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Afficher 181 - 195 de 867 résultats
Saskatchewan Geological Survey., Thomas, David James., Saskatchewan.Dept. of Energy and Mines.

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… age. These basic to intermediate dykes and sills commonly Based on field relations, whole-rock chemistry and trace _ … l The Star Lake Pluton is an elligtical-shaped body in plan rn covering approximately 18 km? in area, with its long … Mines, Misc. Rep. 91-4, p85-92. Domain, Field Trip Guide Book No. 4, Geol. Assoc. Can./Mineral. Assoc. Can. Meeting, …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - SRL991345233503479

British Columbia.Legislative Assembly.Select Standing Committee on Forests, Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.

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… producers being able to draw on an AAC reserve of timber based on the grade mix of sales to remanufacturers. One of … volume comes from our secure tenure with the government, 22 percent of our volume comes from category 1 small business … I'm kind of a reluctant speaker, because I didn't really plan on speaking when I got here. You may remember me. I gave …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_154796_no14

Chiasson, Roland6262, Crighton, Steve6268, The Nature Trust of New Brunswick Inc.6269, New BrunswickEnvironmental Trust Fund.6270, New BrunswickDept. of the EnvironmentEnvironmental Planning and Sciences Branch.6033, New BrunswickDept. of Natural Resources and EnergyRecreation and Environment Branch.6271

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… the resources in the Region. The information provided is based upon current knowledge and in some cases is incomplete. …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - NBFL85

British Columbia.Health Professions Council.

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… of the services provided by midwives. BCHA is convinced, based on the literature and evidence from other - 13 - … and the College of Physicians and Surgeons in this regard. Based on the foregoing analysis, the Council is of the … the name of the practitioners and not the profession. - 22 - Recommendation 3 the title "Midwife" be reserved for the …

Policing in British Columbia Commission of Inquiry., Oppal, Wallace T., British Columbia.Ministry of Attorney General

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… • RCMP • Labour issues 2: The use of force 3. Community-based policing 10 12 • . 13 • . 15 17 • . 18 19 19 25 • . 25 … yet....! am suggesting that it will be if we do not plan and structure our organizations to meet the demands that … by a reasonable means in a less violent manner. — 22 — The Commission is examining the issue relating to the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_132966_policinginbc

British Columbia Archives and Records Service

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… It is a block numeric records classification system based upon the federal government's model for the development … management policy. 3. An implementation and training plan. 4. Designated responsibilities for implementation and … 0147r:3676r:93/06/l6 Schedule 880699 ORCS/CJB HOW TO - 22 The retention and disposition of business records is not …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_148605_04_how_to_use

British Columbia/Washington Environmental Cooperation Council.

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… reviewed a wide range of recent reports and publications. Based on all these sources, Panel members then prepared a … current conditions or interfere with recovery. The Panel based its recommendations about potential remedial actions on … Puget Sound/ Georgia Basin Work group to develop an action plan to implement the Panel’s recommendations. The Work Group …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs_234885_eco_ar_1993_04

British Columbia Archives and Records Service

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… It is a block numeric records classification system based upon the federal government's model for the development … of classification systems. ORCS is a classification system based upon function and subject. Each subject is assigned a … management policy. 3. An implementation and training plan. 4. Designated responsibilities for implementation and …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_146161_04_how_to_use

Alberta. Dept. of the Provincial Secretary. Mines Branch, issuing body.

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… were given to various trade and service organizations. The book issue “Coal Truth” has been very successful in estab¬ … in Alberta, coupled with a relative purchasing value based upon the heat values. Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8, a series of … .. Edmonton 46 19-11-14 Thomson, Roger A. ... . Lovett 66 22-12-14 Thomson, David.. L.ovett 82 19- 8—15 Tennant, Robert …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ALTA84305

Manitoba.Appeal Commission.

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… average earnings have been correctly calculated at $22,221.45 per year. Back to PUBLIC DECISIONS INDEX … the piriformis syndrome and to implement a treatment plan for it. On May 1, 1998, a chiropractor diagnosed left … Beginning March 1, 1999, wage loss benefits would be based on the claimant's earnings or earning capacity, which …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - MAN107425612AD

Ontario.Régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants, Ontario.Conseil du régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants

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… anglais sous le titre: Annual report / Teachers' Pension Plan. … Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Annual report / Teachers' Pension Plan Board. … Toronto : Régime de retraite des enseignantes …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT169022

Ontario.Régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants, Ontario.Conseil du régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants

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… anglais sous le titre: Annual report / Teachers' Pension Plan. … Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Annual report / Teachers' Pension Plan Board. … Toronto : Régime de retraite des enseignantes …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT169022A

Ontario.Régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants, Ontario.Conseil du régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants

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… anglais sous le titre: Annual report / Teachers' Pension Plan. … Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Annual report / Teachers' Pension Plan Board. … Toronto : Régime de retraite des enseignantes …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT169022B

Ontario.Régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants, Ontario.Conseil du régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants

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… anglais sous le titre: Annual report / Teachers' Pension Plan. … Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Annual report / Teachers' Pension Plan Board. … Toronto : Régime de retraite des enseignantes …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT169022E

Ontario.Régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants, Ontario.Conseil du régime de retraite des enseignantes et des enseignants

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… anglais sous le titre: Annual report / Teachers' Pension Plan. … Publié aussi en anglais sous le titre: Annual report / Teachers' Pension Plan Board. … Toronto : Régime de retraite des enseignantes …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT169022G