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Afficher 256 - 270 de 2461 résultats
Saskatchewan Power Corporation Superannuation Plan.

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… Saskatchewan Power Corporation Superannuation Plan. … Cover title. … 2019 Annual Report is titled Financial … ; … Saskatchewan Power Corporation Superannuation Plan. … Pension trusts Saskatchewan. … Annual report / Power Corporation Superannuation Plan. … SRL99860053503479Q … Saskatchewan …

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Saskatchewan Power Corporation Superannuation Plan.

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… Saskatchewan Power Corporation Superannuation Plan. … Cover title. … 2019 Annual Report is titled Financial … ; … Saskatchewan Power Corporation Superannuation Plan. … Pension trusts Saskatchewan. … Annual report / Power Corporation Superannuation Plan. … SRL99860053503479 … Saskatchewan …

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Centre for Education Information Standards and Services, Centre for Education Information Standards and Services

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… Research British Columbia Periodicals. … Business plan / Centre for Education Information Standards and … by developing and distributing program guides, Internet-based information systems, and searchable databases. … provide a high level of customer service. Our success is based on meeting the needs of our customers in a timely, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_336556_ceiss_buspln_2000_01

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… fide society. 11 MS. SMITH: Okay. If we can have document book 78 marked as 12 the exhibit please. 13 THE REGISTRAR: … and in the 8 legislature to warrant an investigation 9 based on the following. 10 And then it's broken down into the … there is a copy I believe sent to you and 14 there is a briefing note attached. Have you seen 15 these documents …

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British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… 20 Q And how long have you been with the RCMP? 21 A 22 and a half years. 22 Q And are you -- are you currently in … you come to that conclusion, what was 9 the basis? 10 A Based on the evidence that was then held these 11 represented … I'm going to refer to Exhibit 18 209, which is document book 70B, and I would like 19 to refer to tab 6. 20 THE …

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British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… media? 12 A Yeah. 13 Q So, at Tab 2 of the next document book which is 14 book 61, which perhaps could be marked as … we would have to 15 do to release the report, including briefing 16 cabinet, doing whatever response that could be 17 … Parks and the cabinet meeting, so I briefed 20 the cabinet based on the notes that I had taken 21 during the meeting …

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Harper, William Lamont,1956-, British Columbia.Wildlife Branch

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… … Wood bison British Columbia Management. … Management plan for wood bison in British Columbia / by William L. … frequently contain preliminary data, so conclusions based on these may be sub- ject to change. Bulletins receive … ............................................................22 4.2.1 Goals …

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Ontario.Ministère de la formation et des collèges et universités.Section de l'alphabétisation et de la formation de base

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… : La Section, … Alphabétisation Recherche Ontario … Plan de travail : stratégie de l'Ontario pour la recherche … génie du Canada et Conseil de recherches en sciences Page 22 humaines du Canada 1998). À la section 6 de ce document, … B. et M. VanderMarel (1997) Capturing the moments. Program-based research in Ontario literacy practice. Discussion paper …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT214111

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… that point I think the evidence 10 indicates that was the plan and that's what Mr. 11 Holdsworth was communicating to … found. 15 Q Now, if we can turn to Tab 8, which is the 16 briefing note prepared by Mr. Corbeil, and again, 17 turning … this 7 witness obviously have any knowledge of that 8 based on what Mr. Hintz has said. But to 9 suggest, to say …

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Cancer Care Ontario

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… implementation of the Cancer Care Ontario strategic plan [April 1997-March 2000]. … Regional Implementation of … care, and ensure that patients receive high-quality care based on the latest available evidence. When one considers … Developing extensive chemotherapy networks incorporating 22 locations, all with linkages to the regional cancer …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT230563

British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… 1975. 21 Q And that was in a government formed by the new 22 Democratic party of British Columbia; is that 23 correct? … 23 Q I would like to enter as the next exhibit 24 document book 74, please. And that's the 25 document book that should … from DB". 7 Whom we understand to be Mr. Barrett based on 8 other similar notations elsewhere in the 9 …

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Municipal Pension Plan (B.C.), British Columbia.Superannuation Commission, British Columbia.Municipal Pension Board., British Columbia Pension Corporation

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… Municipal Pension Plan (B.C.) … British Columbia.Superannuation Commission … … of the financial health of the plan. Benefits are based on the member's highest five years of salary, length of … Net Earned Rate of the Fund Year % RATES OF RETURN ARE BASED ON A FIVE-YEAR AVERAGE. … …

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British Columbia.Commission of Inquiry into the Nanaimo Commonwealth Holding Society and Uses of Gaming Proceeds, Smith, Murray L., Sorochan, Donald, British Columbia.Smith Commission of Inquiry.

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… A Yes. 8 Q And I ask you to turn to tab 6. And this is a 9 briefing note which you wrote regarding a meeting 10 with Mr. … that concern? 19 A That's right. 20 Q Okay. But this is based on, as I understand it, 21 the assurances given to you … I 3 might have attempted to put forward a different 4 plan of action. 5 Q Okay. Can you just flip back to tab 10 …

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British Columbia.Provincial Capital Commission

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… … British Columbia Capital and capitol. … Strategic plan, 2000-2004 : update / … British Columbia Provincial … next, specific projections often do not unless they are based on highly sophisticated research techniques and relate … City. As a consequence, in 1956 legislation was adopted, based on a model previously initiated in the Nation's …

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Ontario.Toronto District Health Council., Barbeau, Gilles., Lurie, Steve.

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… : French Language Mental Health Services Task Force plan for Toronto 2000-2005 [electronic resource] / chairs, … I Only Have The Words In French, a qualitative needs based assessment study released by the TDHC (December 1996). … 1-year prevalence rate of any form of mental disorder was 22.4%. That is significantly higher than the overall …

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