) The Cost …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107412907E

Manitoba.Manitoba Finance.96063.

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… now more frequently impacted by relatively large and broad based financial, economic, geo-political and natural … are showing positive gains in 2016. Sporting, music and book stores, general merchandise stores and furniture and … 12,595 953 180,371 Growth, Enterprise and Trade 21,284 22,719 (1,435) 82,593 Indigenous and Municipal Relations …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107423142L

Manitoba.Manitoba Finance.96063.

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… showing progress toward a balanced budget that is based on Summary results. Through careful management and … tax construct. The Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan is proceeding without a provincial carbon tax. The … - 10 - personal care stores, sporting goods, hobby, book and music stores and at general merchandise stores. As …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107423142D

British Columbia.Fish and Wildlife Branch

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… the Branch and outlinin;s t:1e precepts upon ,,rhich it is based. Par- ticular attention is also given to the … that responsible fish and wildlife manage- ment is based on ecological facts and that these facts can be best … recognizes that responsible re- source management must be based on scientific knmvledge. This includes the undertaking …

Ontario.Ministry of Industry and Tourism., Ontario.Ministry of the Environment.

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… 100% synthetics. - Utilization of wastes will have to be based on either a very high volume usage, probably with a … of Waste Fibre by Means of Rotor Spinning, DOUGLAS K. Book N. 30/S.I. 1976, 9 pages (Textile Trade Press) UNITED … But total cost is that for labor and material. The correct plan is the one which minimizes the total. Manufacturers …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT25847

British Columbia.Social Welfare Branch

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… WITH US JUST NOW____ _____________________________________ 22 THE EFFECT OF TOYS ON THE PARENT—By Tom Hamilton-...______ … Schools and proceeded along with an advisory committee to plan a number of evening classes which could be offered to … no “categories” nor “cases” nor “clients” in Mr. Grosart’s book, but rather felloAv human be­ ings in trouble. He told a …

Manitoba.Manitoba Finance.96063.

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… million increase in the Canada Health and Social Transfers based on revised projections from Canada, $21 million more in … the partial funding of the Civil Service Superannuation Plan, funding for Manitoba Hydro, Capital Investments, … Hydro. The negative OCI forecast reflects a change to the book value of these investments but does not impact summary …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107423142AH

Manitoba.Manitoba Finance.96063.

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… introduced a five-year, $5.5 billion core infrastructure plan in Budget 2014 to focus investments on roads, highways … (14% as at March 31, 2015). 3. The per capita data is based upon forecast population figures at January 2016 for … value measurements at year-end and reflect a change to the book value of investments held by GBEs and the value of the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107423142M

Manitoba.Teachers' Retirement Allowances Fund Board.92040.

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… of TRAF’s success is the long-term sustainability of the plan. All activities of the Board are consistent with this … takes many forms, including this Annual Report, the Annual Briefing Session and other presentations focused on plan … Adjustment (COLA) to be granted on July 1, 2017, which is based on 2016 activity, has been determined to be 1.00%. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107412907D

Alberta. Treasury Dept, issuing body.

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… under grazing leases or permits 154 157 159 160 School Book Branch: Balance sheet Statement of profit and loss … periods. Assessment revenue shown on Statement No. 41 is based on actual payrolls for 1948, so far as they are known … Postage, freight and express . Office rental .. Pension plan contributions Depreciation Mine rescue training …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA85466

Saskatchewan Arts Board., SK Arts.

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… Collaboration: We work collaboratively and value community-based partnerships and the contributions of all participants. … Collection: New Acquisitions 40 In Memory 42 Strategic Plan Progress Report 43 Grants & Funding 44 Jurors, Assessors … Dotson says. “The kids are all really proud of their book, and they should be — it looks great!” A launch event in …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991506413503479O