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Afficher 1 - 15 de 428 résultats
British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… writing to the Gold Com- missioner, in duplicate, with the plan of the ground on the back, and the application must … to be carried over to the credit of such new year. This plan, however, will be found very approximate for each year, … 74() 4,446,\J6:l 29,636,057 3,446,673 51,582,906 2,002,733 22, 536, :181 824,832 1,460,331 4,380,993 1,397,394 4,192,182 …

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… Government Department of Labour created in 1935 a plan whereby unmar- ried, physically fit unemployed men … in Detail of Structural Materials, 19X ~~~~~ ~~~~~~ 22 Table XI.-Production in Detail of Miscellaneous Metals, … operations in and about them is necessarily haphazard or based on hearsay. Despite this, in so+e instances good …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_349494_ar_1936

British Columbia.Dept. of Mines.

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… to be carried over to the credit of such new year. This plan, however, will be found very approximate for each year, … tending to the elimination of enterprises which were not based upon substantial merit, and whiob, them- fore, could … to about 29g %, and of coke a decrease of 4,399 tons or 22 %. In 1902 there were 673,524 tons, or about 75 %. of the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2015_349494_ar_1903

British Columbia.Public Library Commission

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… missing 1937/38. … Year ends March 31. … 1919-1920, 1921-22-1925/26 unpublished. See B.C. Clerk's Papers collection. … … supplement the resources of public library associations by book loans, aml submit an annual report of its work to the … some method of distribution from a larger centre, under a plan of co-ope1·ation, would provide not only more and better …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2014_2_318175_1936_37

Mawdsley, M. Dorothy,1898-, Leeming, Marjorie H., Sedgwick, G. G., British Columbia.Dept. of Education

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… of B ritish Columbia _________________ ._______ T his text-book is very different from Composition for Senior Grades, … illu stra ted by several models, is given fo r plan construction. The work has been organized so th a t very … fo r the Province of B ritish Columbia, whose advice, based on practical experi­ ence, did much to enrich the text. …

International Joint Commission

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… who was associated with Dr. Tyrrell in editing the book, in his foot-notes comments upon this passage in … from the Provincial Government to reclaim these lands. His plan was first to divert the Kootenay river into the … turned over his concession, misled by incompetent advice, based on insufficient data, abandoned altogether the widening …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2011_205588_kootenay_valley

British Columbia.Dept. of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, British Columbia.Ministry of Education, Science and Technology.

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… Coi, Toronto, ordering a dozen copies of the composition book used in your school, and stating that you enclose $3.60 … it was the one great thing upon which the colonies based their hopes for the future, was not at first very … so obtained. Ex. 5.—The given rectangle represents the plan of a slab 1.5 cm. thick, resting on the H. P. The circle …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - pubdocs_bcdocs2019_73597_1903_04_public_schools_ar

British Columbia.Dept. of Education

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… British Columbia.Dept. of Education … Description based on June, 1931 issue. … Catalogue record made available … no need for you to copy out the faulty sentences in your book.) (a.) We remained in Cuba four years, after that my … (a.) The Italian Invasion of Ethiopia. ( ) (b.) The Young Plan of Reparations. - ( ) (c.) Adolf Hitler becomes …

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission., Commission de transport Ontario Northland, Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission.

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… in a traumatic event on the job. “We are a community-based team that comes in to de-brief after critical … normal. I see the difference in people after we do a de-briefing. There’s even a difference in their handshake when … and are concerned with, this organization. No business plan, no performance management system, no directive from the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT6666DM

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission., Commission de transport Ontario Northland, Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission.

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… in a traumatic event on the job. “We are a community-based team that comes in to de-brief after critical … normal. I see the difference in people after we do a de-briefing. There’s even a difference in their handshake when … and are concerned with, this organization. No business plan, no performance management system, no directive from the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT6666NT

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission., Commission de transport Ontario Northland, Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission.

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… in a traumatic event on the job. “We are a community-based team that comes in to de-brief after critical … normal. I see the difference in people after we do a de-briefing. There’s even a difference in their handshake when … and are concerned with, this organization. No business plan, no performance management system, no directive from the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT6666IE

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission., Commission de transport Ontario Northland, Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission.

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… in a traumatic event on the job. “We are a community-based team that comes in to de-brief after critical … normal. I see the difference in people after we do a de-briefing. There’s even a difference in their handshake when … and are concerned with, this organization. No business plan, no performance management system, no directive from the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT6666JC

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission., Commission de transport Ontario Northland, Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission.

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… in a traumatic event on the job. “We are a community-based team that comes in to de-brief after critical … normal. I see the difference in people after we do a de-briefing. There’s even a difference in their handshake when … and are concerned with, this organization. No business plan, no performance management system, no directive from the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT6666BQ

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission., Commission de transport Ontario Northland, Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission.

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… in a traumatic event on the job. “We are a community-based team that comes in to de-brief after critical … normal. I see the difference in people after we do a de-briefing. There’s even a difference in their handshake when … and are concerned with, this organization. No business plan, no performance management system, no directive from the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT6666CO

Ontario Northland Transportation Commission., Commission de transport Ontario Northland, Temiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway Commission.

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… in a traumatic event on the job. “We are a community-based team that comes in to de-brief after critical … normal. I see the difference in people after we do a de-briefing. There’s even a difference in their handshake when … and are concerned with, this organization. No business plan, no performance management system, no directive from the …

Notice détaillée du catalogue - ONT6666HG